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  • With less than X months to go until the UK's largest corporate sleepout, pleasejoin meas I swap my suit for a sleeping bag at@ByteNightand help@actnforchildrencontinue to prevent youth homelessness.
  • Take a look at our Byte Night London 2017 film to see why you should join us to sleep out at @ByteNight and make a difference to the lives of young people in the UK.
  • No young person should have to experience homelessness in any conditions. You can help @actnforchildren to combat youth homelessness by donating to @ByteNight or joining me in sleeping out on Friday 5 October.
  • Sign up to @ByteNight on Friday 5th October so that young people experiencing homelessness no longer have to endure sleeping rough whatever the temperature is outside.
  • One in four homeless young people have a diagnosed mental health problem.Sign upto @ByteNight today to make a difference to the lives of these young people by spending one night sleeping rough on Friday 5 October!


  • In less than Xmonths time, I will be spending the night sleeping rough on Friday 5th October at @ByteNight to help @actionforchildren continue to prevent youth homelessness. Please join me in helping to keep vulnerable young people off the streets and enabe them to build better lives. Register on thewebsitetoday.
  • On Friday 6th October 2017, over 1500 people spent one night sleeping rough at Byte Night to raise money for Action for Children. Take a look at the magic from the night itself by viewing our Byte Night London video, and see why you should register today to join me at Byte Night London 2018.
  • In just over Xmonths time, I will be swapping my suit for a sleeping bag and sleeping rough to raise money for Byte Night so that @actnforchildren can continue to combat youth homelessness. No young person should have to face sleeping outside at the mercy of the elements. On Friday 5th October, you can join me in helping @actnforchildren support the 83,000 young people that have to experience sleeping in cold, uncomfortable conditions with nowhere to go. Sign up today
  • One in four homeless young people have a diagnosed mental health problem. Action for Children works to support vulnerable young people to ensure they are given a stronger start in life, a secure future and enable them to reach their full potential. I am showing my support to Action for Children by spending one night sleeping rough at their flagship fundraising event, Byte Night, on Friday 5 October. You cansign up todayto join me there and help Action for Children make a difference to the lives of vulnerable young people.


  • Join me for the 21st year of @ByteNight and sleep out on Friday 5th October in {please insert location}to help @actionforchildren continue to prevent youth homelessness.Individuals and teams from the technology and business services spend a night sleeping out to raise sponsorship and awareness of Action for Children's work and ensure all young people are given the future they deserve. You can find out more by contacting me directly or register on thewebsitetoday.
  • Byte Night is taking place on Friday 5th October. Please join me there for the events 21st anniversary of Action for Children’s flagship fundraising event, and the UK’s largest corporate sleepout, Byte Night. Every year in the UK around 83,000 young people experience homelessness and Action for Children works to support these young people. Join me at our launch to learn more about Action for Children and the work that they do, as well as hear how you can make a difference to the lives of vulnerable young people by spending one night sleeping rough.
  • Over 1500 people spent one night sleeping rough at Byte Night on Friday 6th October 2017 to raise money so that Action for Children could continue to prevent youth homelessness in the UK. In 2018 Byte Night has grown to 12 different locations across the UK and continues to shine a spotlight on the incredible work that Action for Children does through over 600 services across the country. Take a look at the magic from the night itself and see why you should join me and sleep out at Byte Night on Friday 5th October.
  • On Friday 5th October, in just over Xmonths time, I will be sleeping rough to experience one night of what young people across the UK have to experience on a day-to-day basis. Every year, a staggering 83,000 young people in the UK experience youth homelessness, but with our help we can support Action for Children by sleeping out at Byte Night on Friday 5th October. The money raised will go towards helping Action for Children support these individuals lead a safe and happy future. Sign up today and take part in what is now considered the largest corporate sleep-out.
  • One in four homeless young people have a diagnosed mental health problem and every year over 83,000 young people experience homelessness in the UK. Action for Children works to support vulnerable young people to ensure they are given a stronger start in life, a secure future and enable them to reach their full potential. You can help Action for Children support more of these young people by spending one night sleeping rough at their flagship fundraising event, Byte Night. I have been lucky enough as a Byte Night London board member to see the fantastic work that Action for Children does, so please join me in sleeping out at Byte Night London on Friday 5 October. To join me there you cansign up today.