Northwest Connection Family Resources
23rd Annual Fall Conference
It’s All About Balance
October 14, 2017 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Wesleyan Church
10655 State Rd 77 Hayward WI 54843
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome
9:15 - 10:30 KEYNOTE (Everyone)
Be the Architect of Your Life Tracy Butz
In a world that expects so much of us, where we are often times blind to who we are and what we really need, how can we design our lives to feel happy, engaged, and fulfilled? Start by believing in yourself and in your passions, understanding how you envision your life. Next, create a plan that is aligned with your dreams, focusing on accomplishing those goals that are of greatest value to you. Lastly, choose to live your life to the fullest, with countless moments that are meaningful, extraordinary and memorable. Don't allow others to sketch your plan or let life happen to you by default. Design your life to fit you. Be the architect for your life. Design it to fit you, just like…the perfect pair of jeans we all desire.
Tracy Butz is an engaging, powerful and poignant speaker who captivates and inspires audiences. She brings more than 20 years of speaking experience from both large- and small-size audiences including the US Army, Motorola, Shopko, Plexus and Subway, just to name a few. Tracy speaks to and influences the lives of many through her keynote messages, interactive and learning-focused workshops, books, and DVDs. Tracy loves to immerse readers with compelling content, powerful stories and vivid examples, as evidenced by her four captivating books— HOLY COW!, Tame the Turbulence, The Perfect Pair of Jeans, and Conscious Choices.
Session 1 10:45-12:00
Control Conflict! Collaborate More. React Less.
Tracy Butz
Conflict happens. Everyone approaches conflict differently but usually in the way that makes them feel most comfortable. For some, this may be direct confrontation, but for others, it may be avoidance. As someone who deals with difficult situations every day, you're expected to assess each conflict individually while resisting the innate urge to drift into your personal comfort zone. Having the skills to resolve intense and stressful opposing opinions effectively is one of the biggest challenges in today’s business world and is vital to success. This program uncovers results-focused strategies to help prevent, minimize and resolve conflict in the workplace, helping to work more collaboratively with both internal and external customers, to achieve successful outcomes and strive for enhanced relationships.
Meal Planning the New Meal Pattern Meghan Solberg
Discuss the updated meal pattern, receive new meal and snack ideas. See how easily the changes can be implemented. Leave with new ideas, great resources and a healthy snack!
The Joy of Yoga Katie Harder and Tiffany Yankowiak Go ahead and take a deep breath. Become….a dog stretched in the sun, a snake slithering in the grass, or a cat meowing to the moon. This class will help you and your littles to lower stress levels and have a more optimistic outlook throughout your day by using yoga movements. Come learn how to help children balance their energy in a positive way through fun, child-friendly techniques to help calm their minds and bodies.
Transition Songs: Moving Your Day Along! Colleen Hannafin
Transitions between activities can provide a positive classroom balance and can be a learning experience itself. This presentation will feature a balance of activities using songs and chants for those times during the day the children move from one activity to the next. From outdoor play to hand washing, snack time, circle time, and so on. Come sing and move along! Improve language skills and vocabulary, develop better self-esteem and discipline, while creating a calm and orderly environment.
It is More Than a Piece of Wood Cindy Gillett Introducing children, at an early age, to the art of woodworking is a life skill worth sharing. We will explore different types of wood and learn what simple non-battery tools we can use with children. We will be creating a birdhouse recipe holder and of course handouts will be included. Wood working can be introduced in all curriculum areas especially, science and math. (limit 20)
Be Intentional About Your Professional Development: Use The Registry as a Guide Josh Vick
Being a lifelong learner and growing professionally is critical to the child care and education profession. Find out how to utilize your Registry account to not only track your continuing education, but also guide your professional development. Explore Registry resources including Registry Credentials to see how they are opportunities for professional growth in specialized areas. Walk away from this workshop inspired to take the next step on your professional pathway.
1:00 – 2:15 KEYNOTE (Everyone)
Keeping Your Business in Balance
Tom Copeland
Taking care of children is only half your job. The other half is taking care of business. Learn how to reduce the risks of running your business: custody disputes, parents showing up drunk and privacy policies. Identify ways to better manage your own money and prioritize your personal financial goals.
