Members Present: Linda Bayusik, Bryan Bonina, Jon Brammer, Robyn Brooks, Cindy Casper, Maureen Chalmers, Fran Coan, Steve Cohen, Linda Day, Robert Fernandez, David Flynn, William Foster, Angelo Glaviano, Greg Hager, Mike Heaphy, Tom Jackson, Kim James, Ana Jusino, Kevin Lamkins, Janet Lanci, Nick Lefakis, Christina Lepi, Lorraine Li, John McNamara, Joseph Navarra, Fred Odell, Julie Mangini, Kelly Pittman, Liz Pisaretz, Michael Rood, Tony Scott, William Searle, Kevin Skee, Anson Smith, Anita Sparrow, David Welsh
President Cohen called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. by welcoming everyone.
1. Welcome and Introductions: All present identified themselves and their affiliation with the 4C’s.
2. Approval of Minutes of May 7, 2011 Delegate Assembly Meeting & Approval of Minutes of
the April 21, 2011 Executive Board Meeting: R. Brooks asked that her name be added to Members
Present section since she was in attendance. Both the minutes from 5/7 and 4/21 meetings were
approved unanimously following a motion by T. Jackson and seconded by J. Lanci.
3. Brief Housekeeping Items (a & b): A motion was made by L. Pisaretz and seconded by J. Lanci to nominate Tom Jackson for position of 4C’s Grievance Officer, and Bob Fernandez for 4C’s Political Director. The motion was unanimously approved.
4. SEBAC Udate:
(a) OPM/LOB issues - Board of regents will face 6% cut in personnel – 270 people. This reduction is light compared with other agencies, for example, DOC is facing a much larger number of layoffs. The CCC System office is scheduled to meet with the 4C’s to discuss possible positions to be identified. Decisions will not be based on seniority. There will be a 30-day discussion period for negotiations and review of identified positions. Politics are involved in all of this - layoffs of State employees throughout CT - and at all levels throughout the state agencies. “Nothing is official, until it’s official.”
(b) SEBAC bylaws: review + revision – Bylaws will be discussed at SEBAC meeting on 7/18. Governor Malloy wants bylaws amended before he begins renegotiations. Bylaw 10(c) is the governing language that needs to be considered for additional talks to take place. SEBAC is looking at variations of the one member, one vote. T. Jackson made a motion, seconded by W. Searle, to authorize President Cohen to vote for changes to the bylaws. Discussion ensued to consider maybe a 2/3 majority versus a 50% + 1. Clarification provided concerning the difference between “approval” and “re-opening.” T. Jackson provided interpretation of the bylaws, in particular, the difference between article 10 and article 7. President Cohen provided historical perspective of the SEBAC bylaws. B. Fernandez provided explanation as to how the bylaws could be changed to improve chances of a possible new tentative agreement being ratified.
T. Jackson withdrew and amended original motion to: encourage President Cohen to change the SEBAC bylaws to reduce the super majority in order to ratify a re-opened negotiation (article 10c). Seconded by
J. Lanci. Discussion continued for clarity and exchange of ideas. Fairness was the goal of all the discussion and was reiterated as the message President Cohen needs to bring to 7/18 SEBAC meeting.
M. Chalmers added that SEBAC needs to work on building “unionism” in a way that fosters shared sacrifice, as well as sharing in the good times, to gain favor with members. J. Lanci made a motion to call the question. Seconded by L. Li. Motion to call the question passed unanimously. Vote was called on the amended motion. A point of information was asked for concerning the use of word “ratify.” Another point of information was asked for concerning whether we would be putting ourselves in a bad position.
The amended motion was passed by the majority of members present. Two members opposed.
(c) “new” TA possibilities? – If bylaws are changed, then negotiations will begin on 7/19. The 4C’s is prepared for another vote. Either paper ballots or an electronic option will be used. Delegate Assembly members will be consulted and informed in a timely manner. Email vote may be necessary.
(d) SEIU coalition views – Discussion ensued concerning SEBAC’s delay after TA ratification vote. President Cohen explained the circumstances related to interpretation of SEBAC bylaws. There was disagreement within SEBAC as to which articles of the bylaws governed the ratification vote. M. Chalmers made a motion to encourage President Cohen to affirm the tabled motion if all else fails, and vote to accept it. Seconded by D. Welsh. More discussion. Motion to call the question by L. Li, and seconded by J. Lanci. Motion passed by majority, 2 opposed, 1 abstention.
(e) 4C’s positions + consequences – President Cohen asked for the members present to re-affirm the vote at previous Delegate Assembly meeting which authorized him to enter discussions with Board of Trustees and the Governor’s Office. Motion made by B. Fernandez, and seconded by J. Lanci. Motion passed unanimously.
J. Lanci made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by R. Brooks. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted for approval by B. Bonina, substituting for S. Krevisky, 4C’s Secretary.