ECE 212 – Electrical Engineering Laboratory II
Clemson University
Summer II 2011
Section 001 1:15 – 3:15PM MWF
Credit Hours: 1
Name: ???
Email: ???
Phone: ???
Office Hours:By Appointment
Lab Coordinator:
Name:Dr. Timothy Burg
Office:307 Riggs Hall
Phone:(864) 656-1368
Text (required):
ECE 212 – Electrical Engineering Lab II. Revised January 2010
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This laboratory course operates in co-ordination with the companion lecture course, ECE 262. Each course compliments the other: Several ECE 212 exercises require knowledge of theory developed in ECE 262, and several assist in understanding ECE 262 concepts.
ECE 262
35% Pre-Lab and Participation
45% Lab Reports
20% Final Exam
Tentative Grade Scale:
A: 90% - 100%
B: 80% - 89%
C: 70% - 79%
D: 60% - 69%
F: <60%
Lab Notebooks:
A lab notebook should be maintained for this lab by the student. While this will not be checked, it is expected that the student will have all results available for the duration of the semester.
Each lab has a “Preparation” section which should be read and completed prior to each lab. This will be checked at the beginning of each lab session.
Lab Reports:
Three labs will require a full lab write-up. The requirements for these full write-ups are found on page xii of your lab manual. The labs for which the full reports will be required will be identified at a later date. Lab reports are to be completed individually, printed and handed in on the specified date.
Late Work:
All lab reports are due two lab periods from the date the lab is performed. Lab write-ups are expected at the beginning of class on the day it is due. The instructor reserves the right to refuse any late work. If there is a reason that a student cannot complete an assignment on time, please discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.
Final Exam:
The final exam will be given in lab on the last meeting. This exam will be closed-book andclosed-notes. Use of calculator is permitted. Cell phones, iPods, etc. will not be allowed in the exam. If they are seen throughout the exam, the instructor reserves the right to take the exam away and give the student a grade of 0.
Late Instructor:
If the instructor is late, the students are expected to stay 15 minutes.
Attendance is mandatory for every lab. If special circumstances arise that prevent attendance, the student must notify the instructor, and a makeup lab session will be given at the instructor’s discretion.
Academic Integrity:
“As members of the ClemsonUniversity community, we have inherited Thomas GreenClemson’s vision of this institution as a ‘high seminary of learning.’ Fundamentalto this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility,without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, werecognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.”
“When, in the opinion of a faculty member, there is evidence that a student hascommitted an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member shall make a formalwritten charge of academic dishonesty, including a description of the misconduct, tothe Associate Dean for Curriculum in the Office of Undergraduate Studies. At thesame time, the faculty member may, but is not required to, inform each involvedstudent privately of the nature of the alleged charge.”
Note: The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus as needed during the semester. Students will be notified prior to any changes.
Tentative Schedule:
DateLab #Description
July 11...... 1.....Orientation
July 13...... 2.....Average and RMS Values
July 15...... 3.....Capacitors and Series RC Circuits
July 18...... 4.....Inductors and Series RL Circuits
July 20...... 5.....Parallel RC and RL Circuits
July 22...... 6.....Circuit Response
July 25...... 7.....Filters High-pass, Low-pass, Bandpass, and Notch
July 27...... 8.....Transformers
July 29...... 9.....Two-Port Network Characterization
August1...... 10....Final Exam
August 3...... -.....Make Up Lab (if needed)
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