Adopted May 8, 2001

Revised June 8, 2008

Approved: April 6, 2016



  1. Name3
  2. Purpose3
  3. Basic Policies3 –5
  4. Membership5 - 6
  5. Officers and their election5 - 6
  6. Duties of Officers7-10
  7. Meetings10
  8. Order of Business11
  9. Standing and Special Committees11 - 12
  10. Parliamentary Authority12
  11. Amendments of Bylaws12
  12. Dissolutions13

John F. Kennedy Band Boosters Inc.


1999 – Present

Article I – Name

Section I: The name of this Association will be the John F. Kennedy Band BoostersInc.

Article II – Purpose

Section I:The purpose of the John F. Kennedy Band Boosters Inc., are to achieve the following:

  1. To Support the Band Program, the school, the parents or guardians and theJohn F. Kennedy Band BoostersInc.
  2. To assist the band financially by conducting fundraising activities throughout the calendar year.
  3. To chaperon the John F. Kennedy Mighty Rocket Band at all football games, out of town trips, parades, and other band functions as needed.
  4. To support school activities.

Article III – Basic Policies

Section I:The following are basic policies of the John F. Kennedy Band BoostersInc.:

  1. The Boosters shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan.
  2. The name of theJohn F.KennedyBoostersInc.or names of any member in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the purpose of the John F. Kennedy Band BoostersInc.
  3. TheJohn F. KennedyBoostersInc.shall not directly or indirectly participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office; or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
  4. The John F. Kennedy BoostersInc.shall work with the school to provide quality education for all children and youth, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to the Board of Education.
  5. TheJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.may cooperate with other Edgewood ISD associations to help promote the fine arts for students, but a single member/officer shall make no commitments that bind the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

6. All officers shall participate equitably in all concession duties.

7.No member of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc. Executive Committee shall make public statements, or represent the John F. Kennedy BoostersInc.for demands, concerns publicity deals or participation in activities without the explicit approval of theJohn F. KennedyBoostersInc. A written statement of the terms, condition or contractual arrangement shall be presented to theJohn F. KennedyBoostersInc.forapproval prior to making any commitments on behalfof theJohn F. KennedyBoosters Inc. Any member of the John F.Kennedy Booster Inc.who makes such false representation shall be subject to removal from membership in theJohn F. Kennedy BoostersInc.or the Executive Office.

8. Gifts for Bandor Dance team technicians will not exceed the amount of $0- $500.00

Section 2:The John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.and its members will adhere to the following Accounting requirements:

  1. No handwritten receipts will be accepted. Receipts must have date and store identification. No reimbursement will be allowed without proper receipts. A reimbursement form must accompany any request for reimbursement. No exceptions. Unless vendor cannotprovide receipt. This is the exception not the rule.
  2. The Treasurer will carry receipt books. Anyone paying cash and/or check or donating items must be given a receipt. All receipts books must be turned in at the end of the School Year. In the event that the Treasurer isunavailable to collect money the President and/or other officer designated by the President may carry a receipt book or issue paper receipts on behalf of the Treasurer.
  3. After each event a two-week deadline will be given to allow time to turn in a complete itemized report. This report will include the following: 1) ticket count logs 2) receipts 3) a donor/donation list 4) fund totals 5) an expense list and any other pertinent information which applies. Such reports will then be submitted for boostermember’s approval. A 30-day deadline for reimbursements, with proper documentation to any individual will apply following such events.
  4. Any NSF check received and not collected for will be turned into the District Attorney’s office for collection. A $35.00charge will be added for any NSF check to cover bank charges.
  5. All expenses are to be brought to the booster members for approval. A special meeting will be required to approve any funds of more than $100 dollars. Refer to Article VII Section 3.
  6. All Petty cash kept on hand should be no more than $25.00. Petty cash box should be kept with school administration. After fundraising events all funds are to be deposited immediately. Unless the bank is closed than no later than the first business day Monday. Original bank deposit receipts will be required for all transactions.
  7. During the tallying of fundraisers a minimum of two officers and one paid voting member will be required to count and sign for funds.
  8. Any and all membership cards, records, keys supplies, etc. are considered property of the John F. Kennedy Band Boosters Inc.and thus will be turned in at the end of the current school year.
  9. TheJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.shall obtain a signature from each active member of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.stating they have read and understand the accounting requirements set forth and will abide by them.

