Board of Education Meeting 11/26/13
of the Metuchen Board of Education
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I. Flag Salute
II. Notice of Meeting
I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.
Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, The Sentinel, The Star Ledger, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.
III. Roll Call
Mr. Benderly / P / Mr. Lifton / PMs. deVries / P / Ms. Matise / P
Mr. Flaherty / P / Ms. McGuire / P
Ms. Gibson / P / Mr. Stern / P
Ms. Lanton / P
IV. Showcase of Success
v Students who received a score of 300 on the 2013 administration of the NJASK 6-8 Mathematics and NJASK 6-8 ELA were honored by the Board of Education. Each student received a certificate from the superintendent.
V. Presentation/Discussion Items
· MHS teacher Even Robbins will give an overview of his proposal for a student trip to Ghana.
· Superintendent Vincent Caputo will present an update on district goal achievement.
VI. Report of the President of the Board of Education
Mr. Lifton reiterated his message from the November 12 meeting since it was not recorded by MEtv.
VII. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
The Superintendent sent holiday wishes to all staff and community members.
VIII. Report of the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Nothing at this time.
IX. Committee Reports
The committee met and wrapped up the discussion of committee goals for the year. There was a discussion of the two new ipad carts at Moss and EMS and the district’s readiness for PAARC.
Policy: The committee met and discussed policies that will appear on an upcoming agenda including the Code of Conduct. Most changes made to these policies are mandated due to changes in statute.
Curriculum: The committee met and discussed the revisions to the Honors Algebra 2 curriculum. There was a discussion of the report cards at Campbell school and how to make them more indicative of students’ mastery of subjects. They reviewed participation numbers in VHS as well as student feedback. The looked at district participation in AP testing and reviewed a status report on Campbell School balanced literacy.
Personnel: The committee met with the recommended candidate for Campbell School principal. They also reviewed the timeline for replacing several supervisory positions.
X. New Business
Mr. Lifton brought up the idea of Board meetings beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Stern spoke about increasing world language offerings to include Mandarin.
XI. Old Business
Mr. Caputo updated the Board on the use of electronic conference scheduling at MHS.
XII. Meeting Open to the Public
(for comment on any Presentation/Discussion items, Reports, and New/Old Business)
XIII. Meeting Open to the Public
(for comments on the Recommendations of the Superintendent)
XIV. Minutes
Move to approve minutes of the following meetings:
October 29, 2013 / Meeting, Special Executive SessionNovember 12, 2013 / Special Executive Session
November 21, 2103 / Special Executive Session
Mr. Lifton Ms. Lanton
Moved Seconded Motion carried 9-0
XV. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
(At this time the Board will take formal action on the following items).
1. Appointment – Certificated Staff
Move to approve the appointment of Edward Porowski as Principal of Campbell elementary School effective January 2, 2014 through June 30, 2014; salary status $114,000/yr., 12 month position, prorated.
2. Extension of Leave
Move to approve an extension of a medical leave of absence for Michele Gouveia through February 4, 2014.
3. Long Term Substitute
Move to approve Tara Tay as a long term substitute for Michele Gouveia retroactive to November 4, 2013 through February 4, 2014; rate of pay: $80 per diem for days 1 through 20 and $261.71 for days 21 through the end of assignment.
4. Extension of Leave Replacement
Move to approve an extension of Kathleen Roder as leave replacement for Becky Jacheo from February 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014.
5. Extension of Leave
Move to approve an extension of a leave of absence for Lauren Korellis (Sp. Ed. At EMS) from January 2, 2014 through June 30, 2014.
6. Extension of Leave Replacement
Move to approve an extension of Lauren Such as leave replacement for Lauren Korellis (Sp. Ed. At EMS) through June 30, 2014.
7. Appointment – Certificated Staff
Move to appoint the following as teachers for the Title I (1-8) After-School Program at the following hourly rate:
Teacher / Hourly Rate / Number of Days / TotalJennifer Miller / $33 x 3 hrs = $99 / 41 / $4059
Melissa Savarese / $33 x 3 hrs = $99 / 41 / $4059
Vivian Petrakakos / $33 x 3 hrs = $99 / 41 / $4059
Danielle Weitzner / $33 x 3 hrs = $99 / 41 / $4059
8. Appointment – Certificated Staff
Move to appoint the following as substitute teachers for the Title I (1-8) After-School Program at the following hourly rate:
Teacher / Hourly RateEmily Presuto / $33 x 3 hrs. = $99
Amanda Yonks / $33 x 3 hrs. = $99
9. MHS Coaching Staff
Move to appoint Timothy Holleran as Assistant Wrestling Coach at Metuchen High School for a stipend of $5,313.
