Mr Stephenson'sHonors Calculus Assignments for 2011-2012Quarter 2 (v. 1/21, 19:27)
Textbook: Larson, Calculus of a Single Variable, 7th Ed., Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2002
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L:=Lesson,C:=C.Lab.,HW:=Homewrk,CW:=Classwrk,GW:= Groupwrk,Q:=Quiz,T:=Test,E:=Exam.
YDay / QDay / Date / Activity / Description43 / 43 / R11/1 MCrM / L1.3.5R / Return graded T1-2 & answer stu. questions (Typical Solutions)
Return HW1.3.5#29 & go over Solution.
CW1.3.5R: p.88: 30 (find EXACT velocity object hits ground)
Note: grade for HW1.3.5R will replace grade for HW1.3.5.
44 / 44 / F11/2 MCrM / L1.4.1 / Check HW1.3.5R, p.88#30
Continuity: at Point & on Open Interval, Ex 1;One Sided Limits
CW: p.76: (1-19, 25) odds [n=11]
45 / 45 / M11/5
sub / L1.4.2 / GW: p.90: 1, 7(a,c,d,+sketch function), 13;
46 / 1 / T11/6 / L1.4.3 / Continuity on Closed Interval; Properties of Continuity, Ex’s 6-7
CW: p.77: 29-43 odds [n=8]
47 / 2 / W11/7 MCrE / L1.4.4 / The Intermediate Value Theorem, Ex 8
CW: p.77: (45-51, 55-61) odds [n=8]
48 / 3 / R11/8 MCrE
sub / L1.4.5 / GW: p.77: 63, 67 graph manually, ((69-85, 95) odds) [n=12]
Groups of 2-3 turn in ONE set of solutions for each group at end of class WITH all names on it.
49 / 4 / F11/9 MCrE / L1.4.6 / CW: p.78: (87-89, 99) odds, 100-103, 107 [n=7]
M11/12H / Holiday / Veteran's Day
50 / 5 G / T11/13 / L1.5.1 / Infinite Limits, Ex’s 1-3
CW: p.85: 1-15 odds [n=8]; Graphing Rational Functions
51 / 6 / W11/14 / L1.5.2 / Infinite Limits, Ex’s 4-5
CW: p.85: 17-31 odds [n=8]
52 / 7 / R11/15 / L1.5.3 / CW: p.85: 33-53 odds, 54 [n=12]
53 / 8 / F11/16 RptCrd / L1.5.4 / CW: p.86: 55-64, 68-71 [n=14]
54 / 9 / M11/19 / Review / Make 1-sided Review Sheet & Practice: p.89: 31, 33-36, 38-70
55 / 10 Q / T11/20 / Quiz21 / Covers YDays 43-53.
56 / 11 / W11/21 / PepRally
R11/22-F11/23 H / Holiday / Thanksgiving Recess
57 / 12 / M11/26 / L2.1.1 / The Tangent Line Problem, Ex’s 1-2
CW: Read pp.93-97; Do p.101: 1-10 all (chk w/ graphing utility)
58 / 13 / T11/27 / L2.1.2 / The Derivative of a Function, Ex’s 3-5
CW: Read pp. 97-99; Do p.102: 11-23 odds [n=7]
59 / 14 / W11/28 / L2.1.3 / Differentiability and Continuity, Ex’s 6-7
CW: Read pp. 99-101; Do p.102: 25-37 odds [n=7]
60 / 15 G / R11/29 / L2.1.4 / CW: p.102: 39-46 all [n=8]
61 / 16 / F11/30
sub / L2.1.5 / GW: p.103: (47-49, 61-79)odds; Explain! [n=12]; Students to work in groups of 2-3 during class and finish at home; individual HW-like check on Mon.
62 / 17 / M12/3 / L2.1.6 / CW: p.104: (81-85) odds, 89-92 all – Explain T & F [n=7]
63 / 18 / T12/4 / L2.2.1 / Rules: , , , , Ex’s 1-2,5-7
CW: p.113: 1-17 odds [n=9]; Calculus Reference Sheet
64 / 19 / W12/5 / L2.2.2 / Find: Slope & Tangent Line, Ex’s 3-4,
Rules: , , Ex 8
CW: p.113: 19-37 odds [n=10]
65 / 20 T / R12/6 / Review
66 / 21 / F12/7 T2 / T2-1 / Covers YDays 43-64
67 / 22 / M12/10 / L2.2.3 / CW: p.113: 39-61 odds [n=12]
68 / 23 / T12/11 / L2.2.4 / Rates of Change, Average and Instantaneous Velocity; Ex’s 9-10
CW: p.114: 67, 87-91 all, 93-97 odds, 100 [n=10]
69 / 24 / W12/12
ER 11:45 / L2.2.5 / CW: p.114: (63-65, 69-75) odds, (81-86 all: Explain) [n=12]
70 / 25 G / R12/13 / L2.2.6 / CW: p.116: 101,103,107,109,111,113; [n=6]; For 113 use Thm 1.9.
71 / 26 / F12/14 ProgRpt / L2.3.1 / Rules: , ; Ex’s 1-6
CW: p.124: 1-23 odds [n=12]
72 / 27 / M12/17 / L2.3.2 / CW: p.124: 25-37 odds [n=7]
73 / 28 / T12/18 / L2.3.3 / Derivatives of Trig. Functions, Ex’s 8-9
CW: p.124: (39-53, 59-61) odds [n=10]
74 / 29 / W12/19 / L2.3.4 / CW: p.125: (63-71, 75-81) odds [n=9]
75 / 30 Q / R12/20 / Review / p.153: 17-57 odds
76 / 31 / F12/21
sub / Q2-2 / Quiz on YDays 67-74.
M12/24-T1/1 H / Happy
Holidays! / Christmas Eve - New Year's Day
77 / 32 / W1/2 / L2.3.5 / Higher Order Derivatives, Ex 10
CW: p.125: 83-93 odds, 94-100 all [n=13]
78 / 33 / R1/3 / L2.3.6 / GW: p.126: 101, 103, 105a, (109-116 all; Explain!) [n=11]
2-3 students / group; finish as homework; checking a random group problem solution on Friday, 1/4. {Solutions to today’s HW checks.}
79 / 34 / F1/4 / L2.4.1 / The Chain Rule, Thm 2.10, Ex’s2-6
CW: p.133: 1-33 odds [n=17]; {You read examples 1, 7-9.}
80 / 35 G / M1/7 / L2.4.2 / The Chain Rule and Trig Functions, Ex’s 10-12
CW: p.134: 45-46, 47-65 odds [n=12]
81 / 36 / T1/8 / L2.4.3 / CW: p.134: 67-81 odds [n=8]
82 / 37 / W1/9 / L2.4.4 / CW: p.134: 83-91 all [n=9]
83 / 38 / R1/10 / L2.4.5 / CW: p.136: 101-107odds, 111-114 all [n=8]
84 / 39 / F1/11 / Review
85 / 40 T / M1/14 / Review
86 / 41 / T1/15 / p4 & p1 / Exam covers YDays 43-84; {rest of day: 4, 5, 6, 2}
87 / 42 QA / W1/16 / Snowish
Day / Regular A Shedule
88 / 43 / R1/17 / p2 & p5 / Exam covers YDays 43-84; {rest of day: 4, 5, 6, 3}
89 / 44 / F1/18 / p3& p6 / Exam covers YDays 43-84; {rest of day: 4, 5, 6, 7}
M1/21 H / Holiday / Martin Luther King Day
90 / 45 / T1/22
Qtr2 Ends / p7
p3 OR / Exam covers YDays 43-84; {rest of day: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1}