Western Province Pistol Association cordially invites you to participate in its annual Championships.

Please send entry form (only page 3) with proof of payment to:

Allen Brook -Fax:086 530 6293 or Email: .

PAYMENTS: Direct deposits must be made to Western Province Pistol Assoc. A/c No. 07094 5837 Standard Bank, Thibault Square Branch (020909).

CLOSING DATE FOR PRE-ENTRIES: 06 October 2017. Competitors wishing to enter after this date may only do so at the venue from Thursday 12 October 2017 and pay the late entry fee of R40.


08:30 to 16:00 10 M Air Pistol
Range A 1
08:30 to 10:45 50 M Pistol
13:00 to 15:15
Range B
08:30 to 16:00 RFP/ORF
Range A 2
08:30 to 16:00
1500 Rev OR Pist
Standard Rev 4’’
Std Semi-Auto Pist
Dist. Pistol
Dist. Revolver / FRIDAY 13 OCTOBERIndoor Range
08:30 to 16:00 10 M Air Pistol
Range A 1
08:30 to 09:45 50 Yards
Range A 2
08:30 to 16:00 Police A & B
Pocket Pistol
Carry Gun
Service A & B
NPA Magnum
Range B + C
10:00 to 11:00 25 M Standard Pistol
11:30 to 12:30 25 M Pist//CF Delib.
12:30 to 13:30 25 M Pist//CF Duel.
14:00 to 15:00 25 M Pist//CF Delib.
15:00 to 16:00 25 M Pist//CF Duel. / SATURDAY 14 OCTOBERIndoor Range
08:30 to 11:00 10 M Air Pistol
Range A 1
08:30 to 09:45 50 Yards
Range A 2
08:30 to 14:00 Police A & B
Pocket Pistol
Carry Gun
Service A & B
NPA Magnum
Range B + C
10:00 to 11:00 25 M Standard Pistol
11:30 to 12:30 25 M Pist//CF Delib.
12:30 to 13:30 25 M Pist//CF Duel.
Competition ends at 14:00.
Prizegiving starts at 19:00

Competitors please take note of the following:

  1. The onus is on a competitor who expects to shoot a record, to advise the RO and the WP Committee in order that the target pack and scoring are changed.
  1. The onus is on the competitor who is only shooting on Saturday to ensure that their choice of events is compatible with the Saturday programme. There will be no special details, and all shooting will cease at 14:00 to allow for the preparation of results and medals.

3. Only for 10m Junior Air Pistol will postal entries be accepted, at a total cost of R65.00 including the SAPF Reserve Fund. Score sheets verified by a Provincial Official, accompanied by proof of payment, must reach the address for entries by 11 October 2017.


  1. ISSF/NPA/PPC/NRA and SAPF rules will be strictly applied. Any infringement thereof could result in the competitor being disqualified.
  2. Onus on shooter to have firearms checked by Officials.
  3. Competitors must first register and pay their entry fees before shooting any events.
  4. The programme may be amended at any time.
  5. A challenge fee of R30-00 will be strictly enforced.
  6. Air Pistol will be shot on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Last detail starts at 11:00 on Saturday.
  7. All events, except Air pistol and NPA/PPC, will be squadded. Competitors must be on the firing line at least 20 min before events are due to start.
  8. Entriesreceivedafter 06 October will not be squadded. Squadding lists showing vacant bays will be on the general notice board on Thursday 12 October.
  9. Squadding for entries received before the closing date will be placed on the WPPA website. See
  10. Early entries will receive priority for squadding.
  11. No veteran medals will be issued.
  12. Current SAPF membership card must be produced at registration.
  13. Range Officer decisions are final. No disputes are permitted on the Range. Objections must be lodged with Competition Management.
  14. NPA/PPC Scoring Procedure – Each competitor scores the target to his right.
  15. NPA Magnum competitors must have a minimum of 3 additional rounds to verify that their ammunition complies with the required energy levels.
  16. ISSF competitors may only unpack or pack away firearms on the Range Officer’s command. For NPA/PPC, a Set-up Bay is provided. Strictly no ammunition may be handled at the Set-up Bay.
  17. All 3-7-3, RFP, ORF and NPA scores must be checked and signed by competitor directly after the shoot. No alterations will be made thereafter, except to correct arithmetical mistakes.
  18. Ear and eye protection is compulsory when on the range. This applies to both competitors and observers.
  19. If there are 6 or fewer competitors in any event, the event will be considered as “Open Class”. The top 3 scores only will receive medals.
  20. If there are 3 or fewer competitors in a class, medals will be awarded only to those competitors with scores in their grading band.
  21. Last Event ends at 14:00 on Saturday 14 October 2017.
  22. WPPA Floating Trophies are awarded only to the highest scoring WPPA member in an event.
  23. For your convenience, the GPS co-ordinates of Bellville Pistol Club are as follows:
33º 54’ 36” S and 18º 40’ 10” E. The address is Lavender Road, Stikland. (Behind Access City).


50 M Pistol / R40 / Police Pistol A / R40
ORF (not both) / R40 / Police Pistol B / R40
RFP (not both) / R40 / Service Pistol A / R40
25 M Standard Pistol / R40 / Service Pistol B / R40
50 Yards (Men) / R40 / Carry Gun / R40
50 Yards (Ladies) / R40 / Pocket Pistol / R40
10 M Air Pistol (Men) / R40 / NPA Magnum / R40
10 M Air Pistol (Ladies) / R40 / PP2 / R40
10 M Air Pistol Junior Men / R40 / Standard Semi-Auto Pistol / R40
10 M Air Pistol Junior Ladies / R40 / Distinguished Pistol / R50
25 M Pistol (Ladies) / R40 / Distinguished Revolver / R50
25 M Pistol (Men) / R40 / Standard Revolver 4” / R40
25 M Centre Fire Pistol / R40 / 1500 PistolOR / R60
1500 Revolver / R60







/ R40


/ R
SAPA SAPA No.: ID No.: / Province:
Name: / Club :
Address: / Junior: Yes / No
E-mail Address: