Michiana Village Council Meeting
November 17, 2017
CALL TO ORDER – 1:00 p.m. (EST)
Tim Iverson opened the meeting asking for nomination for Village President, Phil Bonello nominated Tim Iverson; Michael Mintz seconded the motion; Tim Iverson accepted the position; roll call vote was taken, motion passes. Iverson nominated Michael Mintz for Pro Tem; Linda Stein seconded the motion; Michael Mintz accepted the position; roll call vote was taken, motion passes.
Next order of business: Tim Iverson made a motion to appoint the following Village employees for 2018: Anne Heywood/Clerk, Don Zion/Treasurer, Rick Reitz/DPW Superintendent, Kris Wulff/Tree Inspector, Richard Shephard/Budget & Finance, Russell Bruesch/Police Commissioner, Ryan Layman/Police Chief, Bill Lambert/Building Inspector, and Sara Bell/Village Attorney; Linda Stein seconded the motion a roll call vote was taken, motion passes.
ROLL CALL: President Tim Iverson called the meeting to order, present was, Phil Bonello, Linda Stein and Mike Mintz. Iverson made a motion to excuse;Don Zion motion was seconded by Phil Bonello. Also present were Chief Ryan Layman, Building Inspector Bill Lambert,Superintendent Rick Reitz & Anne Heywood Clerk and 15 Village Residents.
Minutes – Motion by Iverson to approve the October 13, 2017 minutes as submitted, seconded by Bonello; motion passes.
Auditors Report: Brian Hake Auditor from Kruggel Lawtonpassed out a draft of the financial report that was conducted on the Village. Brian thanked Heywood and Zion for their time and help. Hake stated the Village was in good financial shape. Hake will have the final report submitted to the State before December 31, 2017. Iverson also mentioned that if anyone would like to view the report they could go to the State web site or stop by the office and look at the office copy. Iverson asked if our contract was coming up, Hake stated that they had one more year. Iverson asked if he would put together another proposal for one of our upcoming meetings to extend the contract for additional years.
- Building Inspector Report –Bill Lambert reported 35 permits to date.
- Treasurer’s Report – Don Zion (not present) Iverson read his report for Octobercombined Village fund balance of $2,011,946.38 which is not all available, due to being earmarked for various funds.
- Tree Inspector Report – Kris Wulffreported he had 1 tree permit. Wulff planted the 3 Oak trees around the Village and one in the park. The new homeowner on Hillside took down a tree and is replacing it with another. Wulff will follow up with Steve Wilson the contractor for Cindy Liss regarding the replacement of 10 trees on her property. Wulff asked Heywood to print the email from Steve Wilson regarding these trees.
- Fire Chief Report – Chief Gary Bendix not present (report on file)
- Police Commission Report– Russell Brueschreported they were still working out some details with the “Shared Service” between Michiana and Grand Beach Police Department. They will meet again sometime in March to discuss more about the merge of department hours scheduling.
- Police Report – Chief Ryan Layman (report on file) Layman attended the Grand Beach meeting and reported their council was very supportive about the police departments working together sharing services between the two Villages. Layman warned the residents that a few of the residents have reported receiving phones call from the IRS. Layman said these are all scam phone calls so just hang up give them no information. Iverson asked Layman his thoughts about more stop signs on Seminole where residents have been complaining about speeding cars. Layman would like to revisit this in the Spring when we have more traffic and now that 2 speed bumps have been put in. Residents thought they should be painted which might help slow down the cars. Reitz also has a speed bump sign he will be putting up. Residents offered their driveways to sit in by the Police so they have a better view of the traffic.
