JUNE 2014



JUNE 23 – 25, 2014


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.


1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Metallic Material Manufacturing (MMM) Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 23-Jun-2014 by Elaine Boswell (Chair).

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Elaine / Boswell / Rolls-Royce / Chairperson
Werner / Buchmann / MTU Aero Engines AG
Craig / Clasper / Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.
Wojciech / Cmok / Goodrich (UTAS)
Colin / Fletcher / Bell Helicopter Textron
Greg / Goldhagen / Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)
Gilbert / Leconte / SAFRAN Group
Daira / Legzdina / Honeywell Aerospace
Brian / Streich / Honeywell Aerospace

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Lloyd / Barker / Alcoa, Inc.
Michael / Berenbeg / Otto Fuchs KG
Mike / Brandt / Alcoa, Inc.
Matthew / Clive / Alcoa, Inc.
Markus / Fuchsmann / Otto Fuchs KG
Johanna / Harrer / Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG
Chris / Harwood / Ellwood Texas Forge
Glenn / Hewitt / ATI Specialty Materials
Dermot / Kelly / Hutchinson Aerotech
Adam / Kent / Firth Rixson Forgings Ltd.
Beth / Lewis / Wyman-Gordon Company PCC Forged Products
Fan / Li / Alcoa, Inc.
Amir / Mendelovich / Techjet Aerofoils
Adrian / Mills / ATI Specialty Materials
Larry / Phipps / Alcoa Fastening Systems Fullerton
Bill / Rogers / Aloca, Inc.
Rudolf / Sporer / Bohler Edelstahl GmbH & Co. KG
Keith / Vale / Lisi Aerospace Torrance
Mark / Wills / Alcoa, Inc.
Nicholas / Wood / Firth Rixson plc

PRI Staff Present

Jerry / Aston
Jim / Lewis

1.2  Code of Ethics/Antitrust and Meeting Conduct – OPEN

A video regarding anti-trust was viewed. Attendees were reminded to follow the code of ethics and conduct they had reviewed when registering for the meeting.

1.3  Review Agenda – OPEN

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed. There were no additional items raised.

1.4  Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN

Minutes from the February meeting in London were reviewed. The minutes for this meeting will be posted on the PRI website at with other Nadcap meeting minutes.

2.0  History/status – open

Elaine Boswell gave a brief presentation highlighting the History and Status of the MMM group which included:

Mission statement


Status update

Expected results

Due dates

It was also noted that the target is to have the first checklist created by the October 2014 Pittsburgh Nadcap meeting.

3.0  RAIL Review – open

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed. It was noted that the action to have a presentation from the Conventional Machining as a Special Process (CMSP) or Measurement & Inspection (M&I) on how they form the Task Group when there are no industry specifications is still needed and requested for the October Nadcap meeting in Pittsburgh. For complete details, please see the RAIL posted in the MMM Task Group Work Area in eAuditNet.


Elaine Boswell presented to the group the presentation that she planned to give at the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Globalization & Strategy Committee and Steering meetings. The presentation gave the history of the group, the actions of the group to date, and the future plans. It was at the NMC Steering meeting that a decision was to be made regarding the MMM formally becoming a Task Group.


Development of the forging checklist from the work done during the WebEx meetings and following the forging process flow already developed continued. The main topic covered at this meeting was item 5 – Heating Process and item 6 - Forging Process.

There was a discussion on pyrometric controls of the forging furnace, especially when that furnace is used to also develop material properties such as hardening off the press. Attendees were asked to investigate requirements for this to be discussed at a future meeting.

From discussions held, it was highlighted that the group was unclear on whether the scope of the MMM Task Group includes fasteners and if it does what is the size limit. (Note - already clearly agreed that Standard Parts fasteners are NOT in scope). Subscribers will be contacted to confirm their intent.

Adam Kent agreed to review Forge Furnace questions for applicability to induction heating.

ACTION ITEM: All team members to confirm requirements for pyrometric control of furnaces when the heating for forging also develops material properties (e.g. hardening off the press) (Due Date: 01-Sep-2014)

ACTION ITEM: All Subscribing Prime members to confirm with their NMC reps the scope of the MMM Task Group with respect to fasteners (Due Date: 01-Sep-2014)

ACTION ITEM: Adam Kent agreed to review Forge Furnace questions for applicability to induction heating. (Due Date: 01-Sep-2014)

6.0  Future Plans/Agenda – Open

It was agreed to continue with WebEx meetings with a frequency of every two weeks. The next WebEx meetings will be 16-Jul-2014.

The agenda for the October Nadcap meeting was reviewed and is to include the following;

Checklist development


Auditor qualifications and selection

Voting for Vice Chair and Secretary

Voting Supplier voting members.

7.0  New Business – open

7.1  It was confirmed by Elaine Boswell that after a presentation given to the NMC, MMM has been formally recognized as a Task Group. Congratulations were given to the Team members.

7.2  It was confirmed that the next meeting will be at the October Nadcap meeting for three days.

ADJOURNMENT – 25-Jun-2014 – Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Jerry Aston and Jim Lewis

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