Summary of Questionnaires - 1
Scientific Evidence - Patent Litigation Fall 2009
Prof. Morris
STUDENT LIST (alphabetical by first name)
Email / School & Dept
* breaks in schooling,
see p.3
% other degree:
see p. 3
Grad Thesis Topics / Expected Degree
Year / Undergraduate School, City, Major / Exposure to Pats; Pat Folk / Exposure to Patents (other than of law students at law school or law jobs) /
/ H&S - Applied Physics *
Microfluidic technologies to investigate and optimize biological macromolecule phase transitions / PhD 2011 / University of California Los Angeles - Physics/Art - 2004 / upto3; few / I am currently working on a provisional patent with my advisor and the Stanford OTL.
/ Law - LawSciTech * / LLM, 2010 / Wollongong, NSW, Australia - Chemistry - 2002 / morethan3; many
BumQ Kim
/ Med - Structural Biology
The conformational change of IgE helps in identifying inhibitors for allergic reactions / PhD 2011 / Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea - Biochemistry - 2006 / zero; none / For my research, a method for the production of Cys335 IgE that I am using is patented. However, when this method was applied for patent, I was not a graduate student in my professor lab.
David GOODE [Auditor]
Good: the 'e' is silent.
/ Med - Genetics *
Human Genomics / Ph.D. 2010 / Simon Fraser University - Molecular Biology - 2003 / zero; few / A couple of friends of mine (more like acquaintances) have gone to work at law firms as "patent readers", or whatever it's supposed to be called. I think what they basically do is use their scientific expertise to evaluate the merits and originality of patents, and how they might infringe on other patents. Meeting these people made me start to consider a career in law.
Denise LEE
/ H&S - Chemistry
Single Molecule Imaging in Live cells / PhD 2010 / Wellesley College - Chemical Physics - 2005 / zero; none
KARSH-ted (the final T is silent)
/ Law * % / JD 2011 / Harvard - Chemistry - 1999 / morethan3; many / I am a lead author on a patent application for the work I did at Kovio.
/ Med - Chemical & Systems Biology *
Understanding the degradation of unstable proteins / PhD 2010 / Northwestern University, Evanston, IL - Chemistry; Biological Sciences - 2004 / zero; few / My involvement in the patent field has been limited to attending all the lectures sponsored by the Career Center and OTL regarding patent law.
Ghee-YOME (rhymes with home) Sha-BOT (rhymes with hot) Coo-TOUR (rhymes with four)
/ H&S - Applied Physics
High-temperature superconductor research using inelastic X-ray scattering. / PhD 2010 / Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada - Physics - 2003 / zero; none
BURR (Last name of Raymond or Aaron) + E (the letter) + S (the letter) + SHE (the female pronoun)
/ Med - Genetics *
Investigation and Visualation of electrophysiology and metabolomics in symbiotic cnidarians / PhD 2011 / Stanford, CA - Mathematics & Biological Sciences, min. in Chem - 2007 / upto3; many / [Wife has patent.]Aside from proofreading and acting as an occasional sounding board, I was not involved with my wife's IP until after the application was filed. I did have the pleasure of helping her defend the equity she received for it from her former partners and their lawyers.
Matt PRO-zen
/ Law * / JD 2011 / Boston University, Boston, MA - Biomedical Engineering - 2007 / zero; none
Terrel rhymes with barrel
/ H&S - Applied Physics
Hollow-Core Resonant Fiber-Optic Gyoscope / PhD 2010 / California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA - Physics - 2004 / upto3; none / I have worked with my advisors and our group's patent lawyer on three patent applications related to our research.
Riti SARANGI [Auditor]
REE-tee Suh-ran-GHEE (somewhat hard G)
/ H&S - Chemistry (*)
Understanding the structure and reactivity of Copper Containing Proteins / completed PhD 2007 in Chemistry / Saint Xavier's College, Kolkata, India - Chemistry - 1999 / zero; few
STO (rhymes with snow)-fer
/ Law / JD 2011 / University of Portland, Portland, OR - Biology, Psycholoy - 2008 / zero; many / I worked at Intellectual Ventures and Invention Legal Services, where I worked with patent attorneys and paralegals on various patent proceedings and documents.
Tiffany HUNG
/ Med - Cancer Biology / PhD 2012 / Stanford U, Stanford, CA - Biological Sciences - 2007 / zero; none
(other than intermediate Masters)
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Summary of Questionnaires - 1
Matt Burriesci - I have been in school since 15 but I have also worked part-time in a variety of positions. In addition to teaching fencing at Stanford, I started my own fencing equipment repair company in highschool. As an undergraduate, I was a manager at various camps (EPGY Summer Institute, Pirates' and Fencing Camps at Stanford). I consult for or have consulted for Kyphon (now part of Medtronic), several smaller biotech companies, and a real estate company. I have also been a property manager, a skill my wife and I hope to use as we continue to invest our consulting income in East Menlo Park rental units.
Emily Egeler - I finished undergrad two quarters early, which I spent at home visiting with family, babysitting and interviewing for graduate schools; but otherwise I have been continuously enrolled in school.
David Goode - Spent one year working in a microbiology lab in Vancouver, BC, at the Univ. of British Columbia (better known as UBC).
Spent the next year working in a biomedical research institute in Melbourne, the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute (better known as WEHI).
Dmitry Karshtedt - Staff chemist for Kovio, Inc., a printed electronics startup in Milpitas, CA. I worked there from April 2006 to July 2008.
Other Degree: Ph.D. in Chemistry from Berkeley, 2005
Matt Prosen - I took a year off between obtaining my engineering degree and going to law school. During that year I worked for BSB Capital, which is an investment arm of a private bank based in Texas. I worked as a part of and headed a collateral evaluations team and researched corporate debt, equities, and mortgage-backed securities for purchase on the secondary market. I was interested in the job because I wanted to gain some business acumen and did not have the credit space available in undergrad to obtain a business minor. I believe it was a valuable experience and gave me insight into the driving forces behind the US economy.
Ben Roxborough - As a lawyer at Mallesons Stephen Jaques (20032005), I was heavily involved in pharmaceutical patent litigation (enantiomer and polymorphs were the subject matter of the suits).
As a Research Associate (Clerk) to the Federal Court of Australia (20067), my work typically involved working with judges as a scientific (and legal) consultant in explaining complex scientific concepts. Invariably I would be involved in drafting the scientific section of a judgment and assist with the legal reasoning.
During late 2007 and 2008, I was Associate to Justice Sundberg and continued to work on patent and IP matters, amongst other administrative cases in the docket.
Riti Sarangi - 2007 (Oct)-Present: Employed at SLAC (Stanford University) as a Staff Scientist. My research is in the field of metalloproteins. I study them in the crystal form using x-ray diffraction/x-ray absorption.
Aaron Streets - For the year in between undergrad and here I traveled around Asia and made a little money private tutoring math/physics in California. While traveling I visited China, Japan and Thailand, then returned to Beijing to take a language course.
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