Tom Copeland is a renowned tax and child care business specialist. A licensed attorney, Tom graduated from Macalester College (BA) in 1972 and from William Mitchell College of Law (JD) in 1980. He trains thousands of family child care providers, trainers, and tax preparers each year on important business issues, including record keeping, taxes, marketing, contracts, and legal issues. Tom is also the author of many books and resources for family child care providers. Currently, he is a consultant for the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC).
Email Tom at
Taking Care of Business at
At this keynote presentation, NCFR is providing a resource book for each center “Managing Legal Risks for Early Childhood Programs” and family providers will receive “Family Child Care Legal & Insurance Guide.”
Session 2 2:30 – 3:45
Finger Plays: Playing With Words Colleen Hannafin
Finger plays and simple rhymes can add an element of active play putting balance in your day! Singing or chanting finger plays reinforces the “The 3 R's” to Reading: Rhyme, Rhythm, Repetition- with patterns naturally built into song and chants and is a fun way to introducing new vocabulary. Finger plays help teach math: number recognition, counting, addition & subtraction. Songs and chants using visual aids, that help with all learning styles. Come join in the finger play fun!
Physical Activity is Miracle Grow for the Brain Lisa Cottrell and Jessie Millington
Kids need to move it’s up to us to provide the ways. Movement benefits children’s brain development, vision, hearing, and muscle coordination. Daily activity is essential for the growing infant, toddler, child and even adults. Learn about fun, and low cost, ways to incorporate more physical activity into every day.
Sensory Rich Activities... Amy Carriere
Children absorb information through all their senses. They move, see, feel, hear, and smell through information in their environment. Sensory-rich activities stimulate brain development in young children and prepare them for learning. There is a dramatic effect sensory-rich activities have on a child’s ability to attend, interact with peers and his/her environment appropriately, and acquire and retain new information. This will be a fun-filled workshop that will share ideas on how to provide a sensory-rich environment in your early childhood classroom. There will be activities, examples, and handouts for future reference.
E.A.S.Y- Everyone Accommodates Starting in Youth! Sky Holt and Mandy Shilts
Accommodations are typically a term we hear used for people with disabilities or people with special needs. This session we help you to better understand how all people including yourself and the children you work with use accommodations to get through their daily activities.
Making Stories Come to Life Amanda Linden and Brandy Metcalf
In this training, you will learn how to create “Story Baskets” that correspond to the items mentioned in a story. A “Story Basket” is a way for children to explore a story through a hands-on experience. It is an early literacy concept that can easily fit into your daily routine. It is a fun interactive learning experience for children of all ages. Come join us for a fun interactive session as we take you on a book walk! (limit 25)
What is STEM all about? Robin Mainhardt
Do you need ideas? Do you need guidance? Do you want to learn and have fun? As a pre-school educator, you can expand children's learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by encouraging their natural curiosity and leading them through the discovery process. A well-planned environment incorporates STEM activities into the daily schedule. Learn the "What, How, Where, When and Why" of STEM and join this session. Bring your own ideas to share as well.
Time to balance YOUR day and make a choice!
Saturday October 14, 2017
8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 Silent Auction opens
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome/Announcements in the Main Room
9:15 – 10:35 KEYNOTE
Be the Architect of Your Life Tracy Butz
10:45 – 12:00 SESSION 1
Control Conflict! Collaborate More. React Less. Tracy Butz
Meal Planning the New Meal Pattern Meghan Solberg
The Joy of Yoga Katie Harder and Tiffany Yankowiak
Transition Songs: Moving Your Day Along! Colleen Hannafin
It is More Than a Piece of Wood Cindy Gillett
Be Intentional About Your Professional Development Josh Vick
1:00 – 2:15 KEYNOTE
Keeping Your Business in Balance Tom Copeland
2:30 – 3:45 SESSION 2
Finger Plays: Playing With Words Colleen Hannafin
Physical Activity is Miracle Grow for the Brain Lisa Cottrell and Jessie Millington
Sensory Rich Activities Amy Carriere
E.A.S.Y- Everyone Accommodates Starting in Youth! Sky Holt and Mandy Shilts
Making Stories Come to Life Amanda Linden and Brandy Metcalf
What is STEM all about? Robin Mainhardt
3:50 Silent Auction Ends
3:45 – 4:00 Announcements and prizes in the Main Room
SILENT AUCTION: The silent auction is your opportunity to find some play things for every age. Finding a bargain will be fun! The auction is all about the challenge of getting the best thing ever! The bidding starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:50 pm when Kathy says, “Get Ready, Get Set, STOP!” There are always great items to choose from! Make your bid count! If you have the highest bid, it is yours! The girls will be ready to check you out quickly, so you can be on your way.
