Human Sexuality End of Unit Projects----- Must do at least 200 points worth of projects…you may do more.

DUE: ______

Option 1: ABSTINENCE recordingworth 50 pointsmust be played for class

Step 1: Recorda small group discussionor interview (no more than 10 people) into an MP3 file or a video file about

Importance of waiting to have sex.

Step 2: Edit the recording file to include “points” about Abstinence such as average age teens have sex, % of teens having sex, # or %

of teens with an STD, # or % of teen pregnancy…etc.

Each recording should be about 5 minutes long

What to turn in? Recording and a written SUMMARY of the discussion/interview. Min 2 paragraphs.

OPTION 2:Controversial Moral issues essay worth 100 points (you may do 2 of these) does NOT have to be presented

we may discuss them depending on time

“Tackle” A controversial moral issue in regards to Human Sexuality. Examples are

a)Abortion (pro life vs pro choice)

b)Homosexuality…. (Biological factors vs Environmental influences)

c)Gay marriage and domestic partnerships

d)Gender roles in society (real or perceived)

e)Polygamy (married to multiple wives/partners)

f)Other un-mentioned controversial issue you can think of (teacher approved)

Choose the issue you want to work with. Do research using at least 2 sources that are opposite view points. Try not to use a Wiki or blog as these are often tainted. Use established articles or companies. Then, create a 6-7 paragraph essay about your issue by answering All these questions:

1)Introduction = 1 paragraph

2)What are both main sides of this issue using FACTS generated through research?(at least 2 paragraphs)

3)How do various culturesfrom various countries feel about this issue? Compare and/or Contrast (1-2 paragraphs)

4)What are your personal beliefs/values about this issue? Make sure to explain why you think what you think

And try to use facts to support your opinion if possible (at least 1 paragraph)

5) Conclusion = simple short paragraph that reiterates your stand and returns to introduction

Turn in only good copies including your sources listed…do not just write your opinion or what you think for the entire essay.

OPTION 3: New “Laws” concerning parenting and sexual activity worth 100 pointsmust be discussed or presented

You are the President of the United States. Congress has just sent you a bill for you to sign into law or veto.

LAW: People must fill out an application and take a test to become a parent just like a driver’s license. Ifthey fail, they can re-take the exam every 6 months. Parenting classes will be available for those who need them. The license needs to be re-certified every 5 years. If a person gets pregnant without the license, they must attend mandated parenting classes. If they fail the class, their baby will be taken from them upon birth and put up for adoption. Classes will be very basic and focus basic skills such as meeting the needs of a child in terms of food, shelter, medical care and education, establishing “rules”, teaching responsibility, discipline, etc. People in the class will be permitted in include personal cultural and/or religious standards essential for their family. Therefore, it is not a dictatorship ruled class.

Questions to be considered by the President:

1)How does this law affect the freedom and liberty of our nation?

2)Will this law benefit the majority or the minority?

3)What are my personal values, beliefs and morals of this law?

4)What are the long term ramifications of this law?

5) How do the American People as a whole, feel about this law?

After carefully considering all of the questions (write a short response to each), Sign the bill into Law or VETO it.

EXTRA CREDIT: 25 points: Make a video of your Presidential Address for class to view

What to turn in? Good copies only on Presidential thought process and/or the video answering each question


OPTION 4: Production about Dating or Sexual Violence worth 100 pointsMust be presented

Can be a video or “live”…can include other actors or a monologue.

TASK: Create a production demonstrating Dating Violence, the effects of dating violence OR Sexual Violence and it’s effects. Productionshould include data and specifics of teen dating/sexual violence, advice for teens and ways to protect one’s self. If done live, create a slide show or poster to go along with your performance. Examples must be controlled as in NO REAL violence and NO NUDITY. Get your parent/guardian’s permission before tackling this project.

Turn in: A summary report of why you chose this topic and common statistics you found and the digital file if you made one.

OPTION 5: ABSTINENCE list and poster 50 points slogan/poster does need to be shared and displayed

Step 1: Define ABSTINENCE then make a good copy list of 25 reasons why you should choose Abstinence

Step 2: Create your list on a poster that can be displayed. Make sure the poster has a catchy graphic or slogan (appropriate for everyone to see) that draws attention to the poster, along with the 25 reasons. Must be colorful or appealing, This is a work of art to be used essentially as an advertisement like a billboard would. Turn in only good copies

Option 6: Sexting: worth 50 points plus extra credit opportunity slogan/poster does need to be shared and displayed

Step 1: Write a catchy slogan hi-lighting the dangers and possible outcome or consequences of sexting

Step 2: Design a Poster or digital graphic advertising your slogan

Step 3: Write a little song/jingle OR create a simple and short Public Service Announcement. Record the PSA/jingle

(MP3 or VIDEO) so that it can be posted online for all to see. 30 seconds to 1 minute in length

OPTION 9: Caring for a Baby simulation worth 200 pointsmust be shared and discussed


This is the stereotypical Health class “taking care of a baby” project. If you except this challenge, it will be hard and you will need your parents/guardians permission and help to make it “realistic”. If you are willing to do this project after hearing the details, then and only then should you pick up the specific written details (or download it)

ASSIGNMENT DETAILS FOR Option 9: Caring for a Baby simulation worth 200 points

Step 1) Choose a Baby: Your baby can either be a 8-10 lb bag of flour wrapped in a towel or an egg wrapped in a wash cloth. Your egg may be hard boiled. You may not use a doll or stuffed animal unless the doll is at least 8 lbs. YOU MAY NOT USE A REAL BABY unless the baby is yours already. You may not use a pet. THIS PROJECT IS FOR NOW AT YOUR AGE…NOT later in life. NOTHING changes in your life other than the made up background story and possible boyfriend/girlfriend responsible

Step 2) Decide if you want to do this project alone or with a partner. Again, make sure you get your parent’s permission. When I say partner, I don’t necessarily mean boyfriend/girlfriend. In the past, “partners” have included brothers or sisters, cousins or neighbors, pretend roommates, etc. The only rule is that your partner must be willing to do the assignment with you AND be in grades 9-12. If your partner is in this school, they need to answer any questions below alone so if they are not in Health class, they will be agreeing to do “homework” for a class that does not count towards their grade.

