Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

District Totals - FY 2013-14

2.1 Fiscal Year Expenditures

Santa Rosa Campus

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Total / Change from 2012-13
Faculty payroll / $18,257,730.74 / -0.33% / $1,089,682.17 / 13.43% / $19,347,412.91 / 0.35%
Adjunct payroll / $14,232,590.59 / 20.78% / $649,429.64 / -1.12% / $14,882,020.23 / 19.62%
Classified payroll / $14,939,648.92 / 5.91% / $3,915,483.67 / 7.61% / $18,855,132.59 / 6.26%
STNC payroll / $905,194.27 / 19.46% / $632,428.34 / -6.79% / $1,537,622.61 / 7.06%
Student payroll / $657,866.22 / 3.70% / $295,088.65 / -17.31% / $952,954.87 / -3.86%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $8,213,897.89 / 6.45% / $1,033,550.32 / 28.60% / $9,247,448.21 / 8.54%
Benefits (3000's) / $17,743,307.91 / 2.15% / $2,414,983.70 / 6.66% / $20,158,291.61 / 2.67%
Supplies (4000's) / $1,972,786.56 / 5.16% / $221,747.07 / -8.25% / $2,194,533.63 / 3.63%
Services (5000's) / $8,735,871.77 / 19.31% / $864,482.75 / 10.42% / $9,600,354.52 / 18.45%
Equipment (6000's) / $502,466.51 / -24.46% / $880,477.04 / 68.64% / $1,382,943.55 / 16.48%
Total Expenditures / $89,595,048.69 / 7.05% / $12,315,870.14 / 9.42% / $101,910,918.83 / 7.33%

Petaluma Campus (Includes Rohnert Park and Sonoma)

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Total / Change from 2012-13
Faculty payroll / $2,634,400.37 / 16.48% / $119,590.22 / -22.00% / $2,753,990.59 / 14.04%
Adjunct payroll / $2,976,440.56 / 19.48% / $110,286.12 / 760.81% / $3,086,726.68 / 23.27%
Classified payroll / $1,498,265.08 / 0.86% / $393,944.57 / 21.74% / $1,892,209.65 / 4.59%
STNC payroll / $68,257.26 / 34.92% / $46,177.16 / 57.85% / $114,434.42 / 43.32%
Student payroll / $95,442.07 / 0.84% / $8,937.50 / 46.14% / $104,379.57 / 3.59%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $858,089.93 / 3.96% / $58,204.33 / 65.94% / $916,294.26 / 6.48%
Benefits (3000's) / $1,976,845.97 / 7.52% / $243,692.47 / 16.35% / $2,220,538.44 / 8.42%
Supplies (4000's) / $179,125.18 / 31.37% / $20,726.38 / 99.28% / $199,851.56 / 36.18%
Services (5000's) / $224,334.00 / -48.41% / $258,580.30 / >1000% / $482,914.30 / 5.39%
Equipment (6000's) / $11,924.75 / -57.53% / $62,616.69 / 737.62% / $74,541.44 / 109.66%
Total Expenditures / $10,523,125.17 / 9.08% / $1,326,187.74 / 63.56% / $11,849,312.91 / 13.31%

Other Locations (Includes the PSTC, Windsor, and other locations)

Expenditure Category / Unrestricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Restricted Funds / Change from 2012-13 / Total / Change from 2012-13
Faculty payroll / $381,710.00 / 101.37% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $381,710.00 / 101.37%
Adjunct payroll / $2,032,054.17 / 19.78% / $79,637.28 / -34.28% / $2,111,691.45 / 16.17%
Classified payroll / $660,520.03 / -7.33% / $0.00 / -100.00% / $660,520.03 / -7.40%
STNC payroll / $44,602.25 / 54.16% / $167,479.70 / 19.21% / $212,081.95 / 25.18%
Student payroll / $68,882.23 / 56.20% / $0.00 / 0.00% / $68,882.23 / 56.20%
Management payroll (and Dept Chairs) / $605,420.90 / 8.57% / $0.00 / -100.00% / $605,420.90 / 8.38%
Benefits (3000's) / $778,188.93 / 10.65% / $25,424.61 / -11.14% / $803,613.54 / 9.80%
Supplies (4000's) / $716,223.71 / 29.27% / $40,284.94 / 4.39% / $756,508.65 / 27.65%
Services (5000's) / $1,363,876.31 / -0.67% / $23,269.71 / 14.68% / $1,387,146.02 / -0.45%
Equipment (6000's) / $228,150.10 / >1000% / $136,273.17 / 66.10% / $364,423.27 / 301.52%
Total Expenditures / $7,142,500.13 / 16.90% / $472,369.41 / 9.16% / $7,614,869.54 / 16.39%

