319(h) Watershed Restoration Grant
The Paso del Norte Watershed Council(Council), established in 2000, has been awarded a Watershed Restoration grant to develop and implement a Watershed Based Plan (Plan) to protect and improve water quality in the lower Rio Grande from Percha Dam (below Caballo Reservoir) downstream to the American Dam (near the New Mexico, Texas, and international border). Elevated levels of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria were found in this reach of the river. Several of New Mexico’s streams and rivers are experiencing water quality problems because of nonpoint source pollution. Funding for the development of the Plan has been provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) through the Clean Water Act 319(h) Nonpoint Source grant program.
What is E. coli and why should I be concerned?
E. coli is a bacterium that originates in the gut of warm-blooded animals. E. coli is sometimes associated with feces from animals, and this material can be transported by runoff from the watershed into surface water bodies like the river. Most strains of E. coli are harmless, but some can cause intestinal illnesses in humans and animals.
What is being done to address bacteria in the river?
A grant has been awarded to the Council to fund the collection and analysis of water quality sampling data, identify the cause of bacteria in the river, recommend management solutions, and provide regional stakeholders with information on good watershed practices to reduce sources of bacteria. Technical experts will be gathering water quality information from the Rio Grande, drains and arroyos for two years. The data gathered will reveal levels of E. coli and indicate where it might be coming from. Based on this information, best management practices (BMPs) that could reduce E. coli in the river will be identified and discussed with regional stakeholders and technical experts. BMPs such as vegetation planting can intercept polluted runoff and prevent it from reaching the river.
What is a Watershed Based Plan?
A Watershed Based Plan (Plan)is a general blueprint for a comprehensive, watershed-wide restoration program. It provides a non-regulatory, stakeholder driven, voluntary approach to improve water quality within a designated watershed. Guidance for the development of the Plan is provided by NMED staff and by EPA in the “Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters”.Its strength is based on the collaboration, open communication, and establishment of a watershed community by integrating local residents, agencies, and other stakeholders in the process.
What is a watershed?
A watershed, also called a drainage basin, is a geographic area that contributes surface water and groundwater to a specific stream. Watersheds are divided by drainage dividesthat are lines of separation between watershed runoff sources. A watershed acts like a funnel by collecting water within an area and routing it into a waterway. All land is part of some watershed. Wherever you go, you are in a watershed.
How water pollution is currently managed in the U.S.
Congress amended the Clean Water Act in 1987 in order to establish a national program to reduce nonpoint source pollution, as it has been found to be the leading cause of water quality degradation in the United States. Under the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant program, funds are made available to state and local agencies, non-profit organizations, and citizen watershed groups to address nonpoint source pollution.
Point source pollutionsources are regulated within the Clean Water Act through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, also called NPDES. Point sources are identifiable, localized discharges of pollutants such as industrial wastewater, sewage treatment plant effluent, discharge from large animal feedlots, construction site discharge, urban storm water drainage, and other measurable waste streams.
Nonpoint source pollution, alternatively, results from pollutants being carried to a waterway by storm water runoff, atmospheric deposition, drainage, or underground seepage from many different sources. Rainfall or snowmelt moves through the landscape picking up pollutants, eventually depositing them in waterways. Types of pollutants include chemicals, metals, sediment, salts, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and bacteria from pet waste, wildlife, faulty septic systems, or livestock, andagricultural runoff of excess fertilizers or pesticides.
Who are watershed stakeholders?
Everyone that lives within the watershed is a stakeholder. Whether you are a water quality expert or a concerned citizen, our watershed is home for people, the river, vegetation, and wildlife alike.
The Council’sClean Water Committeeasks for your assistanceas we develop a plan for a healthy watershed in southern New Mexico.A combination of local advisory committees, public meetings, questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups can help indetermininga rational approach that includeslocal perspectives and priorities on water quality and restoration.With your participation we will address nonpoint source pollutionand watershed health in the Paso del Norte Watershed.Information about public events will be made available on the Council’s website (
Please feel free to contact the Watershed Coordinator, Brian Hanson, with your ideas for a healthy Paso del Norte Watershed.
Brian Hanson
Watershed Coordinator
(575) 646-2642
The purpose of the Council is to investigate, develop, and recommend projects and activitiesfor watershed planning and management and to explore how water-related resources can best be balanced to benefit the Rio Grande ecosystem and theinterests of all watershed stakeholders.