Ser / Data / Page Number
1 / Introduction / 2
2 / Targeted families for the survery process and verification / 3
3 / Time Frame and Work Plan / 4
4 / Field work background / 6
5 / A plan shows field survey process / 7
6 / Results of survey process and verification / 8
7 / Other cases to be mentioned / 9
8 / Most important problem faced the field survey team / 10
9 / Recommendations / 11

The fifth food survey was conducted due to the lastest incidents in Sada’a, Jouf and Harf Sufyan, and the wars renewed with the Houties in those locations. The Executive Unit during the last half of 2011 registered a total of 4,061 IDP families from Sadaa, Al Jawf and Harf Sufyan.

Thus, the Executive Unit, WFP, and UNHCR agreed to a survey (conducted by ADRA) at the end of February 2012. Several problems were faced upon executing the survey and verification which could not solve all the problems of the IDPs. The first reason was the non response and untruths of the IDPs with the Executive Unit and with the Organizations and Field enumerators, as the IDPs were found to be not entirely truthful on all occasions.

On several occasions, as was discovered by several enumerators, that IDPs ‘borrowed’ a family member such as a wife and children. There was no way to confirm this apart from the field enumerator to use his skills and put questions to the children to persuade them in some questions to make sure of those members that they are saying the truth.

In addition, there were several cases of falsifying identity documents and impersonation and other problems and the trickery used by the IDPs to attempt to gain access to additional services.

We will mention what has been made during the period of survey in details.

Worth to mentioned segregating IDPs families at the level of the Governorates they were displaced from and upon the level of Districts of the Capital’s Secretariat which they are currently residing.

a)  Displaced families at the level of the Governorates of displacement.

Governorates / Number of families
1 / Sadaa / 2.251
2 / Al Jawf / 935
4 / Amran (Harf Sufyan) / 875
TOTAL / 4,061

B) Displaced families at the level of the Districts of current residence (Sana’a City) Secretariat).

Districts / Number of families
1 / Bani AlHarith / 2.146
2 / Moin / 404
4 / Shoub / 262
5 / AlSabaeen / 117
6 / AlThawra / 117
7 / AlSafeya / 41
8 / Azal / 15
9 / AlTahreer / 13
10 / AlWahda / 7
11 / Unknown / 848
Total / 4.061

A schedule was developed to put the time of beginning and end as per the time schedule prepared for that and according to the plan put for at the time of preparing the budget concerning with the execution of this project.

·  Time Plan:

Remarks / Period (in Days) / Survey’s end / Survey’s beginning / Training
Except Friday, Saturday, election day and Holidays / 18 days / 13-3-2012 / 16-2-2012 / 14-15/2/2012

·  Team’s dividing:

The teams were divided based on the number of IDPs in the Districts and the team is composed of (both a Male/Female enumerator) as follows:

Remarks / Average of families for each Team / Number of enumerators / Number of teams
204 / 40 / 20

Team’s distribution for each District:

Teams number / Number of enumerators / Number of teams / District / 20 / 10 / Bani AlHarith
1 / 2 / 1 / Azal + Tahreer + AlThawra + a part of AlSabaeen
2 / 2 / 1 / AlSabaeen + AlSafeya + AlWahda + a part of Bani AlHarith
13 / 2 / 1 / Shoub + a part of Bani AlHarith
14 / 2 / 1 / Shoub + a part of unknown
15.16.17 / 6 / 3 / Unknown
18 / 2 / 1 / Moin + a part of unknown
19,20 / 4 / 2 / Moin

A Schedule name of the Enumerators with the number of Groups and Districts targeted.

Team’s No. / Enumerators No. / Name of the Enumerators / Range of survey in the Districts
1 / 18 / Gosoon Gusame / Azal+AlTahreer+AlThawra+AlSabaeen
38 / Watiq Mohamed AlAhnoomi
2 / 20 / Sumayya Fadhl Saif AlIslam / AlSabaeen+ AlSafeya+AlWahda+Bani AlHarith
33 / Marwan Taha Moqbel
3 / 1 / Ibrahim Mukhtar Abdulbari / Bani AlHarith
4 / Etemad Hasan
4 / 36 / Nawal Mohamed Kasem AlMadani / Bani AlHarith
37 / Hadi Ahmed Abdulrahman
5 / 11 / Tawfiq Hasan Ali Ahmed / Bani AlHarith
13 / Hanan Mahdi AlAghbari
6 / 2 / Ahmed AlDoas / Bani AlHarith
28 / Gada Kasem AlBukaity
7 / 7 / Basem Ahmed Abdulrahman AlShargabi / Bani AlHarith
29 / Gadeer Abdubaqi AlDubaee
8 / 8 / Basem Naser AlReyashi / Bani AlHarith
17 / Samur Tawfiq Mohamed Saeed
9 / 24 / Esam Mohamed AlRuhani / Bani AlHarith
30 / Faten Abdulkareem Saeed Aklan
10 / 10 / Nada Abdulkareem AlAkhali / Bani AlHarith
26 / Ali Mohamed AlBatool
11 / 6 / Ayman Mohamed AlGarbani / Bani AlHarith
16 / Salwa Muharram
12 / 12 / Hamed Mohamed Yahya / Bani AlHarith
31 / Fawzeya Mohamed AlReyashi
13 / 15 / Sukaina Hasan Saleh AlHabashi / Bani AlHarith + Shoub
23 / Abdullah Mohamed AlAhnoomi
14 / 9 / Bushra Mohamed Ghaleb Arhab / Shoub + unknown
34 / Makki Ali Alhaweri
15 / 19 / Sumayya Hasan Saleh AlHubaishi / Unknon
39 / Mohamed Naser Ahmed AlKutaily
16 / Bushra AlSamawi / Unknown
22 / Abbas AlKhalani
17 / 32 / Mohamed Ahmed AlMasagedi / Unknown
35 / Naseem Ali Lutf Musalli
18 / 21 / Amat AlKhaleq Ali Ahmed AlMaymooni / Unknow + Moin
40 / Waleed Mutaher AlMoayyed
19 / 3 / Kafa Mohamed AlAzab / Moin
27 / Ali Abdullah Abu Taleb
20 / 5 / Amani Mohamed AlGarbani / Moin
25 / Akil Ali Hussein

v  The field survey operation mechanism for IDPs in Sana’a was as per the food survey forms, the forms was to be filled in the field followed by the entering process later followed by the stage of analyzing the results.