Article IV – Membership

Section 1:Membership in the John F. Kennedy open and shall be comprised of parents, guardians, adult family members of past and present John F. Kennedy Rocket band students and former members who have left the organization in good standing. Membership shall be made without regard to race,color, creed or national origin.Afee of $3.00 perparent/guardian will be collected at the beginning of the school year.

Section 2:Any individual who meetsactivemembership once paid,and attends 3 regular meetingscriteria as defined in Article IV, Section 1, may become an active member of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc. by attending three regular meetings.

Section 3:An Active member of the Booster is entitled to voteor hold office.

Section 4:The superintendent or designee (i.e., school principal, or vice-principal) shall be anEx-Officiomember of the Boosters Association.

Section 5:Any Individual who does not meet membership criteria as defined in Article IV Section 1, may volunteer but may not have any voting rights or hold office. All volunteers workingwith students will be required to submit for a back ground check yearly.

Article V – Officers and Their Elections

Section 1:Only active members of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc. (as defined in Article IV, Section 1 – 3 may hold an elected office.

Section 2:The officers of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.shall be President, Vice President,Secretary,and Treasurer.

Section 3:The presiding President of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.shall appoint the Office of Parliamentarian and Historian.

Section 4:Any officer shall be eligible for re-election to the same office with membership approval not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms and as defined in Article IV Sections 1 and 2. (i.e.,President two (2) year term, Secretary one (1) year term, then back to President one (1) year.)

Section 5:All newly elected officers will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

Section 6:Newly elected officers will be installed and assume the duties of office after completion of business at the Regular meeting in May, and shall serve for a term of one (1)year or until their successors are elected.

Section 7:The nominating committee shall be comprised of no less than three (3) active members. The nominating committee shall be formed at the regular January meeting. The nominating committee shall serve for 6 monthsand will elect its’own chairperson.

Section 8:It shall be the duty of the nominating committee to review suggested nominees and their qualifications and present its recommended slate of officers to be presented to the membership at the regular meeting in March.

Section 9:The President does not serve as a member of the nominating committee, nor does he/she appoint any member of the committee.

Section 10:Additional candidates may be nominated from the floor. In the event of a nomination from the floor, a list of qualifications requiring active membership as stated in Article IV Section 1 – 3. Potential candidates should be aware or required duties of office as specified in Article VI Section 1 – 9. Potential candidates should make an oral presentation of their qualifications for the positions they are seeking to fill.

Section 11:Elections shall be a secret ballot. The President shall abstain from voting. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast his/her vote to break the tie. In the event the position is

ThePresident’s position the tie shall be broken by the nominating committee chairperson. Two voting members shall be appointed by the nominating committee tocount the ballotswith the help of the Principal or Vice-Principal. A signed summary of the elections shall be provided to the current President who will announce the results.

Section 12 In the event of a vacancy in the Executive Board, the President may appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, an active member to fill the unexpired term of that office. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, a special election shall be called and a new president shall be voted in within 30 days (Article IV Section 2).

Article VI – Duties of Officers

Section 1:The President shall:

A: Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

B. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the Booster in order that the purposes may be promoted.

C. Confirm that a quorum is present before conducting any business at any Booster meetings. A Quorum is defined as a minimum of three (3) officers and four(4) band booster members.

D. Preside at all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of the John F. Kennedy BoostersInc.

E. Ensure that the meeting agenda is prepared for each meeting.

F. Sit as an ex-officio member on all committees except the nominating committee.

G. Work with the Budget committee and Band Directorto present a proposed budget for each membership year.

H. Represent theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc. on the Edgewood I.S.D. Concession committee.

I. Oversee all activities of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

J. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

K. Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amountwith other band officers in allactivities(i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 2:The Vice-President shall:

A.Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

B.Assume and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.

C.Assist the President wherever and whenever possible.

D.Attend all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

E.Oversee the operation of and supervise theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.volunteers for the football season concession.

F.Perform other duties as assigned by the President or John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

G.Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these Bylaws or assigned by theJohn F.Kennedy Boosters Inc.

