Interior Landscape Excellence
The Annual Awards Programme
for the Interior Landscaping Industry
Overseas Projects
Design and Installation
Entry Form
- Interior Landscaping schemes
- Roof Gardens
- Green Walls
- Exterior Containerised Plant Displays
Price for the entry
entry£100.00 + VAT
I agree to be bound by the rules of plants@work Awards and confirm that all the information provided on thisform is correct and that my organisation has clearance for all materials contained in these entries and agreeto pay for all entries submitted.
Your contact details
Title: / First Name: / Last Name:Job Title:
Telephone: / Fax:
Overseas Project
Design and Installation
All entries under this category must have been installed since 1 January 2016
The information you provide on this form, will be read by judges as they are viewing your photographs. Please label each photo with the project name and number them in the order you wish them to be viewed. To eliminate impartial judging, try to use photographs that do not identify yourself or your company on the prints. Please provide the following:
Project Details
Project title:On site contact (including telephone number):
Designed by: / Date(s) photos taken:
Design & Installation photos must have been taken during installation and immediately after project completion
Installed by: / Installation/Service starting date:
S Suppliers and/or individuals to be recognized:
Please state if any of the following policies were applied for the scheme. (Please tick)
Health and Safety Policy Site Risk Assessments COSHH Equipment Safety Checking
Waste management Staff training Environmental Policy
Please note that the judges reserve the right to request to see any of the above policies.
plants@work reserves the right to withdraw any accolade awarded if the statements above is to be found to be untrue.
Number of Units
Background Information
Please include client’s brief max 250 words, this information will be published in the Awards Brochure
Creative Concept including specification
Explain the creative concept behind your project. Max 350 words
Materials / Planting
Please list materials and plants that have been used to implement the project.
Any Comments (optional)
This is your opportunity to shine in your own words!
- Please attach photographs separately min 300dpi.
- Provide each photo description below, DO NOT insert any photographs into this form.
- Please provide wide shot pictures showing plants in situ.
- Photographs must have been taken during installation and immediately after project completion.
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
Picture 4:
Picture 5:
Picture 6:
Picture 7:
Picture 8:
Picture 9:
Picture 10:
Video – 3-5 minutes – compulsory in this category
Please include any comments about the video