Expression of Interest


Invitation to Become a Certified ProNET Trainer

February 2016


Productivity Network (ProNET) is a training programme that consists of nine (9)modules, which aim to build the capacity of regional firms to enhance their competitiveness. The modules are Business Strategy, Quality Management, Production Management, Resources Management, Product Development, Information & Knowledge Management, Human Resources Management Cost Financial Management, and Export Marketing.

The ProNET programme began in 2012, and for the past three years the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have partnered to deliver this training to CARIFORUM small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). Caribbean Export is currently responsible for the implementation of the European Union (EU)-funded 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Private Sector Development Programme (RPSDP), which seeks to enhance private sector development through the support of SMEs and business support organizations (BSOs).

This year the Agency is expanding the ProNET programme to include an additional Module on ‘Energy Management and Renewable Energy’. ProNET trainers will be equipped to deliver the training by the consultant who developed the course curriculum and material. On conclusion of regional trainer certification, Caribbean Export will hand over the project to national BSOsto manage and conduct the training in their respective countries with the on-going support of the Agency, as was done withthe previous programme delivery. It is expected that subsequent requests for trainers will be made by the BSOs based on the training needs of their members, and therefore presents the opportunity to generate revenue for both trainers and BSOs alike.

ProNET Module 10 Roll Out

The following is an overview ofthe implementation steps for ProNet Module 10 - Energy Management and Renewable Energy:

  1. Selection of ProNET Trainers
  2. Train-the-Trainers Workshop for selected trainers
  3. Role Reversal Workshop (i.e. selected trainers conduct training to a group of SMEs under supervision of the consultant and Caribbean Export)
  4. Certification of Trainers
  5. ProNET Handover

The ProNET training is schedule to take place between April 4 and8, 2016, and these dates will be confirmed once trainers have been selected. The selected trainers will be expected to meet the following General and Module Specific Criteria:

General Criteria

The criteria for selection in the ProNET training is as follows:

  • Be a CARIFORUM national
  • Management or supervisory work experience in an SME
  • Be experienced in providing business consulting services, specifically to SMEs
  • At least five (5) years’ experience in training SMEs
  • At least five (5) years of practical management experience in the private sector
  • Have an entrepreneurial background

Module Specific Criteria:

In addition to meeting the general criteria outlined above, trainers must meet the following criteria as it relates to Module 10: Energy Management and Renewable Energy. Therefore, all trainers must:

  • Have basic qualification in the STEM subject area
  • Have an appreciation for the use of fossil fuels and their impacts
  • Understand the concepts around electricity
  • Be able to grasp and communicate technical concepts and information easily

Required Documentation

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • Completed Expression of Interest (EOI)Form
  • Curriculum Vitae

Interested persons must complete the attached EOIForm and submit all required documentation to:

Mr. Damien Sorhaindo

Advisor, Competitiveness and Export Promotion

c/o Caribbean Export Development Agency

1st Floor Baobab Tower


St. Michael

Barbados, BB22026

Submissions can also be emailed to

Completed Expression of InterestForms and all required documentationmust be submitted no later thanMarch 5, 2016.Persons selected should be prepared to participate in the Train-the-Trainer workshop and Role Reversal in Barbados from April 4 - 8, 2016.