Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Contract number ______
Lethabo Particulate Emissions Reduction Project:
Installation of High Frequency Transformers at
Lethabo Power Station Units 1-6
Part 3: Scope of Work
Document reference / Title / No of pagesThis cover page
C3.1 / Employer’s Works Information
C3.2 / Contractor’s Works Information
(insert at award stage or delete if not applicable)
Total number of pages
Part C3: Scope of Work 1 C3 ecc3 Cover page
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Contract number ______
Lethabo Particulate Emissions Reduction Project:
Installation of High Frequency Transformers at
Lethabo Power Station Units 1-6
C3.1: Employer’s works Information
Part 3: Scope of Work 1
C3.1: Employer’s works Information 2
1 Description of the works 5
1.1 Executive overview 5
1.2 Employer’s objectives and purpose of the works 6
1.3 Interpretation and terminology 6
2 Management and start up. 8
2.1 Management meetings 8
2.2 Documentation control 8
All documents and records must be management according to Technical Document and Record Management Work Instruction (240-76992014), Gx Projects Documentation Deliverable Requirements Specification (240-65459834) and all other Engineering standards referenced in this works information, The Employer ensures that the Contractor is provided with latest revisions. Any uncertainty regarding all specified documents should be clarified with the Employer and clarification updates should be reflected in clarification meeting minutes. The Contractor complies with all minimum document metadata as specified in Technical Documentation Classification and Designation Standard (240-54179170). 8
2.3 Health and safety risk management 9
2.4 Environmental constraints and management 10
2.5 Quality assurance requirements 10
2.6 Programming constraints 10
2.7 Contractor’s management, supervision and key people 10
2.8 Invoicing and payment 11
2.9 Insurance provided by the Employer 11
2.10 Training workshops and technology transfer 11
3 Engineering and the Contractor’s design 12
3.1 Employer’s design 12
3.1.1 Lethabo ESP Operating and Current design data 12
3.1.2 Coal Quality 14
3.1.3 Existing Process Conditions 14
3.2 Parts of the works which the Contractor is to design 14
3.2.1 Mechanical design 14
3.2.2 Civil and Structural 15
3.2.3 Electrical design 16
3.2.4 C&I design 19
3.3 Procedure for submission and acceptance of Contractor’s design 25
3.4 Other requirements of the Contractor’s design 26
3.5 Equipment required to be included in the works 26
3.6 As-built drawings, operating manuals and maintenance schedules 26
3.7 Performance Guarantee Design Base Condition 27
3.8 Performance Test Before and After Installation 27
3.9 List of Standards 28
4 Procurement 29
4.1 People 29
4.1.1 Minimum requirements of people employed on the Site 29
4.2 Subcontracting 34
4.2.1 Preferred subcontractors 34
4.2.2 Subcontract documentation, and assessment of subcontract tenders 34
4.3 Plant and Materials 34
4.3.1 Quality 34
4.3.2 Plant & Materials provided “free issue” by the Employer 34
4.3.3 Contractor’s procurement of Plant and Materials 34
4.4 Tests and inspections before delivery 35
5 Construction 36
5.1 Temporary works, Site services & construction constraints 36
5.1.1 Employer’s Site entry and security control, permits, and Site regulations 36
5.1.2 Restrictions to access on Site, roads, walkways and barricades 36
5.1.3 People restrictions on Site; hours of work, conduct and records 36
5.1.4 Health and safety facilities on Site 36
5.1.5 Environmental controls, fauna & flora, dealing with objects of historical interest 36
5.1.6 Cooperating with and obtaining acceptance of Others 37
5.1.7 Site services and facilities 37
5.1.8 Control of noise, dust, water and waste 38
5.1.9 Hook ups to existing works 38
5.2 Completion, testing, commissioning and correction of Defects 38
5.2.1 Work to be done by the Completion Date 38
5.2.2 Commissioning 39
5.2.3 Start-up procedures required to put the works into operation 40
5.2.4 Take over procedures 40
5.2.5 Access given by the Employer for correction of Defects 40
5.2.6 Performance tests after Completion 40
6 Plant and Materials standards and workmanship 42
6.1 Investigation, survey and Site clearance 42
6.2 Building works 42
6.3 Civil engineering and structural works 42
6.4 Electrical & mechanical engineering works 42
7 List of drawings 43
7.1 Drawings issued by the Employer 43
Appendix A 44
Appendix B 45
Appendix C 46
Appendix D 47
Appendix E1 48
Appendix E2 49
Appendix F 50
C3.2 Contractor’s Works Information 51
1 Description of the works
1.1 Executive overview
New emission legislation as instructed by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to the Employer’s
Power Stations (Air Quality Act, 2004 [Act 39/2004], Notice 248; 31 March 2010: Minimum Emission
Standards) states that all operating plant shall conform to the new plant particulate emission limit of 50 mg/Nm3 by 2020.
Due to plant deterioration, high ash percentage in coal and more stringent particulate emission legislation, the Employer made the decision to invest and improve the ESP performance. From various ESP enhancing technologies, High Frequency Transformer (HFT) Power Supplies was selected as the preferred option for the Employer.
Lethabo Power Station is located near Vereeniging on the Deneysville road in the Free State at an altitude of 1400m above sea level. Lethabo Power Station is a 6x618MW power station equipped with a 7 field, four casing Brandt (Rothemuhle) Engineering ESP.
The project is applicable to all 6 units and will require the replacement of the first four conventional rectifier transformers (TR sets) (50Hz) on each of the four ESP casings per unit totalling 16 TR sets per unit and a total of 96 for the station. The scope of work for this project also includes the readiness provision to prepare the last 3 remaining fields to be retrofitted with HFTs later on. The TR sets need to be replaced by low ripple, high frequency power supplies that operate above 20 kHz. Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1: HFT installation layout
The Contractor will have to interface with Others during outage work. ESP internal maintenance will be performed by Others during the outages
The Contractor is responsible for carrying out all activities and supplying everything necessary to provide the Works in accordance with the requirements of this Works Information. It is the responsibility of the Contractor throughout the execution of the different contract activities to bring to the attention of the Employer any potential risks that could impact the completion of the Works and recommends cost effective changes and obtains acceptance from the Employer.
The scope of work includes the engineering, design, manufacturing, factory acceptance testing, site delivery, installation, commissioning, optimisation and performance testing. All work shall conform to the Employers Standards included by not limited to those attached and listed in Appendix E1 of this document.
The Contractor shall be responsible to optimise all 7 fields in each of the 4 casings within the ESP. As a minimum the optimisation shall include:
· Electrical optimisation of the controllers
· optimisation of the rapping system (full power rapping, off power rapping, reduce power rapping, clean system rapping, incremental rapping, automatic rapper test rapping, start-up and shutdown rapping)
· Optimisation using pulsing/intermittent energisation only
· Optimised setting for when the SO3 plant is out of service
The orders in which the units are installed are in no particular order and can change at any time by the Employer.
1.2 Employer’s objectives and purpose of the works
The objective of this project is to install HFTs on the first 4 fields of each ESP casing on all 6 units at Lethabo Power Station to reduce the particulate emissions at Lethabo Power Station in the Employer’s environment and be sustainable within the future emission legislation of less than 50mg/Nm3, 10% O2, dry base on an hourly average. Also determine if the ESP electrical supply transformers can accommodate HFTs on the remaining last fields without changing the upstream articulation circuit.
1.3 Interpretation and terminology
The following abbreviations are used in this Works Information:
Table 1: Abbreviations
Abbreviation / Meaning given to the abbreviationAKZ / Anlagenkennzeichnungs – system, Specification for labelling Power Station
