From Fr. Bill, April 10, 2016
We have been baptized in the Lord.
His water is refreshing!
Our Carnival is in two weeks! Yes, I will be one of the Bingo callers (I have over 15 years experience at this.) As caller, each game I end up making one person happy and frustrating everyone else. I am thankful that Jesus, as Savior, can bring everyone to lasting happiness and frustrate the devil. However, please note that to be a “winner” one needs to be “present.” Jesus did His part. It is up to us to allow Him to be present in our lives through love, mercy, sacrament and service.
There are some people in our parish who I am tired of giving blessings instead of Communion to:
« If you are old enough to receive first communion, let’s make it happen! (For adults call Hortense and for children call Cristina.)
« If it is because your marriage is not yet blessed (made a Sacrament) then call the rectory and schedule an appointment. Also, if you feel you don’t have the “money” to do it “right,” please give up that fairy tale reception and pride which keeps you from making things “right” with God. If even then you can’t afford the $200 for use of the church, let me know. I don’t want to stand before God knowing that money kept His children from Sacrament and Eucharist.
« If it is because one of you were previously married/divorced, please come to our presentation on Annulments next Sunday in the Religious Education Center.
« If it is because you are divorced, know that you are a Confession away from receiving Eucharist. Divorce doesn’t impede one from Eucharist, remarriage (without an annulment) does.
« If you were never baptized, let’s make it happen! I love God’s family growing larger. I love having more brothers and sisters. I love God’s mercy and love being shared though His Sacraments. (For adults call Hortense and for children call Cristina.)
« If you are baptized, but not Catholic. Thank you for respecting the Eucharist we as Catholics consider the ongoing Sacrament of commitment to Jesus and His Church. To partake of Eucharist is to profess that one accepts, believes and is committed to all which the Catholic Church believes and teaches. Additionally it is important that one is in a state of grace and therefore truly open to receive what we believe to be the Real Presence (under the form of bread and wine… similar to something made radio-active, but still in appearance the same) of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (Don’t blame us Catholics for this! It was Jesus’ command not some guys in Rome.) If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church and perhaps becoming Catholic, please call Hortense.
« If there is some other reason which keeps you from receiving Eucharist, please speak with me. I would love to help you be one with us in the Lord.
I can’t understand why people seem surprised that almost 80% (78.6%) of our school’s students are Catholic. It does take a sacrifice and commitment to make Catholic education happen. I am thankful to the Religious nuns and sisters whose dedication (back in the day) made possible tuition rates of $10 per child per month and $50 max per family. I am thankful to those families who make the choice to educate their children in a Catholic environment. (Our school just completed its WASC accreditation visit and our Catholic Identity has been recognized as excellent!) All Catholic families have negotiated tuition based upon their income and number of children. If you have children or grandchildren who might benefit from a Catholic School that I believe to be a hidden gem of Westchester, please give me or our school a call to see if we can make this happen. None of our Catholic families (even the non-Catholics) pay “full” tuition and I know that our children whom I see each day are growing in wisdom and faith. Education is a gift for life and equips them for journeying in this world as Catholics. Maybe this is why so many teachers and educators send their own children to Catholic Schools? (Although in some cases I know it is because of the excellent education and safe environment.) As long as we have an empty desk and Catholic children who are not benefitting from our school, we as a parish have work to do.
The living water is flowing from our Savior’s wounded side. By prayer, encouragement and example let us help others to enter in.
« For children: Cristina Castillo 310-645-8318
« For Adults: Hortense Bradley 310-348-8212 x305