List of Currently Approved HPE Course Descriptions
and Proposed Description Changes
HPE 103 Cross Country Skiing -Requesting description change
Original Description:
This course is designed to instruct individuals in the skills and techniques needed for recreational cross country skiing.
Proposed Description:
Cross Country Skiing is an introductory level course in classic/diagonal stride cross
country skiing. The history, fundamental skills, equipment, and safety concerns of
cross country skiing will be taught.
HPE 104 Canoeing -Requesting description change
Original Description:
This course is designed as a basic introduction to the lifetime and carryover activity of canoeing. Students will be expected to participate in several canoe outings during class time and a one day weekend trip.
Proposed Description
This is an entry level activity course designed to introduce you to the life time activity of canoeing. Fundamental performance skills, equipment selection use and care, as well as safety concerns will be taught. Students will participate in a number of canoeing day trips.
HPE 105 Physical Fitness- Requesting description change
Original Description:
This course is designed for the individual who is interested in learning about physical fitness through class and laboratory experience. General physical fitness exercises, circuit training jump roping, and jogging will be some of the exercise programs offered. Exercise programs will be designed to fit individual needs and interests.
Proposed Description
Physical Fitness is an introductory level course focusing on five key aspects of health related fitness with regard to fitness program design and implementation. The key aspects of health-related fitness include flexibility, body composition, cardio vascular-respiratory fitness, muscle strength and muscle endurance.
HPE 106 Golf-Requesting description change
Original Description:
An activity course designed to emphasize fundamental skill proficiency in the sport of golf.
Proposed Description:
Golf is an introductory level activity course focusing on the skills, rules, etiquette and strategies of the game of golf as a lifetime activity.
HPE 109 Volleyball- Requesting description change
An activity course designed to develop appreciation, knowledge and proficiency in of volleyball.
Proposed Description:
Volleyball is an introductory level activity course focusing on knowledge and application of basic skills, rules and game strategies of the sport of volleyball.
HPE 111 Racquetball- No course description documentation found in curriculum archives, requesting description approval.
Proposed Description:
This course will emphasize the fundamental skills, rules and safety considerations necessary to become proficient at the novice level in the sport of racquetball.
HPE 113 Tennis- No course documentation found in the curriculum archives, requesting description approval.
Proposed Description:
This is an introductory level course in sport of tennis. Fundamental skills
as well as rules and etiquette of the game of tennis will be taught.
HPE 117 Downhill Skiing- Requesting description change
Original Description:
Downhill skiing is a 10 week course offered at Beartown ski area. It will provide the novice skier with the opportunity to learn skier safety rules, proper skiing technique, ski maintenance and tuning. PSAI drills and exercises will be utilized in a progressive technique to teach the course. The course will provide the student with the knowledge, ability and confidence to ski all area ski resorts. The course will provide the opportunity to enjoy skiing’s social and physical benefits.
Proposed Description:
Downhill Skiing is a beginner to intermediate level course in the sport of Alpine Skiing. Emphasis will be placed upon the development of fundamental skills, practices and basic teaching methods related to the sport. Topics of emphasis may include but are not limited to fundamental movements, basic terminology, equipment, safety rules, etiquette, and beginner to intermediate skiing techniques. A process of movement analysis will be utilized to assess body positioning, current skill level and to identify methods of refining technique and performance.