READING / 10:45-11:30 11:30-12:15 1:00-1:50
WRITING / 1:50-3:00
MONDAY1/13 / Morning Math / Objective: Can I connect information and events in a text to experience and to related text sources?
TTW: monitor and facilitate
TSW: take the “The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins” test.
Assessment: Test
Grade and record. / P.E. / Daily Oral Language
Objective: Can I use a rewriting plan to develop a draft with main ideas and supporting details.
TTW: Use a Voki in order to describe their life.Guide students through the next paragraph of their story. Show an example on the smartboard. Guide the students through a metaphor of their life that can be used in the concluding paragraph.
TSW: Begin to write their stories using their maps. Add figurative language in the piece. Discuss the use of similes in order to spice up writing.
Assignment: Brainstorm three metaphors of your life. Discuss these with a partner and choose your favorite. “My life is like a ______because…”
Assessment: Teacher Edit 1st Draft / LUNCH 12:15-1:00 / ACE: 5MP.1-8
Objective: Can I make sense of a problem and persevere to solve it?
TTW: Guide students to select appropriate information in a problem
TSW: Highlight information in problem
Assessment: ACE rubric on Friday
Mountain Math
Objective:Can I multiply decimals to hundredths using strategies based on place value?
TTW: Guide students through the interactive Envision lesson
TSW:Use whiteboards to practice number sense when multiplying decimals.
Assignment:cp. 16 & 17
Assessment: ticket-out
TUESDAY1/14 / Morning Math / IT4,W8,L1, 4, 6
Day 1
TTW: read the poem together to introduce the story.
Objective: Can I apply visualization as a reading strategy to help with comprehension?
  • Connect with the reading using a tree map
  • Show Concept Talk Video and discuss
  • Introduce Amazing Words(425a): steady, jam session, beat, fiddle
  • ReadBud, Not Buddy aloud p. 425b
Skill/ Strategy: Main Idea and Details (426, 426-427)
TTW: use p. 426-427) to guide lesson
TSW: Students read Aretha An American Queenpg. 426 - 427
R/W p. 211
Vocabulary: (428e, 428-429)
  • read p. 429Out of Great Pain, Great Music
  • Reinforce meaning of vocabulary words using SB page then practice words on SB game
  • Students record vocab. In WWJ
TSW: complete vocabulary activity on NTBK
R/W p. 213 / Music / Daily Oral Language
Objective: Can I use my prewriting plan to write my draft? Can I use figurative language in my writing?
TTW: Teacher edit and continue to guide the writing workshop process.
TSW: Continue writing their first draft and buddy edit when necessary.
Assessment: Teacher Edit 1st Draft / LUNCH 12:15-1:00 / ACE: 5MP.1-8
Objective: Can I make sense of a problem and persevere to solve it?
TTW/TSW: Guide students to re-read and write important info.
Assessment: ACE rubric on Friday
Mountain Math
Objective:Can I multiply decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings?
TTW: Guide students through the Smartnotebook
TSW:Use 100’s chart to graph a decimal multiplied by a decimal. Also, use the algorithm to solve.
Assignment:practice student copy page
Assessment: ticket-out
READING / 10:45-11:30 11:30-12:15 1:00-1:50
WRITING / 1:50-3:00
WEDNESDAY 1/15 / Morning Math / Objective: Can I make the connection between how musicians/artists use music to inspire others?
Amazing Words (428b)
  • Reread sentences from the Read Aloud (pg.428b) symphony, digital music
Comprehension (432- 439)
  • Introduce genre, preview and predict, and purpose.
  • Read story, use Access Text to monitor and adjust as you read the story
  • stop on p. 433
  • (434c) use to check for understanding before continuing the story
  • Have students create a T chart (see ntbk). Complete the T-chart with figurative language and meaning from the story. Continue as the students read the story.
  • finish reading the story
TSW: read story, identify main idea/supporting details and make a connections with personal event
Assessment/Assignment: p. 438/ Review Think Critically questions in pairs.
  • Show video of Mahalia Jackson on link in second ntbk page
/ ART / Daily Oral Language
Objective: Can I use my prewriting plan to write my draft? Can I use figurative language in my writing?
TTW: Teacher edit and continue to guide the writing workshop process.
TSW: Continue writing their first draft and buddy edit when necessary.
