Conservation Commission Minutes April 13, 2015

Conservation Commission



April 13, 2015

Cotter Room

7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Joe Feeney, Denis Bergin, Jerry Kelliher, Russ Forsythe, Bill Stone

Absent: Kathy Creighton, Mike Noonan

7:00 p.m. Continued hearing, 84-488, Borrego Solar, Karen Lane/Rockland Street. Email received from David Albrecht requesting the hearing be continued to April 27, 2015. Allan Ross, 149 Karen Lane - Borrego withdrew at the ZBA meeting, does that affect this? No. Plan was revised, removing access from Rockland Street which reduces wetland impacts. There had been mention of taking down trees on the Cape Cod Lumber property. Joe felt CCL would need to come back before the board if they were taking down trees. Mr. Ross - he had worked at Cape Cod Lumber and talked to Harvey Hurvitz re tree clearing. Harvey said they were trimming trees, not cutting down. Neighbors were upset with the thought of more trees being cut. According to Mr. Ross, Harvey talked to Borrego today regarding his relationship with the neighbors, and related that he did not want to upset the neighbors. Joe - we'll send letter to see where the agreement stands as far as trees. If they are cutting trees, they would have to come before board. A site visit is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th at 8:00 a.m., to meet at Karen Lane. Board will notify David Albrecht.

Motion to continue to April 27th at 7:00 p.m. made by Denis, seconded by Russ, unanimous.

Continued hearing, 84-489, 568 Linwood Street, Gertrude Mills Life Estate. John Cotter and Russ Wheatley attended representing Mrs. Mills. Meeting had been continued several times. Board hadn't had a chance to check the delineation. Site walk scheduled for Saturday, 4/18 at 9 a.m.

Motion to continue to April 27th at 7 p.m. made by Russ, seconded by Bill, unanimous.

Continued hearing, 84-486, 999 Adams Street. John Cotter and Russ Wheatley attended with Brandon Duffel, the operating manager of Precast Specialties. They are constructing a building with appropriate parking and detention basin, with standard drainage system. Basin has two sedimentation traps on east and west corners and comes out to outfall structure with swale. It conforms in all respects to stormwater management policies. Drainage has been reviewed by the Planning Board's engineers and they have site plan approval from Planning Board. The plans were revised and final plans approved by Planning Board were submitted. Site walk had been done previously.

John - there is ditch that runs along property line. They had letter from Weymouth Conservation agent and talked to her today. They were concerned with drainage in that area, with backyards getting flooded. They will do site walk with her to see if there are any blockages, and will improve the situation if they can. Denis - Weymouth was concerned with filling in. John - they aren't filling wetlands, didn't know if activity was even within 300' of Weymouth town line. Drainage has been reviewed by Planning Board engineer. It's not on the National Heritage Map for Endangered Species. They are filling in where the building will go, but not in wetlands.

Motion to approve by Denis, seconded by Russ, unanimous.

Request for amended NOI, 84-438, 168 Jean Carol Rd. Bob Crowell, Crowell Engineering - previous plan was approved. They have a buyer, and house footprint grew in width, and with shape of the lot, it had to be moved back 12'. Plan reflects that change. Septic system shape changed. This change puts it further away from wetlands, 97' from wetlands. Elevations are identical to what was there before, grading similar, footprint just grew 12' and was moved back. Brooke Monroe had done original delineation. Replication has already been done.

Motion to amend NOI according to plans dated 3/30/15 made by Russ, seconded by Jerry, unanimous.

NOI, 84-490, Town of Abington, for the construction of new co-located High School/Middle School/ Pre-K, 201 Gliniewicz Way. Motion by Denis to open the hearing, seconded by Jerry, unanimous. Mary Mahoney, Project Manager, attended requesting a continuation to April 27th. They have scheduled a wetlands scientist to go out on site with project engineers on Thursday, April 16th and would like that information for the continued hearing.

Motion to continue to April 27th made by Jerry, seconded by Bill, unanimous.

Order of Conditions: 84-486, 999 Adams Street - A1(10'),2,3,4,6, B1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, D4, G1,2,3,4,5(25'), 6,7, H2,4,5,6,7,8,9, I1,2a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h.


  • DEP - on-site inspection scheduled on April 21st at 10:45 a.m. for Superseding Order of Conditions, 5 Dale Street.
  • Material from James Dombrowski and James Kiernan re 12 Temple Street.
  • TEC Associates - re ROW management.
  • Southfield - Development Plan Application for Winterwoods.

Minutes -March 23, 2015 - motion to approve made by Russ, seconded by Jerry, three ayes, 2 abstentions (Denis, Bill).

Building permits: Jerry reviewed permits that were signed - 554 Rockland Street, deck; 80 Platt, deck;Island Grove, statuary; 387 Groveland Street, deck.

Motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. made by Bill, seconded by Russ, unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Hurst