Planning Notifications for September
PA 06/01261/C Gumbleton, Cooilbane Cottage, Ballacaley Lane, Sulby. Additional use of premises as self catering tourism accommodation.
PA 06/01268/BHutchinson, The Old School House, Tholt-y-Will, Sulby, Lezayre. Extensions and alterations to provide two units of holiday accommodation.
PA 06/01287/A Church Wardens of Kirk Christ, Lezayre. AIP to erect a detached dwelling on landadj. to Elm Bank, Churchtown, Lezayre.
PA 06/01363/B Musson, Field off Holly Bank, SulbyBridge, Narradale, Sulby. Create entrance gateway into field (currently no access).
PA 06/01451/R IoM Water Authority, Access track to Ballakerka Reservoir, Ballamanaugh Estate, Sulby. Repair and installation of road drainage for access track.
PA 06/01466/B Forshaw, Croit veg, Ballacaley Road, Sulby. Construction of Conservatory.
Notifications received from DoLGE
PA 06/00800/BMorris, East View, SulbyBridge, Sulby. Installation of UPVC casement windows. APPROVED.
PA 06/00916/B Ballakillingan Farm Ltd, Churchtown, Lezayre. Conversion of former hayloft and stables into farm workers studio apt. APPROVED.
PA 06/00457/B Dymor Ltd, Hazel Holme & part field 134484, Sulby Glen, Sulby. Demolish existing and erection of replacement garage and installation of permanent field access. REFUSED.
PA 06/00686/B Walker, Field adj. to Loughan-e-Yeigh, Garey, Lezayre. Appeal against approval for creation of new field access.
Planning Notifications for October
There were no planning applications.
Notifications received from DoLGE
PA 06/01287/A Church Wardens of Kirk Christ, Lezayre. AIP to erect a detached dwelling on landadj. to Elm Bank, Churchtown, Lezayre. REFUSED.
PA 06/00977/B Farmer, Cronk Constantia, Garey Road, Lezayre. Proposed alterations/extensions to create additional living/garaging areas. APPROVED.
PA 06/01230/BBates, Aust Vooar Farm, Andreas Road, Lezayre. Widen existing vehicular access. APPROVED.
PA 06/01233/REM McDonald, West Hill, Jurby Road, Lezayre. Reserved matters app. To convert barn into living accommodation. APPROVED.
PA 05/01721/BWilson, Ballavilley, The Dhoor, Lezayre. Conversion of extensions to existing garage with hobbies room over to provide self catering tourist accommodation. Refused at appeal.
PA 06/01010/A Davies, land adj. to Killingan beg, Churchtown. Appeal against refusal for AIP for erection of dwelling.
PA 06/00457/B Dymor Ltd, Hazel Holme, OldSulbyVillage and part field, Ballacaley Road, Sulby. Appeal against refusal to Replace existing corrugated roofed garage/workshop with new. Replace temporary works access with permanent field access.
PA 06/00692/C Sadd, Lower Glentramman Farm, Garey Road, Lezayre. Appeal against refusal of variation of condition 3 imposed on planning permissions for approved 05/01071/C. To be heard on 17 October.
The Clerk reported an item received from DoLGE with the planning list. It states that in order to seek a reduction in the expenditure incurred in relation to the advertisement of planning applications it has been determined that the Department will reduce the number of advertisements in the local press from two publications to one. Therefore, from 19th October 2006, planning applications will be advertised in the Isle of Man Courier ONLY and not in the Manx Independent. This will be in addition to the requirement of an applicant to advertise a planning proposal on site, by way of a site notice, and availability of the weekly press list via the Department’s website.