Assessment: Teacher Edit 1st Draft / LUNCH 12:15-1:00 / ACE: 5MP.1-8
Objective: Can I make sense of a problem and persevere to solve it?
TTW/TSW: Solve problem individually
HY Strategy: Pictures/blocks
Assessment: ACE rubric on Friday
Mountain Math
Objective:Can I multiply decimals to hundredths using the standard algorithm?
TTW: Guide students through the Smartnotebook lesson
TSW:Use whiteboards to practice number sense when multiplying decimals.
Assignment:pg. 176, 1-34
Assessment: ticket-out
THURSDAY1/16 / Morning Math / L.5.1
Amazing Words (434b)
  • Reread sentences from the Read Aloud melody, harmonize (Follow link to see a lesson on how to harmonize)
SGI: (391d, 401c, 423c)
Objective: Can I identify troublesome verbs within a sentence and identify how to use it?
TTW: use NTBK/PP to guide lesson
TSW: complete guided practice on NTBK/cp. 214
Group 1: SGI
OL: review PP and identify lay, lie, set, and sit
Assessment: RWN pg. 214 # 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12
SI: identify lay and lie (do not use PP)
Assessment: RWN pg. 214 #2, 11, 12, and verbal other questions
A: review PP to learn all troublesome verbs
Assessment: R/W pg. 214 all
Group 2: Individual Activity
Objective: Can I identify the main idea and details of a selection?
TSW: go to the handout folder and complete the practice
Assessment:“Let’s Practice pg. 4
Group 3: Choice Boards
Objective: Can I apply what I’ve learned to complete an independent activity as reinforcement? / P.E. / Daily Oral Language
Objective: Can I use the writing process to write my fictional auto-biography?
TTW: Teacher edit and continue to guide the writing workshop process.
TSW: Use Writer’s Workshop to write their fictional auto-biography pieces.
Assessment/Assignment: Assess using the 6-traits. / LUNCH 12:15-1:00 / ACE: 5MP.1-8
Objective: Can I make sense of a problem and persevere to solve it?
TTW/TSW: Solve problem in cooperative groups and explain answer
HY Strategy: Pictures/blocks
Assessment: ACE rubric on Friday
Unit 9, Quiz 2
Objective: Can I divide decimals to hundredths using concrete drawings and strategies based on place value?
TTW: Guide students through smartnotebook lesson/Guided practice
TSW: Use whiteboards to practice number sense when multiplying decimals.
Assignment: 7-6A Student Worksheet
Assessment: ticket-out
FRIDAY1/17 / Morning Math / RL5.9
SGI: (SG 52, SG 57, SG 62))
Objective: Can I identify causes and effects that helped to determine the outcome of Mahalia Jackson’s life??
TTW: close read pages 435-436 with small groups. Follow instructions on ntbk lesson and teachers guide.
TSW: See ntck and teachers guide
Group 1: SGI
OL: read p. 435-436. List events in the order that they occur.
Assessment: Answer two questions about text.
SI: read p. 435-436. Given prompts, find the causes and effects
Assessment: Use complete sentences to retell what happened in the part of the story.
A: read pg. 435-436.
Assessment: create a cause/effect chart and answer question
Group 2: Independent Activity
Objective: Can I identify the main idea and details of a text?
TSW: Go to handout folder and complete RWN pg. 211. If time permit, play two games online to support skill.
pg. 211
Group 3: Choice Boards
Objective: Can I apply what I’ve learned to complete an independent activity as reinforcement?
Assignment/Assessment: Choice Board / PE / Daily Oral Language Quiz
Objective: Can I use the writing process to write my fictional auto-biography?
TTW: Teacher edit and continue to guide the writing workshop process.
TSW: Use Writer’s Workshop to write their fictional auto-biography pieces.
Assessment/Assignment: Assess using the 6-traits. / LUNCH 12:15-1:00 / ACE: 5MP.1-8
Objective: Can I make sense of a problem and persevere to solve it?
TTW/TSW: Assess/analyze individual results
HY Strategy: Providing feedback
Assessment: ACE rubric on Friday
Mountain Math
Lesson 7-6 Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number
Objective: Can I use the standard algorithm to divide a decimal by a whole number?
TTW: Demonstrate concept through interactive video lesson and student whiteboards.
Assignment: pg. 181 1-39
Assessment: ticket-out