Accelerated Reader (AR)

Third Grade Room 19

The goal of this letter is to explain how AR works in our classroom. It’s very important that, “We're All in this Together” when it comes to students being successful in reading. 

Step 1:

Each quarter, every student takes the, “Star,” test on a computer which tells “about” what level each child is currently reading andcomprehending. This level is a range; for example you may see 2.5-4.2 written on your child's AR card or AR goal sheet. That range is the level ofbooks your child should be reading untiltheir range is changed. They should not choose bookslower than their range, because the points won’t go toward their AR reading goal.

Step 2:

For the first quarter, the only goal the students will have is to read a book and take one test each week. If the student is reading a long chapter book a, "deal" can be made. The student just needs to talk to Mrs. Meyer before Friday. For quarters, two, three and four the student and his/her family will set a goal to read and earn at the beginning of each quarter. This goal can be found on their AR Goal Sheet, which is locatedon cardstockin their binder under AR Tracking.

Step 3:

The students check out books from the school library, public library and/or our class library within their range. Each book has a level and is worth points. You will find a label type sticker on the inside cover of the library book stating the range and points. Thebooks fromour classlibrary are usually written on the title page ofthe book. Then the students read the book and keep trackoftheir pageson their pink AR Tracking Sheet, foundin their binder. Once the student finishes the book, they get permission from me to take the test on the computer. When they take the test they earn a score and points toward their goal. Please remember that students may not use their books while taking their test. Please justask me if you have any questions or need any help.

Step 4:

They read and test all quarter long and meet their goal! Yeah! They will earn various prizeswhen they meettheir goal or earn points above their goal.

Where does the grade part come in to play?

  • Every three weeks there is a check point. If your child has the amount of points they were assigned or have earned more points than was assigned, they earn a 100% in the grade book.
  • If they do not have the points required at the check point and at the end of the quarter, they receive a percentage grade based on what they have earned. For example, they needed three points but only have two, that is equivalent to a 67% (D+) in the gradebook.

What do I need to do to support my child?

  • Remind your child to read on a daily basis. Although I cannot assign homework on the weekend, you may want to enforce a little reading on Saturday and Sunday too.
  • Review each book with them before they take their test. Talk about the story, characters, plot, setting etc.
  • Remind your child to take at least one test every week.
  • Remind your child to take their AR books to and from school every day. They need to have their books in order to read.
  • Parents are NOT allowed to test with the students. All AR testing must take place in our classroom and every student takes their test independently.

What does my child need to do to be successful?

  • Read….every day!
  • Take a test on the computer at least once a week and earn at least 80%.
  • Check out AR books in their range.
  • Bring their books to and from school every day.

Please let me know if you need more clarification after your read this section.