10. Volunteer School Counselor
Move to approve Sara Menafro as a Volunteer School Counselor (one day per week) at Edgar Middle School.
11. Substitute Teachers
Move to approve Rachel Valovcin (substitute certification) as a substitute teacher for the 2013-2014 school year:
Items A1 - 11
Ms. de Vries Mr. Benderly
Moved Seconded Motion carried 9-0
1. Payment of Bills
a) Board Secretary’s Certification
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10 (d), the Board Secretary has
certified that as of October 29, 2013 no budgetary line item accounts have obligations and payments which exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education.
Michael A. Harvier, Board Secretary Date
b) Approve the Following Items Submitted by the Board Secretary
Payment of bills and claims, as shown on the attached
list(s) (Fund 12) that have been certified by the Board Secretary and filed in the Business Office.
2. Treasurer of School Monies’ and Board Secretary’s Reports
Move approval of the Treasurer of School Monies’ Report, Board
Secretary’s Report as of September 30, 2013.
3. Resolution
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves the Agreement in OAL DOCKET NO.: EDS 14084-2013N and directs the administration to implement its terms.
4. Out-of-District Placements
Move to approve the following out-of-district placements for the 2013-14 school year:
Student / Effective Date / School / Amount002014111 / Mercer County Vo-Tech / $3,200.00
002022181 / 11/27/13 – 6/20/14 / UMDNJ Child Therapeutic Day School / $39,466.00
5. Professional Development
Move to approve the following Professional Development Activities as shown on the attached list.
6. Field Trips
Move approval of the following field trips for students in the
Metuchen School District as shown on the attached list.
Items B1 - 6
Mr. Lifton Mr. Stern
Moved Seconded Motion carried 9-0
1. Second Reading
Move to approve a second reading of the following policies:
8453 – HIV/Aids
8461 – Reporting violence, harassment, intimidation, bullying,
alcohol and other drug abuse
Ms. Gibson Ms. McGuire
Moved Seconded Motion carried 9-0
1. Revised Curriculum
Move to approve the revised curriculum for the following:
Honors Algebra 2
Mr. Benderly Ms. Matise
Moved Seconded Motion carried 9-0
XVI. Meeting Open to Public
XVII. Announcements
XVIII. Motion to Go Into Executive Session
(when applicable)
Resolution to Close Meeting
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss PERSONNEL, PROPERTY, AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING MATTERS, and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exists.
Professional Development for Board Approval - 11-26-2013Start Date / End Date / Activity Title / Last, First Name / Building / Requested_
Total / Payment_
Method / FFPI #
11/15/2013 / 11/15/2013 / Indoor Air Quality Training / Trojan, Susan / MHS / $ - / No cost
11/19/2013 / 11/19/2013 / Unpacking the Common Core State Standards / DeSimone, Chris / EMS / $ 120.00 / No cost
11/19/2013 / 11/19/2013 / Unpacking the Common Core State Standards: Guiding Teachers through the Process / Porowski, Ed / C/O / $ 145.00 / Other
11/26/2013 / 11/26/2013 / Helping Your Students with Special Needs Achieve Greater Success with the Common Core / Huntress, Donna / CES / $ 239.00 / FFPI / 14-075
12/2/2013 / 12/2/2013 / Promoting a Conceptual Understanding of Fractions in Grades 3-5 / Logan, Karen / EMS / $ 14.55 / No cost
12/3/2013 / 12/3/2013 / Roundtable on Special Education / Cuthbertson, Christine
12/3/2013 / 12/3/2013 / Roundtable on Special Education / Broadbent, Pat / Moss / $ - / No cost
12/3/2013 / 12/3/2013 / Roundtable on Special Education / Irenski, Janet / CES / $ - / No cost
12/3/2013 / 12/3/2013 / Roundtable on Special Education / Trapanese, Alissa / MHS / $ - / No cost
12/3/2013 / 12/3/2013 / Morris-Union Jointure - Training for Bus Drivers and Aides: Behavioral Issues, Bullying, Health Management / Bailey, Gail, Dawn Swallick, Linda Rhodes,Anna Szwast / CES / $25/person / No cost
