Board of Commissioners
July 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes - 5 -
MEETING MINUTES OF July 3, 2017, 2017
The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice-President), Commissioner Daniel Ritter, Commissioner Rudy Rivera. Commissioner Linwood Bartman was absent. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO Paul Labe, Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Sergeant Amy Babb the Officer-in-Charge. Township Engineer John Sartor was excused.
Commissioner Gamler announced that prior to tonight’s meeting the Commissioners and Solicitor Karver met in Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – No one addressed the Board at this time.
The June 19, 2017 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes were presented to the Board for their review and approval. On a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Ritter, the June 19, 2017 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes are approved. There was no other public comment. Motion carried.
Commissioner Gamler acknowledged submission of the Customer Balance Summary and Deposit Detail Report. Commissioner Gamler then read a list of the payment of bills from the following Township funds for approval.
General Fund Expense 7/3/17 $ 35,327.89
Payroll Expense 6/30/17 47,548.38
HRA Fun Expense 7/3/17 45.81
Recycling Fund Expense 7/3/17 9,633.00
Police Project Fund Expense 7/3/17 420.00
On a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade, payment of the submitted bills was authorized. Commissioner Gamler acknowledged submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual General Fund statement. The statement was available to the public for review.
Sergeant Babb, Officer-in-Charge, read the Police Report for the month of June as follows:
Bechtelsville / ColebrookdaleTotal Criminal Arrests: / 0 / 10
Total Vehicle Arrests: / 2 / 42
Total Written Warnings: / 3 / 14
Total Assists: / 0 / 18
Total Accidents: / 0 / 22
Total Parking Tickets / 0 / 3
Total Incidents (calls) for the Month: / 69 / 554
Total vehicle mileage for the month of May 2017 is 5,264.
The police blotter items discussed:
The Board discussed the purchase of a new police vehicle and the costs of repairs to the oldest vehicle with over 150,000 miles. Quotes were submitted and the Commissioner asked Sergeant Babb to ask Fred Beans Ford for a quote.
The Police Department received the evidence printer/scanner and training is set for July 6th.
Sergeant Babb asked for approval to purchase four compact printers for the police vehicles and two license scanners. Two additional license scanners will be paid for through a grant from Walmart that was approved on June 28,2017 for $2500. She would also like to replace three Vascar units with updated tracker units. There are funds available in the Police Projects Fund to cover these costs along with the previously discussed speed trailer.
There was a motion by Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve the purchase of a speed trailer for $6,520.00 from the Police Projects Fund. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve the purchase of two license scanners at the cost of $330 each and four printers at the cost of approximately $100 each, the total not to exceed $1,400 from the Police Projects Fund. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
There was a motion by Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Commissioner Spade to approve the purchase of three trackers units, two at $1,180 and one at $1,480 from Davidheisers totaling $3,840.00 from the Policy Projects Fund. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
There was a discussion concerning the option of shorts to be worn by the officers during extremely hot months of the summer. Commissioner Gamler expressed his concerns. Sergeant Babb wore the shorts, she personally purchased, with her customary uniform shirt and safety vest to show the Board how the uniform looks. Although she wore her customary boots she suggested uniform sneakers with the shorts. There are sneakers that are designed for police and emergency service workers. She asked the Board to consider approving the shorts to be worn as a trial for the remainder of July and August. The cost of the shorts will be at the officer’s expense. On a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Rivera approval was given for the police officers to purchase at their own expense and wear shorts in place of their contract uniform pants as a trial for the remainder of July and August 2017. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
Information was provided to the Commissioners that Officer Merry is eligible for a promotion effective on his 3-year anniversary on July 13, 2017. On a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Rivera the promotion of Officer Merry from Patrolman to Officer 1st Class effective July 13, 2017 is approved. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
Officer Hanna asked to meet with the Board in an Executive Session to discuss an update to a personnel matter. The Commissioners, Solicitor Karver and Sergeant Babb left the meeting to hold an Executive Session at 7:50 pm to discuss police personnel matters. The Board reconvened at 8:20 pm.
Sergeant Babb asked permission to order a dumpster for cleaning out the evidence room in the road building. On a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Rivera approval was given for Officer-in-Charge Babb to rent a dumpster for the road building for disposal of police items. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
Commissioner Gamler noted the submission of the Road Master’s work detail reports for the weeks of 6/26 & 7/3/17. Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners that the Road Master is contacting PennDOT to have the missing Do-Not-Enter sign at Montgomery Avenue and N. Reading Avenue replaced as this is a State Road.
CEO Labe reported the following permit applications have been received: 8 Hughes Avenue - replace oil tank (does not require a permit), 20 Jonica Lane – home occupation, 65 Cricket Avenue – convert deck to living space. There were no comments.
CEO Labe spoke to Mr. Scarberry at 472 Madison Street concerning the excess accessory structure (shed) on his property and he stated the three sheds have been on the property since 2010 and the previous CEO allowed the third shed in 2014. Since that time he moved two sheds together and connected them. Commissioner Spade stated he does not see that the two are truly connected, merely moved close together.
CEO Labe spoke to the owner at 578 Township Line Road concerning high grass and weeds. The owner has health issues however, he is working slowly at getting the grass cut.
CEO Labe sent out numerous violation notices for failure to pay the fine for violation of the grass/weed ordinance. Concerning the violation for unregistered vehicles at 462 Englesville Road, CEO Labe spoke to the owner and was told six vehicles are registered and insured. Two vehicles at the back of the property are not however, she stated she has a letter from the previous CEO allowing her to have one unregistered vehicle and one kept for parts. CEO did not check the vehicles for the registrations.
Concerning 285 Mill Street, CEO Labe said it is not cut. The bank is working on getting it done. Solicitor Karver suggested sending a letter with a deadline of July 10th at which time the property will be liened.
Concerning 27 Hauseman Road, CEO Labe will post the property as it still is not cut.
Concerning Mr. Rhoads property on Rt. 100, CEO Labe said Mr. Rhoads is making progress in removing the vehicles and trailers from the fenced property next to SciCast International. Officer Hanna addressed the Board stating he was called out to do a check on Mr. Rhoads’ property behind Sunoco and saw tents and it appeared people were living in the trailers located in that area. The property was littered with trash. Commissioner Gamler said he will speak to Mr. Rhoads.
SEO REPORT – There was nothing submitted at this time.
Solicitor Karver submitted a letter to notify the Board that the owner of 28 Henry Avenue has been served by the constable and he will keep the Commissioners advised.
Ordinance No. 3-2017 to amend the PMRS Municipal pension plan was submitted to the Commissioners for approval. Several agreements were also submitted that require Commissioner Gamler’s and the Secretary’s signatures. Solicitor Karver explained that the Ordinance has been worked on since last fall to include the DROP program. There was a motion by Commissioner Rivera, seconded by Commissioner Spade to adopt Ordinance No. 3-2017 amending the Municipal Pension Plan administered by PMRS. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to authorize Commissioner Gamler and Secretary DiSante to sign the documents with PMRS to execute amendments to the Municipal Pension Plan to include the DROP program. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
Commissioner Gamler noted the submission of BAHS June 20, 2017 progress meeting minutes #43. Manager Conrad noted the school district did not get their PennDOT HOP permit for buses to enter Montgomery Avenue from Monroe Street Extension and these minutes are notification to the Board and Engineer Sartor. The Board instructed Manager Conrad to send a letter to Dave Szablowski at the school to notify him of the situation.
COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT - Nothing was submitted at this time.
Manager Conrad submitted a report showing the BASD payment was submitted for the intersection escrow. She also submitted for the Commissioner’s review the 2017 MS4 budget with the recent G&A invoice included. She will update the budget to include future invoices expected from the Township Engineer. There were no comments.
The Manager explained and submitted for approval Resolution No. 7-1-17 supporting State House Bill No. 284 repealing the MS4 PRP. There was discussion and a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Ritter to adopt Resolution No. 7-1-17 a Resolution supporting State House Bill No. 284. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
The Township received a request from the Pastor of Living Faith Lutheran Church on Montgomery Avenue to rent the pavilion for church services and lunch on July 30th and August 20th. He asked if he can use the ‘stage’ over the bathrooms and the kitchen. The Board asked that the Road Master check that the railing around the ‘stage’ area is secure and discussed items that need to be completed in the kitchen. There was a motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade to waive the Liberty Park pavilion rental fee for the Living Faith Lutheran Church. Motion carried.
The Manager submitted an invoice from Boy Scout Leader John Himes for $300 that he paid for the Liberty Park sign. Mr. Himes asked if the Commissioners would like to meet with the Eagle Scouts that rebuilt and landscaped the Liberty Park sign area and have pictures taken with them. The Commissioners discussed it and agreed to meet at Liberty Park for a Work Session at 7:00 pm prior to the 7:30 pm regular Board meeting on August 7, 2017.
Commissioner Gamler noted the submission of the BMMA May 22, 2017 meeting minutes and the BAF&R June 30, 2017 current updates. There was no discussion.
OLD BUSINESS - There was nothing submitted to the Board at this time.
SUBDIVISIONS/LDPs - There was nothing submitted to the Board at this time.
CEO Labe informed the Commissioners he and the Manager met with two people for a very preliminary discussion on developing a property in an area between Englesville Road and Sweinhart Road in Montgomery County. The part of the property located in Colebrookdale Township is being considered for open space. There was discussion on the options and allowable uses.
CEO Labe was asked to look into the use on a property behind Indian Springs development where complaints have been reported of trucks dumping unknown materials. The location was a non-conforming use many years ago. It is now a mixed industrial use.
Commissioner Gamler noted the Township received a Campbell Fittings NPDES permit application review letter and the Delta Dental renewal notice for 2018. These items were available to the public for review.
CEO Labe told the Board he will not be available for the next Commissioners meeting.
There being no other business to come before the Board, Commissioner Spade made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Rivera to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. There were no other comments. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie DiSante
Township Secretary