Step 3) Invent a background for your situation (single parent, boyfriend/girlfriend, accident, etc). BE VERY VERY SPECIFIC but keep out the details of the actual sexual act.

Step 4) Choose a 4 day time frame to do this project. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING THE “BABY” TO SCHOOL NO MATTER WHAT. If a “baby” is brought to school, you will automatically receive an F on this project

Rules and factors: Act like this is a real baby and you are the father/mother.

a) You can’t leave it alone ever for any reason. You must ALWAYS take it with you or get a baby sitter. This includes leaving it alone in a room so you can get a shower/bath, or going out to hang with your friends or shopping. It is a newborn and can’t entertain itself. Your schedule should be based around this “baby”

b) You must take care of yourself (including house choirs, homework, showers, part time jobs, fun stuff etc. Again, make your schedule around this baby. when the baby is sleeping AND/OR being taken care of by someone else.

Do not make it easier by choosing days you don’t have work and no big events are happening)

c) If you can’t get a volunteer to baby sit, you need to pay someone with real money (Every nickel = $5.00)

d**) Recall the towel/wash cloth are counting as diapers. You must change the towel/wash cloth and put on a new one every 2-3 hours or so. You can use 2 different towels or wash clothes (no more) but tally up the number of “diapers”

e**) You must pretend to feed the “baby” every 2-4 hours or so using an empty water bottle with spout or empty real baby bottle OR, you may pretend natural breast feeding (without being fully topless, when alone and again only with parent’s permission). Each time you feed the baby, it should take 10-20 minutes. Remember to burp your baby.

f) You CAN NOT Drop the flour or egg because not only will your “baby” get hurt, but your parents will kill you for

making a mess. If the egg breaks, its dead. If the flour rips, you may “patch” it with “bandages” if possible

g) If choosing to do this with a partner that does not live with you, you must decide who the baby is going to live with and what custody arrangements are being made. Plan for real (like if you had the baby for real not just for this time frame) but for this project, the 2 parents must share time.

H**) Make your night schedules as realistic as possible…..see ** below

** = There are various apps that mimic babies available on Android and Iphone. IF you download one of these apps, it may assist you. Special note to parents: You can really help this project by doing things like waking your son/daughter up in the middle of the night a few times like they use to do to you, or ringing a bell or horn or something else very loud to simulate crying without telling them “why the baby is crying”, etc.).

Step 5: KEEP a journal of steps 1 through 4 and of everything that was affected from the baby using both text, pictures or video. Anything in your life that changed OR any of the issues you had to deal with should be placed into the log. You may also want to “play” some of the baby games from our website. The journal may be on powerpoint, google slides or in “book” form but only good copies turned in

Step 6: MONEY: Create a detailed and complete report via excel or by hand including graphs about how much you would spend in 12 months being a parent. See back of this page for specifics.

Step 7: WHAT TO TURN IN 1) Journal and picture log

2) detailed summary report with all of the following. Turn in only good copies.

3) Explain the background of your situation (single parent, boyfriend, accident, etc) then answer these points:

A) Was there anything you could not do but really wanted to (like go out with your friends)

B) If the “baby woke you up, or cried a lot” explain your feelings.

C) Write how you think you would feel if this was all of the time instead of just 4 days.

D) Write how important it is to wait and what are you waiting for?

E) Write, in your opinion, what the ideal situation is for bringing a baby into this world.

4) Excel spreadsheet and graphs from step 6

A) summarize the costs of raising a child and for that matter, owning a home

COSTS of parenting

Sit down with your parents and figure out how much it costs them per month (not week) for each of the following (the number of people in the family are relative to the people in your family)

1) Mortgage/Rent: 2) Utility Bills (gas, electric, water)3) Phone

4) Cable 5) Gasoline6) Car insurance

7) Food8) Health Insurance9) Entertainment?

10) Clothes/Shoes11) Miscellaneous (gifts, toys, etc)

Then, Find out how much each of the following items costs per YEAR by checking various stores/sources.

1)Baby food/formula (Find out how much formula/baby food a normal baby eats in a day. Then, find out cost per month to feed your baby)

2) Diapers (assume 1 diaper every 4 hours)

3)7 outfits of cloths and 7 sets of pajamas. estimate the cost of clothes and assume you need to spend this 3 times per year because babies grow

4)Find out the cost of furniture and other items such as a crib, coach/stroller, car seat, etc.

5)Find out the cost of child care, pediatrician services and/or medical insurance for a baby. Look into options for teen mothers for heath care for their babies (which are slightly different than teen fathers at times)

6)Find out any additional costs not mentioned above involved with having a baby via discussion with family members and friends that have babies