6th February 2017
Committee Present Jane Brookes – Secretary
Pauline Irwin – min\secretary
Michelle Walters - Treasurer
John Hoskins – Elected Member
Nicola Levy – Bugle Editor
Councillor Hamish Stewart
Member of the public AH and RB
1. Apologies: Sam Cassel
2. Minutes Last meeting: 5/12/2016 – AH requested changes to show catering company ‘Sevens from West Linton’ Approved by JH & MW
3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:
· Environment group – No update JB proposed closing this from the agenda until news to report – agreed.
· Walston Primary – Proposal and recent speed survey results had been received and distributed.
Summary of the proposal - South Lanarkshire Council’s proposal to relocate Walston Primary School to a new site opposite Elsrickle Hall has strong educational benefits. It will provide modern purpose-built facilities for nursery and school children. There will be increased outdoor space and enhanced facilities for staff, pupils, parents and the local community. The new school will have the potential to help staff improve learning and teaching for all children. In taking forward its proposal, the council should continue to work with all stakeholders to deliver safe routes to school and a design, within the Council’s respective budget, which meets the needs of pupils, parents, staff and the local community.
Speed Survey Extract SLC:- The vehicle speed survey equipment was located approximately 70 metres west of the junction with Candybank Road within the existing 30mph statutory speed limit. The equipment was deployed for an extended duration to allow a continuous 7 day period of data collection between from 6 December to 12 December 2016. This extended survey period was necessary to overcome disruption to normal traffic flows caused by emergency road works undertaken at this location around this time.
SLC advised - Based on the results of the vehicle speed survey referred to above, this location meets the criteria for the introduction of a part-time mandatory 20mph speed limit outside a primary school. Given the foregoing, it is our intention to propose the introduction of a part-time mandatory 20mph speed limit as part of proposals for the delivery of a new primary school at Elsrickle.
Cllr HS advised report coming to Executive Committee on 8/5/17. HS also advised he thought the Head Teacher position still available.
· Bugle funding:
Possibility of New Biggin Quarry funding being handled by SC.
MW advised Renewable Energy Fund - £500 funding application had been sent, she was awaiting a response.
With regards to suggestions raised in previous months it was agreed we still needed to hold off with these until we know the funding situation. We had enough funding to go ahead with the next edition.
NL advising funding streams may be available via Community Awards and company Macdonald.NL also advised Scottish Rural funding information could be found on West Linton Facebook page, MW will investigate.
Ideas for bugle included buy/Swop/Sell section, however, this was thought to be something available free on Facebook pages and perhaps un-fare for those companies which support BMCC via the bugle. PI suggested a quarter page advertising space be offered free to new upcoming local businesses as a way of offering support from the BMCC.
It was also agreed that information regarding the changes in appointment procedures at Biggar Health Centre should be included in the edition. NL will contact the practice manager for details.
· Local BT pay phones – JB will make contact with BT regarding the 4 ‘saved’ local telephone boxes requesting they be cleaned and checked all equipment present and working.
· Greenshields Traffic Calming – SLC response for traffic calming action in this local accident blackspot has been received. Summary of comprehensive response is No action will be taken.
· Hedge cutting – Dolphinton. Closed out.
· Blocked Drains by Milburn House - Closed out.
· A702 extension of 40mph speed limit – Positive response received so far, Aileen Campbell MSP had received our request via Christine Grahame MSP and had written to SLC requesting they consider our request for and extension of the speed limit.
· Waste Collection Gladstone Boreland / Greenshields area. PI had spoken to residents effected and who are still having to dump plastic bags full of food waste etc at the road side.SLC had previously advised that they would be placing collecting bins for the residents to use. Cllr HS requested copies of all the correspondence be forwarded to him and he will take this up with the department concerned.
· JB had approach SLC Margaret McDougall for guidance, however, due to her currently being off sick no response had been received, BMCC understood the department was trying to get through all correspondence.
· Quarry Lorries using Greenshields Road. PI advised none had been seen recently SC to update.
4. Social Group
Thanks, given to Cllr HS for assistance with the hall hire and he will be missed when he retires. AH requested funding from BMCC to cover the costs of invitations £58.40. It was agreed that when the CC was aware of funding available for the Bugle this would be considered. JB and MW advised they would be donating their honorariums to BMCC.
AH advised Social Group balance was £195.00.
Sports day would be held at the end of May at Newbigging, hopefully with good weather.
5. Planning:
CL/17/0001 - Libberton Mains Farm Cottage – Side extension
CL/17/0022 – Hillside Cottage, Dunsyre, side extension.
No objections received.
6. Report by Cllr Stewart.
Cllr Stewart advised ongoing discussion regarding Council budgets. Additional funding being made available from Scottish Government.
Cllr HS attended the official opening of Libberton Primary school on 14/12/2016.
Carnwath official opening will be on 28/2/2017
Biggar Primary opening will be on 1/3/2017
PI advised the mobile Library service was providing excellent service especially to the partial sighted in the community with the talking books available. The help and assistance of the staff was exceptional. Cllr HS said he would enquire regarding the frequency of the service (which may be cut back) and talking book availability.
7. Correspondence:
8. Treasurer’s Report:
(Michelle can you please complete, thanks)
· Balance of RBS account No 1 (00693156) BMCC £363.42. Costs to date from SLC Admin Grant - printing of Bugle £245 and distribution costs of Bugle £48. Account balance £207.91.
· SLC Community Grant – November 2016 payment of Bugle £245. Account balance £155.36.
· Account Interest 15 pence.
· Balance of RBS account No 2 (00693164) £1218.41p (6/2/17) £8.00 cheque received from bugle advertising.
9. A.O.B:
NL advised apologies for the next meeting.
Meeting concluded at 8.45pm
Date of next Meeting: 6th March 2017