Expenditure Totals

Expenditure Category / Amount / Change from 2012-13 / District Total / % of District Total
Total Expenditures / $121,375,101.28 / 8.42% / $120,253,860.49 / 100.93%
Total Faculty Payroll / $42,563,551.86 / 10.13% / $43,245,546.66 / 98.42%
Total Classified Payroll / $21,407,862.27 / 5.63% / $19,181,736.44 / 111.61%
Total Management Payroll / $10,769,163.37 / 8.35% / $8,511,170.13 / 126.53%
Total Salary/Benefits Costs / $100,913,376.74 / 7.25% / $90,311,305.65 / 111.74%
Total Non-Personnel Costs / $16,443,216.94 / 16.39% / $15,816,837.66 / 103.96%

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

District Totals - FY 2013-14

2.2 Fiscal Year Employee Data and Calculations

Employee Head Counts

Employee Category / Count / Change from 2012-13 / District Total / % of District Total
Contract Faculty / 277 / -2.12% / 277 / 100.00%
Adjunct Faculty / 1351 / 5.88% / 1351 / 100.00%
Classified Staff / 490 / -1.41% / 490 / 100.00%
STNC Workers / 458 / 9.05% / 458 / 100.00%
Student Workers / 610 / 2.18% / 610 / 100.00%
Mgmt/Admin/Dept Chair / 144 / -2.70% / 144 / 100.00%

Employee FTE Totals

FTE Category / FTE / Change from 2012-13 / District Total / % of District Total
FTE-F - Faculty / 679.0958 / 5.67% / 679.6236 / 99.92%
FTE-CF - Contract Faculty / 274.8500 / -1.31% / 274.8500 / 100.00%
FTE-AF - Adjunct Faculty / 404.2458 / 11.00% / 404.7736 / 99.87%
FTE-C - Classified / 407.3756 / 1.69% / 407.3756 / 100.00%
FTE-ST - STNC / 63.8460 / 25.69% / 63.8460 / 100.00%
FTE-SS - Support Staff / 647.5358 / 3.13% / 647.5458 / 100.00%
FTE-SW - Student Workers / 176.3142 / -0.10% / 176.3242 / 99.99%
FTE-M - Management / 114.8000 / -3.47% / 114.8000 / 100.00%
FTE-DC - Department Chairs / 0.0000 / 0.00% / 50.0000 / 0.00%

Student Data

Data Element / Value / Change from 2012-13 / District Total / % of District Total
FTES-CR - Credit / 16299.2721 / 0.98% / 16276.6188 / 100.14%
FTES-NC - Non-Credit / 2019.4495 / -2.17% / 2028.0819 / 99.57%
FTES - combined / 18318.7216 / 0.62% / 18304.7007 / 100.08%
Students Enrolled/Served / 155577 / -5.40% / 30000 / 518.59%


Data Element / Value / Change from 2012-13 / District Total / % of District Total
FTE-S : FTE-F / 26.9752 / -4.77% / 26.9336 / 100.15%
FTE-AF : FTE-CF / 1.4708 / 12.48% / 1.4727 / 99.87%
FTE-F : FTE-SS / 1.0487 / 2.46% / 1.0495 / 99.92%
FTE-F : FTE-M / 5.9155 / 9.47% / 5.9201 / 99.92%
FTE-SS : FTE-M / 5.6406 / 6.84% / 5.6406 / 100.00%
FTE-ST : FTE-C / 0.1567 / 23.60% / 0.1567 / 100.00%
Average Faculty Salary per FTE-F / $62,676.80 / 4.23% / $63,631.61 / 98.50%
Average Classified Salary per FTE-C / $52,550.68 / 3.88% / $47,086.12 / 111.61%
Average Management Salary per FTE-M / $93,808.04 / 12.25% / $74,139.11 / 126.53%
Salary/Benefit costs as a % of total budget / 83.14% / -1.07% / 75.10% / 110.71%
Non-Personnel $ as a % of total budget / 13.55% / 7.36% / 13.15% / 103.00%
Restricted Funds as a % of total budget / 11.63% / 4.16% / 11.75% / 99.00%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-F / $178,730.45 / 2.61% / $176,941.86 / 101.01%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-C / $297,944.00 / 6.62% / $295,191.61 / 100.93%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-M / $1,057,274.40 / 12.32% / $1,047,507.50 / 100.93%
Total Unit Cost per FTE-S / $6,625.74 / 7.75% / $6,569.56 / 100.86%
Total Unit Cost per student served/enrolled / $780.16 / 14.61% / $4,008.46 / 19.46%

