Booking form

TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards 2018

On Wednesday 28 March 2018, the TARGETjobs National Graduate Recruitment Awards Dinner will be held at the prestigious Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane, London W1.

To book your table or places, please take a few moments to complete this form
and return to Kirsty Drummond.


Mail: Kirsty Drummond, TARGETjobs Awards, Group GTI Ltd, 8th Floor, Friars Bridge Court, 41 – 45 Blackfriars Bridge Road, London SE1 8NZ
Fax: +44 (0)20 7654 7257

For further information please call +44 (0)20 7654 7239 or visit:

I would like XXX table/s (with 10 places) @£2,995 (£3,594 including VAT)
Please note the price includes champagne reception, three course dinner with a half bottle of wine per person, awards presentation with celebrity presenter and entertainment. All other beverages are additional, and ordered with/charged by the venue directly.
Individual places
I would like XXX places @£375 (£450 including VAT)
Please note the price includes champagne reception, three course dinner with a half bottle of wine per person, awards presentation with celebrity presenter and entertainment. All other beverages are additional, and ordered with/charged by the venue directly.
Contact details - Please provide a handwritten signature
First name
Payment - Please provide a handwritten signature
Please note that payment must be made in full before the awards ceremony. This means that we can only process bookings that require us to issue invoices until 10 March 2018. For bookings made after this date either a cheque or credit card is required.
Method of payment
I wish to pay by cheque. Please make cheques payable to above address
I wish to pay by credit/debit card (We regret that we are unable to accept payments by American Express)
Type of card
Card number
Security number
Start date / Expiry date / Issue number (Switch only)
Name of cardholder
Billing address
Cardholder’s signature
I wish to be invoiced
Company name (if different)
Name of person to invoice (if different)
Address (if different)
PO number (If you are unable to provide us with a PO number, non-payment of the invoice will not be accepted)

By signing this form we are proceeding with your booking and you acknowledge and understand the cancellation policy as follows:

·  Notification of cancellation must be made in writing to: GTI Media, The Fountain Building, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA

·  No refund can be arranged after 31 January 2018

Data protection

Should you have any queries at any time, please write to Data Protection Co-ordinator, GTI Media, The Fountain Building, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA. Let us know if;

·  You do not wish to receive information from GTI Media via email, telephone or post (Your email address will not be passed to third parties)

·  You do not wish for your details to be passed onto carefully selected third parties