v  Later the previous plan was developed and some additions were made such as field visits being recorded directly on the Laptop computer, where the form was being filled directly to the Data Base and sometings were added such as (the Photo of the head of the household and the authorized substitute to receive, and the geographical updates of the family as per the GPS apparatus.

v  Tackling team’s problem which they faces in the field:

The team was given instruction on the training day, and in case of an situation occurs that was not included in the training program, the Enumerators should get in touch with the surpervisor of the field team, who in turn guideed them what to do with the problem or discussed with the Heads of the Groups concerned.

v  The line of communication between the Enumerators and the Supervisors was by telephone or a meeting in important cases and the upcoming which comes in the survey process, for an example when accepting personal identification in the form of an election card and the membership etc ….. a meeting was held with the team and the system was modified for accepting those cards.

After collecting the Data from the Team and merging it the following results came clear

Group No / Frame / Reach to / Achieved / Stumbled / Closed / Returned / *Others
1 / 204 / 204 / 153 / 3 / 22 / 20 / 6
2 / 204 / 204 / 154 / 33 / 14 / 0 / 3
3 / 204 / 204 / 166 / 28 / 0 / 10 / 0
4 / 204 / 204 / 167 / 14 / 14 / 5 / 4
5 / 204 / 204 / 145 / 19 / 11 / 5 / 24
6 / 204 / 204 / 166 / 11 / 19 / 7 / 1
7 / 204 / 204 / 163 / 11 / 4 / 9 / 17
8 / 204 / 204 / 161 / 22 / 6 / 15 / 0
9 / 204 / 204 / 137 / 7 / 35 / 8 / 17
10 / 204 / 204 / 171 / 10 / 8 / 10 / 5
11 / 204 / 204 / 153 / 0 / 10 / 16 / 25
12 / 204 / 204 / 141 / 25 / 27 / 11
13 / 204 / 204 / 140 / 32 / 23 / 7 / 2
14 / 204 / 204 / 132 / 60 / 0 / 8 / 4
15 / 204 / 204 / 137 / 44 / 14 / 2 / 7
16 / 204 / 204 / 78 / 105 / 13 / 1 / 7
17 / 204 / 204 / 103 / 68 / 5 / 10 / 18
18 / 204 / 204 / 107 / 65 / 17 / 7 / 8
19 / 204 / 204 / 134 / 34 / 9 / 11 / 16
20 / 185 / 185 / 136 / 13 / 5 / 18 / 13
TOTAL / 4,061 / 4,061 / 2,844 / 604 / 229 / 196 / 188

·  Others / repeated + forgery + non emigrants

# Achievement percentage 70.03%

ü  Noted (11) families were repeated in the Data Base after collecting and merging them to become the total families been surveyed (2,844) families.

a)  Special and In-Need cases:

These cases were deems to be extremely in need, more so than the other families and each case differs than the other with a total number of 262 families as outlined in annex No (1).

b)  Cases does not in need (as judged by the enumerators)

These cases as per the point of view of the enumerators do not deserve food assistant as they requested participation in the survey by force and / or being a very rich family with a total number of 121 families, as in the annex No (2).

  Fasifying IDPs identity document in particular the election and membership card.. etc.

  Borrowing family members, wife and house specially of those families returned back as they can not be present.

  Some IDP telephone numbers were turned off, were not correct or belonged to another person who has no any relation with the IDP sought.

  Changing IDP addresses caused confusion to the team and made the team travel to many different districts in the capital.

  IDPs did not adhere to the apointment given to them by the Researchers which caused delay of Half a Day to the Committee or a whole Day waiting and looking for the IDPs in question.

  Merging the family in one house which causes doubt in the credibility of the Data and pretexting by IDPs for helping each other with the rents.

  Preventing field teams from taking photographs for some of the cases.

  IDPs offering bribes to some Researchers instead of looking for one of the relatives as being traveler or returned.

  Some of the IDPs threaten Researchers in case of not making research in a wrong way.

  Some of the families are divided and registering family members as a head of household.

  Some IDPs refuses that researcher enters the house so they can hide their private properties.

  There are families who they have no addressess and the Researching Team could not survey them because of their non existence.

  Communication allowance fees (500) riyals was not enough in comparison with what Researchers makes of daily calls and continuously.

The following recommendations are made based on the experience of the assessment and verification:

v  Initial registration should be made according to the Personal Identity Card, the Family Card or the Passport only to limit the repeated beneficiaries and limit the use of forgories

v  Families existing in Sana’a should be registered and not the returnees to their original regions which results into borrowing family members and wives.. etc..

v  Giving instructions IDPs at the initial registration to inform the executive unit in case of changing the address or the telephone number.

v  Special cases and the cases identified as being in extreme need should receive assistance as soon as possible.

v  Cases does not deserve from the point of view of the Researchers should kindly be taken a specific decision against them as they are withholding others who are in need.

v  Complete addresses should be taken of all the families and their substitute telephone numbers so we can reach all the targeted families.

v  Unifying instructions issued by the survey team.

v  Reconsidering communication allowances for field surveys.