VENDORS: We encourage you to visit the vendors. There will be many items for you to choose from. The choice will make you excited, as you find things for your programs. It’s all about having a good balance in your environment. Stop by the vendors and see what they have to offer. Children love new things and new ideas! Some of our vendors this year are: CJ Puzzles, Northside Music, Scentsy, Young Living Oils, Steeped Tea, Thirty-One, Usborne Books, and Childcraft. There are some amazing new things on the market to give your environment a new look. Pick up a catalog to find new toys and games for your little ones to enjoy!
At the “It’s All about Balance” conference you will have a special opportunity to win a prize that will bring balance to your program. Pick one of the fun days or the whole week during WOYC to highlight your program. Bring your posters, photos, drawings by the children, and projects showing what the children and/or parents participated in during the week. Use your imagination! Bring your creations with you, when you attend the fall conference to be entered into the contest. Prizes will be awarded for:
1) participation - following the week's outlined activities
2) most creative - “It’s All about Balance” activities
3) parent/child involvement
4) random drawing of the exhibits
LODGING: Looking for a place to sleep, to be well rested for all the fun? A block of rooms has been reserved at the Comfort Suites, call 715 634-0700 to make your reservation. Be sure to request the block under Northwest Connection Family Resources.
Comfort Suites – At the intersection of Hwy 63 & 27, turn on 27 south. You will pass McDonalds, cross the bridge, at the stop lights go left on B. Comfort Suites will be on the left after the Lumberjack Bowl. The address for Comfort Suites is 15586 County Road B.
Hayward Wesleyan Church – At the intersection of Highways 63 & 27/77, turn west on Hwy 27/77. Drive approximately ½ mile. The Church will be on the left. If you are coming from Minong, the Church will be on right. The address for Hayward Wesleyan Church is 10655 Nyman Ave (if you put this address in your GPS, for some reason, it will not take you to this location).
Northwest Connection Family Resources Non-Profit Org
. U.S.Postage Paid
15896 W 3rd Street Permit #64 Hayward WI 54843
Phone: (715)634-2299
Fax: (715) 634-8743
It’s All About Balance
October 14, 2017 – Hayward Wesleyan Church
Register by September 14, 2017 to be entered into a drawing for a prize!
It’s All About Balance
Saturday, October 14
Please fill out your registration form and mail it with your check to:
Northwest Connection Family Resources
15896 W 3rd Street
Hayward WI 54843
800 733-KIDS
9:15 – 10:35 KEYNOTE Tracy Butz (Everyone)
(Choose one session – keep a copy so you will know what you signed up for)
10:45 – 12:00 SESSION 1 ______
1:00 – 2:15 KEYNOTE Tom Copeland (Everyone)
(Choose one session – keep a copy so you will know what you signed up for)
2:30 – 3:45 SESSION 2 ______
Register by September 14 to be entered into a drawing for a surprise!
One registration form per person. Please copy, if more forms are needed for staff.
Name ______
Program name______
Please check one: Certified ______Family Licensed______Group Center______
School-Age______4K ______Other______
Address ______County/Tribe______
City______State______Zip ______
Phone ______Email ______
Please check your program’s YoungStar rating: ______5 Star _____4 Star _____3 Star
_____2 Star _____2 Star automated _____Non Participating
$35.00 early registration By September 14 $45.00 registration After September 14
(Sorry no refunds)