Santa Rosa Junior College - Program Unit Review

District Totals - FY 2013-14

Addendum: Program Unit Configuration

Activity (ACTV) Codes

ACTV Code / Description

Academic Disciplines

Discipline Code / Description
OA / Active Older Adult
APE / Adapted Physical Education
AJ / Administration of Justice
AGRI / Agriculture
AGBUS / Agriculture Business
AGMEC / Agriculture Mechanics
ASL / American Sign Language
ANAT / Anatomy
ANHLT / Animal Health
ANSCI / Animal Science
ANTHRO / Anthropology
APGR / Applied Graphics
APTECH / Applied Technology
APED / Apprenticeship Education
KAQUA / Aquatics
ARCH / Architecture
ART / Art
ASTRON / Astronomy
ATHL / Athletics
AUTO / Automotive Technology
BEHSC / Behavioral Science
BIO / Biology
BOTANY / Botany
BAD / Business Administration
BBK / Business Bookkeeping
BGN / Business General
BMG / Business Management
BMK / Business Marketing
BOT / Business Office Technology
CHEM / Chemistry
CHLD / Child Development
CEST / Civil & Surveying Technology
CSKLS / College Skills
KCOMB / Combative Sports
COMM / Communication Studies
CHW / Community Health Worker
CI / Community Involvement
CS / Computer Studies
CONS / Construction Management Technology
CFS / Consumer and Family Studies
COUN / Counseling
CUL / Culinary Arts
DANCE / Dance
DA / Dental Education - Assisting
DNA / Dental Education - Continuing
DH / Dental Education - Hygiene
DE / Dental Education (Assisting & Hygiene)
DET / Diesel/Equipment Technology
DIET / Dietetic Technology
DRD / Disability Resources Department
ERTHS / Earth and Space Science
ECON / Economics
EDUC / Education
ELEC / Electronic Technology
EMC / Emergency Medical Care
ENGR / Engineering
ENGL / English
ESL / English as a Second Language
ENVS / Environmental Science
ENVST / Environmental Studies
ENVT / Environmental Technology
EQSCI / Equine Science
FASH / Fashion Studies
FIRE / Fire Technology
KFIT / Fitness
FLORS / Floristry
FDNT / Foods and Nutrition
FREN / French
GIS / Geographic Information Systems
GEOG / Geography
GEOL / Geology
GERM / German
GD / Graphic Design
HLC / Health Care
HLE / Health Education
HIST / History
HORT / Horticulture
HOSP / Hospitality
HR / Human Resources
HUMAN / Humanities
KINDV / Individual Sports
IED / Industrial Education
INTDIS / Interdisciplinary Studies
INDE / Interior Design
ITAL / Italian
JOUR / Journalism
KINES / Kinesiology
LIR / Library and Information Resources
MACH / Machine Tool Technology
MATH / Mathematics
MEDIA / Media Studies
MA / Medical Assisting
METRO / Meteorology
MICRO / Microbiology
MUSC / Music
MUSCP / Music Performance
NRM / Natural Resources
NRA / Nursing - Aide
NR / Nursing - RN
NRV / Nursing - Vocational
PLS / Paralegal Studies
PHARM / Pharmacy Technician
PHIL / Philosophy
PHYED / Physical Education
PHYSC / Physical Science
PHYS / Physics
PHYSIO / Physiology
POLS / Political Science
PSYCH / Psychology
RADT / Radiologic Technology
RE / Real Estate
RELS / Religious Studies
SOCS / Social Science
SOC / Sociology
SPAN / Spanish
SE / Special Education
SPCH / Speech
SURV / Surveying
SUSAG / Sustainable Agriculture
KTEAM / Team Sports
THAR / Theatre Arts
VIT / Viticulture
VE / Vocational Education
WWTR / Waste Water Treatment
WTR / Water Treatment
WELD / Welding
WINE / Wine Studies
WRKEX / Work Experience - General
WEOC / Work Experience - Occupational