Application Form
Team Leader, Tai Tokerau Attendance Service
Personal Details:
Surname: / First Name(s):Address:
Application Form Road Map
This application form consists of three sections.
Section one:This consists of FOUR key competencies (sets of behaviours) for the role. Please rate yourself oneach competency in order of relative strength from 1 to 4 (1 being the strongest), and provide an example from a past experience where you believe you have demonstrated each competency well.
Section two:The recruiting manager is also looking for someone with a particular set of specific knowledge, skills and experience. Again, you are asked to rate yourself in each of these areas on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the strongest) and providean example from a past experience where you believe you have demonstrated each area well (i.e. in work/personal/education setting).
Section three:This is an administrative section where you need to provide additional information regarding Education, Employment History, Referees, Criminal History etc… which will assist us in considering your suitability for the position. It also tells you where to send your application and the closing date for this position.
Please complete all three sections as indicated aboveBEFORE submitting your application. This includes providing your consent on page 7and signing the declaration on page 8.
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Section One
Please provide an example from a past experience where you believe you have demonstrated each of the competencies listed below in the table. In addition, please rate yourself on each competencyin order of relative strength from 1 to 4(1 being the strongest). This is to allow the recruiting manager to get an indication of which is your relative area of strength.
Competency / Rating(1 to 4)
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to communicate with people of all ages and from all walks of life
- Conveys thoughts and ideas professionally and clearly
- Can communicate using a variety of mediums – verbal, written, electronic messages
Please provide an examplefrom a past experience when you have demonstratedthis competency well.
Relationship Management
- Quickly builds rapport with people
- Can establish and maintain both formal and informal working relationships
- Ability to engage in working relationships with schools, whānau, NGOs and government agencies
Please provide an example from a past experience when you have demonstrated this competency well.
Cultural Responsiveness
- Relates effectively to whānau and learners from diverse cultural backgrounds
- Demonstrates a commitment to working in a culturally appropriate way with Māoriwhānau
- Demonstrates responsiveness to the needs of whānau and taitamariki
Please provide an example from a past experience when you have demonstrated this competency well.
Problem Solving and Innovation
- Analyses numerical data, verbal data and all other sources of information
- Breaks information into component parts, patterns and relationships
- Probes for further information or greater understanding of a problem
- Produces workable solutions to a range of problems
- Thinks about a situation or issue in a different way to generate new ideas
- Seeks out and implements alternative ways of doing things to initiate change
Please provide an example from a past experience when you have demonstrated this competency well.
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Section Two
Required Knowledge, Skills and Experience
In addition to demonstrating various competencies, we are also looking for someone with a particular set of knowledge, skills and experience to carry out the functions of this role.
- A working knowledge of the community and the resources available to assist whānau.
- Extensive skills in developing and maintaining positive, trust-based relationships with tamariki and whānau.
- Experience in working effectively with Māori whānau with a focus on tamariki and taitamariki.
Please provide a comprehensive description from a past experience of how you have demonstrated each of these areas well. In addition, please rate yourself on each of the following areas from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) to indicate the level of knowledge, skills and experience you have to offer
A good working knowledge of employment and education opportunities. / Rating(1 to 10)
A working knowledge of the community and the resources available to assist whānau.
Please provide an example from a past experience which describesyour level of knowledgein the above description.
Extensive skills in developing and maintaining positive, trust-based relationships with tamariki and whānau.
Please provide an example from a past experience which describes your level of skills in the above description.
Experience in working effectively with Māori whānau with a focus on tamariki and taitamariki.
Please provide an example from a past experience which describes your level of experience in the above description.
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Section Three
Please provide details of any relevant academic or vocational qualifications, including start and dates of attending the awarding body or facility.
Education Facility/Professional Body / From / To / Qualifications Obtained(You will be required to provide evidence of qualifications obtained, including practicing certificates etc…)
Employment History
Please provide a chronological list of previous employment (both voluntary and paid) with start and end dates for the preceding five years. Please continue on a separate sheet, to add further employment details.
Current/Past Employer:Period Employed: / From: / To:
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Reason for Leaving:
Current/Past Employer:
Period Employed: / From: / To:
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Reason for Leaving:
Current/Past Employer:
Period Employed: / From: / To:
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Reason for Leaving:
Current/Past Employer:
Period Employed: / From: / To:
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Reason for Leaving:
Please provide three refereeswho we can contact to discuss your suitability for this role. Referees should not be related or part of your extended family and must be from your most recent employment.
Name of Referee / Relationship to you(Employer/Colleague/Friend etc…) / Phone
I consent to Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi (the Rūnanga) seeking verbal or written information about me from representatives of my previous employers and/or referees and authorise the information sought to be released for the purposes of ascertaining my suitability for the position I am applying for. I understand that the information received by the Rūnanga is supplied in confidence as evaluative information, and as such will not be disclosed to me.
Applicant’s signature / DateDriver Licence
/ Yes / NoDo you hold a current full New Zealand Driver Licence
Has your Driver Licence been cancelled within the last five years?
Is there any matter pending which could affect the status of your Driver Licence?
Work Status
/ Yes / NoAre you a New Zealand Citizen?
Do you hold permanent residency in New Zealand?
Are you legally entitled to work in New Zealand?
You will be required to provide evidence of your entitlement to work in NZ)
Additional Information
/ Yes / NoHave you ever been convicted of any specified offence or do you have any legal proceedings pending against you? (apart from minor speeding or parking offences)
If yes, please provide details:
Do you have any known health condition, injury or illness which may affect your ability to perform the duties of this position?
If yes, please provide details:
Have you ever been subject to any form of disciplinary action, which may or may not have been resolved through a confidential settlement agreement?
If yes, please provide details:
I hereby declare that I have read the Privacy Act statement (below) and I am aware of my rights under the Privacy Act 1993. I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this application and in the curriculum vitae provided is correct and I understand that if any false or deliberately misleading information is given, or any material fact suppressed, I will not be accepted, or if I am employed, my employment agreement may be terminated. I therefore certify that all information is correct and no information has been withheld.
Applicant’s signature / DateThe Privacy Act 1993
The information which you supply on this application form is solely to assess your suitability for employment with the Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi (the Rūnanga). Failure to complete all sections truthfully will render this application invalid and should you have been successful in your application, may be grounds for dismissal. This information will be held in theRūnanga personnel files. No information will be disclosed to third parties without your authorisation, except as required by law. Information on unsuccessful candidates will be confidentially destroyed after one week. You have the right to view your personal information held by the Rūnanga in the presence of a Manager and you may request correction if necessary.
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Please Note:
Please support your application with a CV and Cover Letter but note that we do require this application form be completed as well.
Also, please note that we do not return CV’s so please do not send us your best bound copy as it will be destroyed at the end of this process along with all of the other information we have collected. We are more interested in content, than presentation.
Applications may be emailed r posted to:
Human Resources
Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngapuhi
PO Box 263
Kaikohe 0440
Marked “Confidential – Job Application”
Applications must be received by no later than Monday, 6th November 2017 at 5.00 pm to be considered.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form.
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