C&I / Control and Instrumentation
DCS / Distributed Control System
ESP / Electrostatic Precipitator
ECSA / Engineering Council of South Africa
FAT / Factory Acceptance Test
GO / General Overhaul
HFT / High Frequency Transformer
HMI / Human Machine Interface
HV / High Voltage
Hz / Hertz
IEC / International Electrotechnical Commission
IP / Ingress Protection
Ip / Primary Current
Is / Secondary Current
kV / kilovolt
LH / Left hand
LOSS / Limits of Supply and Services
mA / milliampere
MCR / Maximum Continuous Rating
OEM / Original Equipment Manufacturer
OHS Act / Occupational Health and Safety Act
OPC / OLE for Process Control
P-LAN / Process Local Area Network
PLC / Programmable Logic Controller
PPMS / Precipitator Plant Management System
RH / Right hand
TR / Transformer Rectifier
VI / Voltage Current
VDSS / Vendor Document Submittal Schedule
Vp / Primary Voltage
Vs / Secondary Voltage
H&S / Health and Safety
OHS / Occupational Health and Safety
EMS / Environmenta Management System
EMP / Environmental Management Plan
SHE / Safety, Health and Environment
2 Management and start up.
2.1 Management meetings
Regular meetings of a general nature may be convened and chaired by the Project Manager as follows:
Table 2: Management meetings
Title and purpose / Approximate time & interval / Location / Attendance by:Planning (including Risk register and compensation events) / Weekly on Wednesdays
at 10h00 / TBA / Employer, Contractor, Supervisor,
and Others as identified
Overall contract progress and feedback / Monthly on last Thursday
at 10h00 / TBA / Employer, Contractor, Supervisor,
and Others as identified
SHE Meeting / Monthly on second
Tuesday at 10h00 / TBA / Employer, Contractor, and Others as identified
Outage meeting / (will be advised- daily
during the outage period) / TBA / Employer, Contractor, Supervisor,
and Others as identified
Engineering and Quality
meeting / Weekly on Monday at
10h00 / TBA / Contractor, Supervisor, Engineering and Others as identified
Meetings of a specialist nature may be convened as specified elsewhere in this Works Information or if not so specified by persons and at times and locations to suit the Parties, the nature and the progress of the works. Records of these meetings shall be submitted to the Project Manager by the person convening the meeting within five days of the meeting.
All meetings shall be recorded using minutes or a register prepared and circulated by the person who convened the meeting. Such minutes or register shall not be used for the purpose of confirming actions or instructions under the contract as these shall be done separately by the person identified in the conditions of contract to carry out such actions or instructions.
2.2 Documentation control
The documentation requirements cover the various engineering stages, from the design stage through fabrication, installation, testing and commissioning and lastly the operating, maintenance and training stage of the project.
The Contractor is responsible for the compilation and the supply of the documentation during the various project stages and to provide the documentation programme to link with the milestone dates. Documentation and drawings are programmed for delivery to meet the milestone dates and in accordance with the agreed VDSS supplied by Employer.
All documents and records must be managed according to Technical Document and Record Management Work Instruction (240-76992014), Gx Projects Documentation Deliverable Requirements Specification (240-65459834) , Reporting and Data Requirements Specification for Contractors ( 240-83561037) and all other Engineering standards referenced in this works information, The Employer ensures that the Contractor is provided with latest revisions. Any uncertainty regarding all specified documents should be clarified with the Employer and clarification updates should be reflected in clarification meeting minutes. The Contractor complies with all minimum document metadata as specified in Technical Documentation Classification and Designation Standard (240-54179170).
All documentation submitted must be accompanied by the completed transmittal with the following fields as a minimum:
· Name of the Package
· Name of Contractor
· Transmittal Number
· Contractor Details
· Date of Submission
· Description of Document
· Document Number
· Document revision
· Document type
· Document media type
· Number of copies
· Purpose of submission
· Document PBS (e.g. AKZ / KKS)
· Signed by and date
For review purpose, all documentation is submitted, by the Contractor, in native electronic format as prescribed in the Engineering Drawing Standard – Common Requirements (240-86973501), Final documentation is submitted in both electronic and hard copies to the Project Documentation Centre. The Contractor adheres to submit two (2) hard copies and one (01) soft copy The Contractor must maintain Master Document List (MDL) of all documents submitted and submit monthly to the Employer.
The Employer has a minimum 10 calendar days to review, consolidate and send back review comments for documentation submitted by the Contractor. The Contractor also has a minimum 10 calendar days to respond and / rectify as per the comments by the Employer.
The Employer will provide the Contractor with the mailbox which will be used for all contractual documentation / communications from and to the Contractor.
The Contractor will be expected to have filed copies of all contractual documents.
2.3 Health and safety risk management
In addition to the requirements of the laws governing health and safety, Eskom may have some additional requirements particular to the works and the Working Areas for this contract. The text below provides for these being attached as an Annexure to this Works Information. PLEASE ALSO READ CORE CLAUSE 27.4 TOGETHER WITH Z7 IN THE ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TO MAKE SURE THAT WHATHEVER IS INCLUDED IN THE ANNEXURE FOLLOWS ON FROM THOSE CLAUSES.
The Divisional/Regional Safety Risk Manager or his representative having jurisdiction over the works must provide the relevant safety, health and environmental (SHE) criteria for incorporation into this Works Information. The SHE specification / scope must be signed off by the Divisional/Regional Safety Risk Manager or his representative confirming that the applicable safety criteria have been taken into account.
The Commodity Manager / Buyer must refer the tender to the Divisional/Regional Safety Risk Manager or his representative in order to evaluate against enquiry-specific safety criteria.