Grade 5 Lesson 12

How does advertising influence buying decisions?

SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.

Correlated Literacy Standards:


Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claimsthat are not.

SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.

Advertising… It’s the “Real” Thing!

Grade 5 Lesson # 12

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

  • LAFS.5.RI.1.1
  • LAFS.5.RI.3.8

Essential Questions

  • How does advertising influence buying decisions?
  • What techniques do advertisers use to sell their products or services?

Learning Goals/Objectives

  • Identify persuasive techniques used in advertising
  • Understand how advertising influences buying decisions
  • Evaluate the impact of advertising on daily life


In this lesson students will explore advertising. They will learn to recognize and identify different persuasive techniques used by marketers. Students will come to understand how adverting techniques can influence buying decisions. Students will be able to evaluate the impact of advertising on their daily lives.


  • Computer with internet access
  • Promethean or Smart BoardBoard
  • Tony the Tiger for Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes video:
  • Video: Advertising Techniques (5:34)
  • PowerPoint Presentation: Advertising Techniques (Include in Lesson 12 file)


  • 30 minutes

Activity Sequence


Tell students that today’s class will be devoted to advertising. Brainstorm as to what advertising means. Then ask students if they think they are affected by advertising? Why or Why not?

Explain that sometimes people are affected by advertising without even realizing its impact. Say “I am going to name some characters/ideas. Tel me the first thing you think of when I say:

It’s the real thing (Coca Cola)

Colonel Sanders (Kentucky Fried Chicken)

Ronald McDonald (MsDonald’s)

Mayhem (Alstate)

AFLAC Duck (AFLAC Insurance)

Tony the Tiger (Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes)

Snap, Crackle, Pop (Rice Krispies)

Have it Your Way (Burger King)

Melts in Your Mouth, not In Your Hands (M & Ms)

Ask students how many of them knew most of these slogans or mascots. Then ask why. (The power of advertising.) Tell students that they are going to watch a brief commercial starring “Tony the Tiger.” Ask what product they think is being advertised. (Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. Show commercial:

Ask students the following questions: “Did you like the commercial?” “What did you like about the commercial?” (Possible answers: music; the beat; basketball; it’s fun.etc) “What does Frosted Flakes have to do with basketball?”(nothing) “Will eating Frosted Flakes make you an excellent basketball player like the ones in the commercial?” (no) “Why do you think they chose Tony playing basketball with a beat; basketball tricks, and ‘You got game’ as a finish?” (cool, popular, be in the group, etc)

ACTIVITY (20 minutes)

  1. Ask students why they think companies advertise (to get to you to buy their product or service)
  • Pose the following questions:

What is advertising?

Why do we advertise?

Is advertising really necessary? (2 minutes)

  1. Explain to students that advertising is “Big Business.” Share the following facts from
  • Advertisers spend about $200 billion a year on TV advertising
  • The average cost for Super Bowl ads is $2.6 million per 30 second spot
  • The average American watches about 24,000 TV commercials a year (2 minutes)
  1. Discuss with students that advertisers use different techniques to get you to buy their products or services. Tell students that they will be exploring a number of advertising techniques in today’s lesson. (1 minute)
  2. Show video: Advertising Techniques (5:34)
  3. Display the PowerPoint presentation “Advertising Techniques” to reinforce concepts presented in the above video.
  4. Display slides 1-2 – Discuss the Benchmark and definition of advertising.
  5. Work through slides 3-12 which will present the advertising techniques listed below with print ad examples of each. Discuss each technique (definitions are included) and how each advertisement presented on the slide demonstrates the technique being discussed.
  • Testimonial
  • Bandwagon
  • Glittering Generalities
  • Emotional Appeal
  • Plain Folks Appeal
  • Scientific Appeal
  • Slogan
  • Expert Opinion (10 minutes to complete steps 6-7)


Display slide 13 from the PowerPoint presentation and have students write answers to the questions listed on the slide. Discuss students’ answers and revisit the Lesson’s essential questions.


Have students select a product and create an advertisement using one of the techniques learned in this lesson. They should identify which technique is being used in their advertisement.


Statistics on Advertising

Advertising Techniques Video

Advertising Techniques – information