Seed Dissection Lab

Background: The purpose of this lab is to identify and understand the parts of a seed. You will dissect a soybean and corn seed, both of which have been soaking in water for a few hours.


1.  Define the following terms related to the parts of a seed:

a.  Embryo

b.  Seed coat

c.  Endosperm

2.  Obtain a corn seed, soybean seed, and razor.

3.  Observe the seed – how does it look, feel, and smell? Draw a diagram of each seed.

Soybean / Corn

4.  Using your fingers, very carefully pry open the soybean seed. The seed is a dicot and therefore has two halves and should split easily. Draw a diagram of what your seed looks like, identifying the different parts.

5.  Using a razor, very carefully pry open the corn seed. Draw a diagram of what your seed looks like, identifying the different parts.

6.  Place one or two drops of iodine on one half of each of your seeds. Observe the changes that take place and then describe what happened in the space below. Why do you think the seeds reacted the way they did?

Horticulture - Propagation