12/5/2013 / 12/5/2013 / Rutgers University Counselor Day / Grauer, Traci / C/O / $ - / No cost
12/10/2013 / 12/10/2013 / Planning and Implementing a Successful I&RS Program for School Administrators / Kirschner, Brooke / MHS / $ - / No cost
12/10/2013 / 12/10/2013 / Changing the Impact of Formative Assessment / Caputo, Vincent Glutz, Kathy Porowski, Ed / C/O EMS C/O / Vouchers
12/13/2013 / 12/13/2013 / Get a Leg Up / Butler, Lauren / CES / $ 180.00 / Other
12/17/2013 / 12/17/2013 / Promoting a Conceptual Understanding of Fractions in Grades 3-5 / Miller, Jennifer / MHS / $ - / No cost
12/17/2013 / 12/17/2013 / Promoting a Conceptual Understanding of Fractions in Grades 3-5 / Petrakakos, Vivian / EMS / $ 9.50 / FFPI / 14-077
12/17/2013 / 12/17/2013 / Promoting a Conceptual Understanding of Fractions in Grades 3-5 / Presuto, Emily / EMS / $ 16.39 / FFPI / 14-080
1/7/2014 / 1/7/2014 / Guided Reading: Differentiating Group Instruction K-2 / Gil, Staci / EMS / $ 10.60 / FFPI / 14-079
1/7/2014 / 1/7/2014 / Guided Reading: Differentiating Using Small Group Instruction / Lass, Susan / CES / $ 225.00 / FFPI / 14-076
2/20/2014 / 2/22/2014 / NJ Music Educators Conference / DeSimone, Chris / CES / $ 225.00 / FFPI / 14-081
2/28/2014 / 2/28/2014 / NJASCD Annual Conference/Institute / Cohen, Richard / EMS / $ 150.00 / FFPI / 14-074
3/18/2014 / 3/18/2014 / School Residency Law / Toro, JoEllen / C/O / $ 75.00 / Other
3/28/2014 / 3/28/2014 / Rutgers 45th Annual Reading And Writing Conference / Huntress, Donna / MHS / $ -
CES / $ 187.00 / FFPI / 14-078
BOE Mtg. 11/26/13
Advisors / Date(s) / No. of Students
Campbell / Brookdale Ocean Institute at Sandy Hook / 3rd Graders will learn about ocean creatures and plant life, and effects of weathering on ocean habitat. / K. Wong,
M. Fiore,
F. Hunt,
N. Valera,
T. Yakowenko,
M. Bethe,
J. Salit,
D. Weitzner,
C. Donohue,
P Silver, nurse,
3-4 parents/class / 6/16/14 / 185
Edgar / Campbell School / 5th Grade Students will interview 2nd grade students for narratives they will write. / K. Logan / 12/4/13 / 26
Edgar / St. Joseph’s H.S.
Metuchen / 7th & 8th Grade Math Club/Team will compete in Math Competition. / L. McCadden
S. Vorensky / 1/11/14 / 20
Edgar / Historic Philadelphia, PA / 5th Graders will enhance the study of Colonial America and the early government / All 5th Grade Teachers,
35 parents (some will drive) / 4/4/14 / 188
Edgar / Six Flags/Great Adventure
Jackson, NJ / 8th Graders will apply what they have learned about the physics of force and motion to calculating velocity, acceleration, and force. / 8th Grade Teachers and additional staff / 5/2/14 / 177
Edgar / American Museum of Natural History
NY, NY / Seventh Graders will explore and experience the exhibits in museum. / Seventh Grade Team of Teachers / 5/2/14 / 152
Edgar / Dorney Park, PA / 7/8 Chorus and Orchestra will perform and compete in Trills & Thrills Music Festival / S. Krombholz,
C. Morrison,
J. Gallagher,
15 parents / 5/9/14 / 150
MHS / Edgar School / Band will perform in the Annual Winter Festival Parade / J. Morrison,
J. Messenger,
4 parents / 12/1/13
(Sunday) / 70
MHS / Gran Centurion
Clark, NJ / Choir will perform for Ms. Roma’s retirement party. / S. Krombholz,
S. LaFauci / 12/3/13 (after school) / 15-20
MHS / NJ State Veteran’s Memorial Home
Edison, NJ / Student Outreach group will go caroling for veterans. / J. Scharf,
S. Karger,
K. Sullivan / 12/18/13 / 20
MHS / Campbell School / Band will play a concert for Campbell students / J. Morrison,
J. Messenger / 12/20/13 / 85
MHS / William Paterson University / Concert Choir will participate in choral workshop and festival. / S Krombholz,
L. Wisniewski / 3/24/14 / 30
MHS / Repertorio Español
NY, NY / Spanish 3 students will view a play concerning an American’s cultural heritage in Puerto Rico (in Spanish). They will also eat in a Cuban Restaurant. / R. Kamin,
K. Flores,
P. Fonseca,
D. Scala / 3/27/14 / 40
MHS / Repertorio Español
NY, NY / Spanish 4 students will view performance of scenes from Don Quijote (in Spanish). / R. Kamin / 4/24/14 / 21