Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

April 20th – April 23rd 2012


  • A Donation to two severely injured pilots who had rendered lengthy service to the sport was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors to assist in the pilots’ lengthy recuperation and ongoing care.
  • Extensive discussions took place on the topic of Risk Management in the sport in Canada with reference to the work being concurrently carried out by USHPA. Rob Samplonius, Director from BC, will take on the development of a Risk Management Plan for HPAC in consultation with others involved in that kind of work.
  • A Risk Management Plan will also closely integrate with the Safety portfolio of HPAC with a recommendation that a Site Audit be conducted of all major sites across Canada.
  • The Business Manager reported on the USHPA Directors Meeting in Colorado Springs, where HPAC had been invited to report on its National Parks strategy, which is also being pursued in the USA. Opportunities for HPAC/USHPA collaborationwere presented.
  • The new HPAC Website development delay was discussed and options for completion. Negotiations are still in progress with the contracted developer.
  • It was moved unanimously by the Board of Directors that a quarterly electronic newsletter in .pdf format would be produced to replace Air Magazine and to be incorporated into the new website. In the interim it will be distributed to members by e-mail and be available for download on the existing website.
  • The Board of Directors unanimously approved the acquisition of a couple of wind feathers, featuring HPAC’s new logo, to raise the profile and visibility of HPAC at HPAC-sanctioned events, such as the HG and PG Nationals, and other initiatives to improve the marketing of the Association to its members, the media and the general public.
  • IAC (Instructors Advisory Committee) Chair Steve Younger (Regional Rep for Ontario) and the Board discussed the APPI’s international instructional standards for paragliding and their gradual adoption by a number of national organizations. The question of whether or not HPAC might over the long term, and only with instructor consent, adopt these international standards was also discussed.
  • The shortage of senior instructors for either HG or PG in some areas of the country was discussed and ways in which instructors requiring recertification could be connected with Seniors, whether HG or PG, where necessary.
  • Competition Development Strategy was discussed and unanimously approved for 2012-2013, with greater incentives for meet organizers of national and regional events, an XC-Contest, and World Team contributions.
  • Financials: The Financial Statement 2011-2012 and the Budget for 2012-2013 were unanimously accepted; Jorgensen & Bickerton were unanimously chosen as Auditors.
  • The HPAC Webteamcontract was unanimously renewed as was the Business Manager contract. The title of Business Manager was changed to Executive Director by the Board in order to bring the title more in line with the equivalent role in other sports organizations.
  • HPAC Awards were made: Solid Ground Award to Instinct Windsports’ landowner; the Cliff Kakish Award to Bruce MacGuigan; the Jaime Christensen Award to Patrick Golliot; the Michael Robertson Award to John Janssen.