Marshall Academy Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
February 7, 2017 6:00 P.M.
Proposed Minutes
I. Meeting Call to Order
Called to order at 6:05P.M.
II. Roll Call
Present: Mary Kempinski, Heather Weberling, Laura Koziarski, Carrie Knobloch
Patti Cornwell
Also Present: Frank Patterson, Ralph Cunningham, Stephanie Kimball, Don Haist
Public: Susan Twiss, Cyd Deane, John Miller, Deb Palmer, Sara Burtis, Marissa Voke, Alecia Redditt, William Redditt, Kristen McDowell and Marta Best
III. Public Comment
1. Susan Twiss thanked the board for all they do.
IV. Approval of Consent Calendar
1. Requested to move the behavior meeting to before the treasures report.
Motion made by Cornwell supported by Knobloch that the Consent Calendar including the January 12, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes and the January 12, 2017 closed meeting minutes and the February 7, 2017 meeting agenda be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
V. Correspondence
VI. Behavior Hearing
At 6:12 p.m., it was moved by Koziarski and supported by Knobloch that the Board go into closed session for the purpose of considering unacceptable student behavior and student expulsion . On a roll call vote of 5-0, the motion carried. (“Yes:” Knobloch, Koziarski, Kempenski, Cornwell, Weberling.)
At 7:14 the board returned to open session.
Motion to expel a 5th grader from Marshall Academy was made by Knobloch and seconded by Weberling . The motion passed unanimously.
The motion passed 4-1. (“Yes:” Knobloch, Kempenski, Cornwell, Weberling. No: Koziarski)
VII. Treasurer's Report
1. US Bank. Payments are back to zero.
2. Nothing out of the ordinary this month.
3. Everything is caught up
4. Discussed the robotics club
The Board reviewed the January Financial Statement. It was moved by Koziarski and supported by Cornwell that the treasurer’s report be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
VIII. New Business
1. 17-18 School Calendar
1. Open enrollment is coming up and the school wanted to get the calendar out to parents.
2. Parent surveys were considered for this schedule
3. Open house will be one week before school starts
4. Katz took out some of the early dismissal days due to parent feedback
5. Conferences will be a full day and then half day
6. The Academy will take the Wednesday off before Thanksgiving due to staff feedback
7. MKL was great this year. The Academy will be keeping that date on the calendar
Cornwell made a motion, seconded by Koziarski to accept the 17-18 School Calendar. The motion carried unanimously.
IX. Old Business
Nothing to report
X. Business/Management Report
A. Headmaster
1. NWEA testing results
• In reading there was excellent growth with first and second grades. Third and fourth grade scored very low as well as eighth grade.
• The Academy will be putting more resources into the third and fourth grades to help improve scores.
• In math first and second grade showed excellent growth. Seventh and ninth grades exceeded their goals. Third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades scored low.
2. Annual Education Report-Tabled until March
3. Operations
§ Count day is February 8th.
§ The Academy is looking for a High School special ed teacher
§ Enrollment is currently 286. Enrollment was 294 at the beginning of the year.
§ Lots of new high schoolers enrolled for second semester
XI. Midwest School Service
• none
XII. Ferris State University
• Board training on auditing was discussed. The training will be February 22nd
• Spring briefing will be in March
XIII. Extended Public Comment
1. Kimball stated that the Dance Team had an article published in the paper and is doing really well.
2. McDowell stated the Snowfest dance went really well and was a great community builder in the school.
3. Kimball said new reset room has been successful
4. Haist stated the board and administration have been doing a great job and very caring and very thorough
XIV. Extended Board Comment
XV. Reconfirmation of Next Meeting Date: March 8th 2017 at 6:00 P.M.
Budget meet at 5:30
Cornwell motioned to adjourn, Weberling seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,
__ /s/Stephanie Kimball______Date February 7, 2017
Stephanie Kimball, recording secretary
Approved by the Board of Directors at its Marche, 8 meeting
Board Secretary _/s/Laura Koziarski Date: __3/22/17_