- Public Works/Water Authority Report – Rick Rietz(report on file) Reitz was pushing Merritt Engineering and the DEQ to get the pump house changed to chlorination before winter, right now the Village does add additional treatments to the water. Moving to Chlorination will allow the Village to better control the water quality. Reitz also stated they would be picking up leaves until Friday, December 1st. Reitz also needs to purchase new meter reading device for $8,500 now that upgrades have been made to the meters on the system. Iverson made a motion to purchase; Bonello seconded the motion; motion passes. Reitz also mentioned that Michigan City would like to service water to the homes on Redwing. Iverson would like a Rick to look into how much revenue we would lose and report back.
- Water Board Report – Iverson stated we need to create a GIS mapping system of our water lines/pipes and all valves in the event of an emergency. This is the project that involves Regional Water Commission that we are a part of. Wightman created a proposalfor the entire regional system with cost which is in everyone’s packet. Iverson said the regional water commission will be writing a discretionary fund grant to pay for this project with the Pokagon Fund.
- Clerk Report – Anne Heywood asked for approval of the check register for $199,678.72. Iverson made motion to approve the check register as submitted,Bonelloseconded the motion; Motion passes. Expenses were high due budgeted road paving this summer.
- Rules Regulation & Restriction Flyer – Heywood submitted the flyer to the council to review with some changes from the old flyer. Kathleen Morrison would like to help with additional items. Tabled for further review.
- Update on Lome vs Berg Fence – Lome read the definition of front yards under code 360-104. He reported his neighbor the Bergs have an old fence in the side yard and in 2015 the Bergs added an additional 8’ of 6’ foot fence along the side, front yard next to the Lome residence, two months later Berg put another fence along the side yard 16’ x 6’ high which extends into the front yard. Iverson had talked with Berg to remove the fence the sections of the side yard fencing that extending beyond the Berg house. The Berg’s added additional trellises to the front side yard and Mr. Lome questioned then as are they allowed or just another fence. We have no ordinances regarding the regulation on placement of trellis for landscaping. Lome is requesting that Berg remove all fencing in the front side yard and follow the Code 360-34. Iverson explained that the Village has two Ordinance’s on the books. When reviewing the codes, we had failed to find these two codes that conflict with each other 360-70 & 360-34. Ordinance 360-70 does allow for 6’ fences on side yards and does state they must end at any point on the side yard other than a property line. Iverson explained that the council would have to remove 360-70 from the book. But, even if they remove the 360-70 Berg would still be grandfathered in and allowed to have a 6’ foot fence on his entire side yard under that old code. Iverson and the board would like Sara Bell the Village Attorney to review this situation. Tabled until Attorney Bell reviews. WEDISCWE
- New Buffalo Shoreline Alliance – Edward Oldis from Shoreline Alliance gave a slide presentation regarding the beaches from New Buffalo, Grand Beach all the way to the State line. The Shoreline Alliance was looking for a money to help with the study. Iverson asked what the cost would be if Michiana is included. Edward Oldisfrom New Buffalo Shoreline will report back – Tabled
- Renewal for Health Insurance – Iverson looked over Zion’s spreadsheet regarding the past 5 years of health insurance cost. Iverson commended Zion for a nice job done. Iverson stated this item was budgeted no need to discuss.
- Bufford Needing Access on Village Property at Stop 39 – No one present
- Holiday luncheon for Employees – This will follow the December Council Meeting. Reminder the meeting time has been changed to 11:00a.m.(EST)
Public Comment – There was concernabout thebeach cleanliness and whois overseeing them? Iverson asked if someone would like to be the Beach Commissioner; Rusty Bruesch volunteered, Iverson appointed Bruesch as our new Beach Commissioner.
Correspondence– N/A
- Water line replacement project (Wightman & Associates) Water mains have been completed. The paving part of this project will be completed in early Spring of 2018 along with 8 dry wells to be installed as per the contract.
- Wightman & Associates Regional Water GIS & Hydraulic Study Proposal – Talked about under water report.
Next meeting will be December 8, 2017 at 11:00a.m. (EST) Please note that the January meeting has been cancelled
Meeting adjourns, 3:10 p.m. (EST)
Respectfully Submitted
Anne Heywood/Clerk