Harrison County Middle School

School-Based Decision Making Council Meeting Minutes

November 20th, 2013

Harrison County Middle School’s School-Based Decision Making Council met Wednesday, November 20th 2013, beginning at 4:34 p.m. in the HCMS library at 269 Education Drive. The following council members were present:

1. Mike McIntire, Principal 4. Linda King, Teacher 2. Kelly Whalen, Teacher 5. Kim Darnell, Parent

3. Mandy Denniston, Parent

Donna Williams was present as recording secretary as well as Robin Glascock, HCMS assistant principal. Arlene Sowder was present to answer questions regarding a volleyball fundraiser request.

Call to Order/Welcome: Mr. McIntire called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m.

Approval of the Agenda: Mr. McIntire asked that the November 20th, 2013 agenda be reviewed and considered for approval. Kelly Whalen motioned to approve the agenda and Kim Darnell seconded the motion. The November 20th, 2013 meeting agenda was approved by consensus of the council.

Approval of Minutes: The council reviewed the minutes from the October 23rd, 2013 meeting. Kelly Whalen motioned to approve the minutes and Kim Darnell seconded the motion. The October 23rd, 2013 minutes were approved by consensus of the council.

Principal’s Report:

CSIP Update: Glascock

Ms. Glascock presented the 2013 -2014 HCMS Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) to the council. She reviewed the four goals that were developed based on input from each department in the school. The goals this year focus on improvement in the areas of reading and math, along with having each 8th grader career and college prepared before transitioning to the high school. A fourth goal was established to prepare teachers for the new evaluation system (PGES). Ms. Glascock spoke briefly on the strategies and activities for each goal. She then asked the council to also take time to look over the KDE Needs Assessment, KDE Assurances, School Safety Diagnosis, and the middle school Compliance and Accountability sections of the comprehensive plan.

After reviewing the plan, Ms. Glascock asked the council if there were any questions or concerns from the council.

Mr. McIntire then asked for a motion to approve the 2013-2014 HCMS Comprehensive School Improvement Plan. Kim Darnell made a motion to accept the plan and Kelly Whalen seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire- yes

Linda King- yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

The plan was accepted by council consensus.

EXPLORE Summary Results 13-14

The Explore Test given to our eighth graders in September is similar to the ACT Test given in high school. It accounts for 25% of the school total accountability to the state. Mr. McIntire distributed charts showing the average performance of our students for the past three years compared to the national norm. The areas of academics involved were English, Mathematics, Reading, Science and Composite. The scale for scoring is 1-25 points. Student performance for the past year compared to national norm is also charted along with Usage/Mechanics and Rhetorical Skills.

The Kentucky School Report Card list the four areas of accountability; Achievement, Gap, Growth, and College and Career Readiness. The districts’ schools are listed individually with points earned and weighted score for each of the four areas. Mr. McIntire pointed out that in the College and Career Readiness area, the middle school’s weighted score increased from 6.8 to 7.3 (+.5).This will account for 25% of the schools’ total assessment for this year. He is very pleased with our eighth grade class.

1st Nine Week Discipline Summary

Handouts were distributed to council members showing the first nine weeks’ discipline figures. All infractions were listed with columns for 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade. The number of occurrences for the first nine weeks per grade was recorded. These occurrences are put in the system by teachers and administration. The total for all grades per infraction(s) were noted in last column. On the bottom of second page, in-school suspensions per grade were recorded with detail of number of students, resolutions and total days served. The Learning Center also had an area for discipline, but there were no students involved in this program for the first nine weeks

The third and fourth pages had similar data and format although the information was a comparison to last years’ data at the end of first nine weeks. There was also a comparison of in-school suspensions and the Learning Center.

Mr. McIntire asked if there were any questions or comments. The council was satisfied with the information and format provided. They did not feel that anything needed to be added to the report.

Emergency Procedures Policy (2nd Reading)

Mr. McIntire asked if there was a motion to accept the Emergency Procedure Policy presented by assistant principal, Todd Harp, at October 23rd meeting.(Second Reading) Linda King made a motion and Kelly Whalen seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire-yes

Linda King- yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

The Emergency Procedures Policy was approved by consensus of the council.(Second Reading)

Financial Reports: Fundraisers/SAA- The following fundraisers were presented by Mr. McIntire for approval.

Arlene Sowder was present to present fundraiser information and answer questions.

Volleyball-Can You Spare a $1.00-Due Jan 1st-Eighth grade night expenses, end of season activity

Mr. McIntire stated that this fundraiser would be considered a “direct sale” fundraiser.

Kelly Whalen made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Mandy Denniston seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire- yes

Linda King- yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.

Linda King Class-Volleyball Concessions- Dec 18-Jan 23rd-Raise funds for EBD Rewards and Service Project

Kelly Whalen made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Mandy Dennistion seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire-yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Linda King- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.

History Club-Old Kentucky Chocolates-Jan.2014-Raise funds for t-shirts/ field trip

Mr. McIntire stated that this fundraiser would be considered a “direct sale” fundraiser. Kelly Whalen made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Linda King seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire –yes

Linda King- yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.

Reward Committee-Candy Cane Gram- Dec 9-20th-To raise funds for Student Recognition Account for student prizes and rewards

Kelly Whalen made a motion to approve this fundraiser and Kim Darnell seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken.

Mike McIntire- yes

Kelly Whalen- yes

Linda King- yes

Kim Darnell- yes

Mandy Denniston- yes

The fundraiser was approved by consensus of the council.

Additions/Announcements/ Adjournment- There were no additional announcements or topics of discussion. Mr. McIntire asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kelly Whalen made a motion to adjourn and Linda King seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mr. McIntire with consensus of the council at 5:10.

Donna Williams

Recording Secretary