H.Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amountwith other band officers inallactivities (i.e.,concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 3:The Secretary shall:

  1. Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.
  2. Keep accurate records of the minutes of all Regular, and Executive meetings of the John F.Kennedy Boosters Inc.
  3. Provide a copy of the minutes of all Regular monthly meetings to the membership.
  4. Attend all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.
  5. Provide a copy of the minutes, agenda, sign in sheet, and treasurer’s reportof each regular meeting to be filed in a binderin the school band office within one week of that’s month’s regular meetings.
  6. Keep a roster of sign in sheets for allJohn F. Kennedy Booster Inc.meetings and activities.
  7. Have a current copy of the most recently adopted bylaws at allJohn F. Kennedy Boostermeetings.
  8. Keep sign in sheet of officers for all Executive committee meetings and all regular meeting of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.
  9. Assist the President in the preparation of the agenda to be considered at each meeting.
  10. In the absence of the President,andtheVice President, take the chair, call the meeting to order, and preside until the President or Vice Presidentis present.
  11. Perform other duties as assigned by the President of theJohn F. KennedyBoostersInc.
  12. Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amountwith other band officers in allactivities (i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 4:The Treasurer shall:

A: Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

B: Have custody of all funds and assist in the collection of all monies of theJohn F. KennedyBoostersInc.

C: Keep books of account and records including bank statements, receipts, budget, invoices, paid receipts, and canceled checks to be maintained inJohn F. Kennedy BoostersInc.files for five (5) years.

D.Attend all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of theJohn F. Kennedy BoostersInc.

  1. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, and all Executive committee orJohn F.Kennedy Boosters Inc. in accordance with the budget adopted by the John F. KennedyBoosters Inc.
  2. Present a financial statement itemizing all receipts and disbursements at each Regular meeting and at other time as requested.
  3. Submit books to the Audit committee as required.
  4. Participate as a member of the Budget committee formed at the regular meeting in September.
  5. File the Audit Report with the appropriate representative of the Edgewood I.S.D. no later than July 15.
  6. Perform other duties as assigned by the President orJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.
  7. Perform other duties as may be prescribed in these Bylaws or assigned by theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.
  1. Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amountwith other band officers in allactivities (i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 5:The Parliamentarian shall:

A: This position is filled at the discretion of the President.

B. Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

C. Attend all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of the John F. KennedyBoosters Inc.

D. Serve in an advisory capacity to the President and, when requested, to any other member of the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

E. Demonstrate a working knowledge of parliamentary procedures.

F. Maintain a position of impartiality: therefore, does not vote on any question, except in the case of a ballot vote.

G. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

H. Perform other duties as may be prescribed in these Bylaws or assigned by the John F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

I.Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amount with other band officers in allactivities (i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 6:The Historian shall:

A: This position is filled at the discretion of the President.

B. Will be required to attend officer training through a recognized program.

C. Attend all Regular and Special (Called) meetings and all Executive committee meetings and all fundraising activities of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.

D. Demonstrate a working knowledge on computers, and social media of the time. Will be required to place Events on the Family Band web site and post photos and competition information on the Band Web site.

E. Will work to promote and get out information regarding band booster meetings, seasonal football games, competitions and concerts through John F. Kennedy Parent Liaison, John F. Kennedy marquee, or other social media.

F. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or John F. Kennedy BoostersInc.

G. Perform other duties as may be prescribed in these Bylaws or assigned by theJohn F. Kennedy BoostersInc.

  1. Participate in voluntary service in an equitable amountwith other band officers in all activities (i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 10:All Officers of the John F. KennedyBooster Inc. shall be familiar with these Bylaws.

Section 11:All Officers shall be bonded through an insurance company at the beginning of every school year (August). If for any reason an officer cannot be bonded that officer shall forfeit that position and an election process for the next band booster meeting shall be conducted.

Section 12: All Officers shall participate in voluntary service with other band officers in all activities (i.e., concession activities, away football games and competitions).

Section 13:All Officers shall take the following oath of office at the time of installation:

“I solemnly promise to abide by the rules, Bylaws, and regulations of the John F. Kennedy Band Boosters Inc. and lawful orders of assembly. I further promise that I will perform the duties of my office to the best of my knowledge and ability.”

Article VII – Meetings

Section 1:Regular meetings of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.will be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the band hall or designated area, unless otherwise specified by a majority vote of the membership.

Section 2:Regular meetings of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.will be held thru calendar school year, unless otherwise specified.

Section 3:Special meetings of theJohn F. Kennedy Boosters Inc.will be called (When Necessary) by the President or by two (2) members of the Executive committee, or by threeactive members of the JohnF. Kennedy Boosters Inc.Every effort shall be made to ensure that at least three (3) days’ notice will be given for Special meetings. No business shall be transacted except that mentioned in the call of the Special meeting.

Section 4:It is the Duty of all officers to attend all John F. Kennedy BoostersInc.and executive board meetings. In the Event, that an officer is absent from two (2) consecutive functions, meetings, fundraisers, etc. without notice, the failure to perform his/her duties will result in the termination of his/her duties by the executive board.