What Are the Special (Specific) Features of the Vertebrae S?
- What are the special (specific) features of the vertebrae’s?
- The thoracic vertebras have a bifid spinous process
- The cervical vertebras have transverse foramina
- The lumbar vertebras have costal facets at the level of the transverse processes
- Articular facets of the lumbar vertebra are in a sagittal plane
- The thoracic vertebras have no rib articulationfacets
- Name the specific features of the first two cervical vertebrae’s:
- The atlas has a body and a spinous process
- The axis has a strong dens that rises perpendicularly from the superior surface of the body
- The atlas has an articular facet for the dens, posteriorly on its arch
- Atlas is the topmost vertebra
- Atlas is the second cervical vertebra
- Name the features of the sternum:
- It is a flat, unpaired bone
- About its anatomical position, posteriorly goes the convexity of the body
- The manubrium is articulating inferiorly with the xiphoid process
- Superiorly, median located the manubrium has a notch, the jugular notch
- The body articulates laterally with the costal cartilages of the first 7 ribs
- In order to put the third rib in anatomical position we need:
- Lateral- the concave surface
- Anterior- head of the rib
- Inferior- the border with a groove
- Posterior- the extremity with an articulated face
- Medial- the concave surface
- What features does the superior surface of the clavicle present?
- The conoid tubercle
- The trapezoid line
- The deltoid tubercle
- A smooth surface
- A rough surface
- In order to put the clavicle in anatomical position we need:
- Medial- flattened extremity
- Anterior-the concave part of the lateral extremity
- Superior- the surface with a groove
- Anterior- the convex part of the medial extremity
- Inferior – the surface with a groove
- The clavicle has the following features:
- On the inferior surface it has a groove for insertion of the subclavicular muscle
- On the superior surface it has two tuberosity’s, medial and lateral, for insertion of ligaments
- Medial it articulates with the sternum
- Lateral it articulates with the humerus
- On the medial part of the superior surface is the insertion area of the sternocledomastoidian muscle
- Anatomical position of the scapula is:
- Posterior- the spine
- Medial – the biggest angle with an articulated cavity
- Lateral- the biggest angle with an articulated cavity
- Superior – the shortest border
- Anterior – the spine
- Regarding the scapula which of the following affirmations are true?
- It is a long, paired bone
- On the superior border, it has a notch for the passing of the suprascapular artery and nerve
- The spine divides the posterior surface intoa supraspinous and a infraspinous fossa
- The glenoid cavity – the place where the clavicle articulates with the scapula
- On the anterior surface theinfraspinatus muscle inserts
- Regarding the humerus the following affirmations are true:
- Long paired bone
- For the anatomical position – posterior is located the groove of its proximal extremity
- On the superior extremity, two tubercles are located: greater tubercle laterally and lesser tubercle anteriorly
- The medial surface has in its middle part a tuberosity, deltoid tuberosity for the insertion of the deltoid muscle
- The inferior extremity has the trochlea for the articulation with the ulna
- Which of the following statements about the humerus are true?
- The head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula
- On the posterior surface of the humerusthe biceps muscle inserts
- Inferiorly it articulates only with the ulna
- The ulnar nerve runs through a groove located on the posterior face of the medial epicondyle
- About the olecranon fossa of the humerus- it receives the olecranon process of the ulna in flexion
- Regarding the ulna which of the following statements are true?
- At the level of the forearm, is lateral placed
- At the level of the forearm,is medial placed
- For the anatomical position: the largest extremity is superiorly
- At the level of the distal extremity there is a tuberosity,called ulnar tuberosity for insertion of the brachialis muscle
- The interosseous membrane attacheson the lateral border of the ulna
- Which of the following statementsabout the radius are true?
- At the level of the forearm, is lateral placed
- At the level of the forearm,is medial placed
- The superior extremity is represented by the head of the radius
- At the level of the distal extremity there is a notch, the ulnar notch for articulating with the ulna
- The styloid process, is placed medially
- Regarding the coxal bone which of the following statements are true?
- Anatomical position- anterior is situated the margin with a big notch
- Anatomical position – lateral is situated the acetabulum
- The medial surface is also called gluteal surface
- It is an unpaired bone
- Anterior superior iliac spine in the site for insertion of the inguinal ligament
- Which of the following statements about the coxal bone are true?
- On the lateral surface of the coxal bone, inferior to the arcuate line is the iliac fossawhichserves for insertion of the iliacus muscle
- On the anterior margin the pubic tubercle is located, it serves for the insertion of the inguinal ligament
- Ischial tuberosity is located on the posterior margin
- The inferior margin is also called iliac crest, site for attachment of many muscles
- The antero-inferior angle of the coxal bone is represented by the pubis
- The gluteal surface of the coxal bone has the following features:
- The anterior gluteal line, the longest, begins near the midpoint of the superior margin of the greater sciatic notch and ascends forwards into the outer lip of the crest, a little anterior to its tubercle
- The inferior gluteal line begins posterosuperior to the anterior inferior iliac spine, curving posteroinferiorly to end near the apex of the greater sciatic notch
- The superior gluteal line, the longest,begins near the midpoint of the superior margin of the greater sciatic notch and ascends forwards into the outer lip of the crest, a little anterior to its tubercle
- The posterior gluteal line, the shortest begins posterosuperior to the anterior inferior iliac spine, curving posteroinferiorly to end near the apex of the greater sciatic notch
- The posterior gluteal line is shortest, descending from the external lip of the crest approximately 5 cm in front of its posterior limit and ending in front of the posterior inferior iliac spine
- Anatomical position of the femur:
- Inferior- extremity with an angle
- Superior- extremity with an angle
- Anterior- rough surface of the bone
- Posterior- rough surface of the bone
- Medial- hemispherical articular surface of superior extremity
- About the femur the following statements are true:
- Is the longest bone in our body
- The lateral margin is represented by the lineaaspera, a rough ridge
- On the medial lip of the lineaaspera is the insertion of the vastus lateralis muscle
- Proximal and medial,lineaaspera becomes gluteal tuberosity for the insertion of the gluteus maximus muscle
- The distal extremity is represented by the greater and lesser trochanter
- Name the features of the proximal extremity of the femur:
- Medial epicondyle
- Trochanteric fossa
- Intercondylar fossa
- Intertrochanteric line
- Adductor tubercle
- Which of the following statements regarding the tibia are true?
- It has two extremities and one shaft
- Is lateral to the fibula
- For the anatomical position- anterior is located the sharp margin of the bone
- On the posterior surface there is the soleal line, for the insertion of the soleus muscle
- Lateral margin of the tibia gives attachment to the interosseous membrane
- Regarding the tibia, the following statements are true:
- Anatomical position- inferior- smaller epiphysis
- Anatomical position – inferior – bigger epiphysis
- Anatomical position – posterior – sharp border
- The proximal extremity is widened by two condyles, medial and lateral
- On the lateral face of the distal extremity is the fibular notch for articulation with the fibula
- The proximal end of the tibia has the following features:
- Tibial trochanter
- Medial malleolus
- Tibial tuberosity
- Posterior condyle
- Intercondylar area
- The fibula has the following features:
- Long, paired bone, medial to the tibia
- Long, paired bone, lateral to the tibia
- It articulates superiorly with femur
- It articulates inferiorly with the talus
- The head of the fibula articulates with the tibia
- The carpal bones located in the proximal row are:
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Capitate
- Hamate
- The distal row of the tarsal bones is formed by:
- Medial cuneiform
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuboid