
Dr Ivan Meyer


Department Culture Affairs & Sport


Dear Dr Ivan Meyer


This committee was put in place to monitor transformation in sport in the Western Cape and the charter was re-affirmed at the Transformation Indaba at Simondium on 28/29 November 2003. The TMC Charter states the role and responsibility as “monitor and evaluate the transformation targets of sport in the WC”. In terms of the responsibility of the Office of the MEC for Cultural Affairs and Sport, the charter states the following:


The implementation of this charter will be monitored and reviewed by the MEC of Cultural Affairs and Sport through aTransformation Monitoring Committee (TMC) that he will appoint, comprising all the stakeholders in sport and recreation.

This TMC will report to the MEC at least twice per year and will make recommendations to

him. They will produce an annual State of Transformation in the Western Cape report.

Federations and macro bodies will be expected to provide the Minister with such reports of

developments at the provincial and local level, through their Sport Councils.

The terms of reference for committee is

  1. To set transformation targets for all sport and recreation federations in the Western Cape.
  2. To monitor and evaluate transformation targets in sport
  3. To finalise the transformation charter.
  4. To develop parameters for the transformation of sport and recreation in the Western Cape.
  5. To serve as the voice and act as the “Public Protector” for Sport and Recreation Federations in the Western Cape.
  6. To report to the Director of Sport and Recreation on matters of transformation in sport.
  7. To advise the Minister on matters relating to transformation in sport.

As communication process with the Office of the MEC has broken down in the past years and seeing the priority if transformation in the new national sport plan, the WC TMC would like to meet with the MEC as soon as possible to seek clarity on the current terms of reference which regulates the operations of the TMC w.r.t. the following:

  • Does the current MEC wish to review the terms of reference of the TMC, and
  • Now that the National Sports and Recreation Plan as well as the Transformation Chartered has been approved and adopted – that we as TMC are given the go ahead to proceed to implement and to enforce the score cards.

Your urgent reply would be greatly appreciated. Attached please find the latest Transformation Charter of the WC as well as the scorecard.

Yours in sport.

Dave van der Walt

General Secretary
