AVID 11th Grade
Mrs. Snyder, Room 42

Culver CityHigh School is an engaged and caring community where diversity is valued and respected. We are committed to educating and inspiring all students to become life-long learners and contributing members of our global society.

Culver CityHigh School believes:
1. Each member of our school community plays an integral part in making student success a certainty.
2. That all students are provided the necessary resources and opportunities to become successful Collaborative Workers, Adaptable Problem Solvers, Critical Thinkers, Involved Citizens, Quality Producers, and Self-Guided Achievers.
3. That all students are immersed in rigorous, standards-based curricula that promote higher level thinking skills.
4. That all students are capable of learning and as such, we educate the whole person providing students the necessary support to achieve their fullest potential.
5. We value diversity and promote tolerance and espouse understanding and compassion.
6. That the aesthetic value of our campus is an important part of student achievement.

Welcome to ourAVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) class! We have an exciting year ahead of us. I am happy to have you in my class and look forward to getting to know you better. The internationally successful AVID program is a four-year, in-school college preparatory elective class for highly motivated students whose number one priority is to attend a four-year university. AVID stresses writing, inquiry, reading, and collaboration. The class has the following goals:

  1. Complete all “A-G” requirements, as well as Honors, AP courses and exams.
  2. Participate in collaborative tutorial sessions twice per week, using Socratic seminars and the inquiry method to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate course concepts.
  3. Complete writing prompts each year, designed to prepare students for college writing.
  4. Prepare for and take the ACT Aspire, PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests.
  5. Demonstrate academic survival skills including Cornell note-taking, public speaking, test taking and goal setting strategies, and time management.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency of research and computer skills.
  7. Investigate universities of interest and possible career opportunities.
  8. Practice and complete college applications, financial aid forms, and scholarship applications.
  9. Participate in extra-curricular school activities.
  10. Participate in afterschool CCHS tutoring sessions.

Your success, therefore, will depend on both your in-class and after school efforts. Before we get started, you will need to be aware of how this class will run:


1. Maintain a 2.5 GPA (Failure to do so will result in academic probation and possible removal from the AVID Program).

2. Bring a COMPLETED TRF to class EACH Tuesday and Thursday (Failure to do so will be detrimental to your grade).

3. Register for and take the SAT/ACT for the first time.

4. Take Cornell Notes every day in every class.

5. Be enrolled in at least ONE AP/honors class.

6. Use a daily planner to keep track of assignments/responsibilities.

7. Manage your time wisely!

These rules are very simple and must be followed at all times.

  1. Be respectful! This means for Mrs. Snyder, others, property, and yourself.
  2. Be prepared! This means being in your seat ready to work when the bell rings, having the necessary materials ready (including your AVID binder), following the directions the first time they are given, etc.
  3. NO phones, iPods, or any other electronics. NO EXCUSES! Electronics will be confiscated and returned back to you following school protocol.
  4. Be courteous! Raise your hand if you have a question or would like to speak, and listen to others when they are speaking.
  5. No food, drinks, candy, or gum (with the exception of water)! No excuses.
  6. Ask questions! There is no such thing as a stupid question. Please do not be afraid to participate just because you are afraid to make a mistake. The easiest way for me to know (and for you to know) if you truly understand the material is to participate.

You will need to bring the following items with you EVERY DAY:

+Desire to learn
+AVID binder (1 ½ “ to 3”) - see “Binder Contents” handout
+ Planner/Calendar
+ Lined paper/Cornell Note paper
+ At least 2 pens (black or blue ink)
+ At least 2 pencils and an eraser
+ At least 2 highlighters of different colors
+ Flash drive (optional)

The class will use the following grading scale:
A+ 97% - 100% B+ 87% - 89% C+ 77% - 79% D+ 67% - 69% F 59% or below

A 93% - 96% B 83% - 86% C 73% - 76% D 63% - 66%

A- 0% - 92% B- 80% - 82% C- 70% - 72% D- 60% - 62%

You will be graded on class work, homework, binders, Cornell notes, in-class tutorials, class presentations, writing assignments, and class participation*. Please refer to the “My AVID A/B Grade” handout for grading policy. If you drop below a 70%, a letter and/or phone call will be made to your home. If you are having trouble in class, DO NOT HESITATE TO SEE ME BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

NO LATEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED, except in the event of an EXCUSED absence.

*Participation: We at Culver CityHigh School expect all our students to attend school regularly and arrive to all classes on time, ready to participate, learn and achieve. Participation consists, but is not limited to, arriving to class on time with all appropriate materials, and ready to be a positive and productive member of the class.

Students are required to use an AVID binder (only 1 binder allowed for all classes) and to include all necessary materials for academic success. The binder is checked weekly and must be brought to class on a daily basis. It is your responsibility to keep your work organized and be ready to turn in your binder.

Tutorials will take place twice per week, approximately 45 minutes for each session. This is an opportune time for students to ask questions about major concepts in any subject area. Students prepare beforehand by creating a higher-level thinking question that they cannot answer on their own. Unprepared and under-prepared students may only achieve a maximum grade of 50% for that day’s tutorial.

You are required to attend TWO college presentations in the College and Career Center EACHSEMESTER (4 total for the school year). The list of colleges and dates is updated daily, and can be found on the CCHS website under “Daily Bulletin”. You will be required to take Cornell Notes on the presentation and turn the notes into me in order to receive credit.

Most homework will include tutorial questions, writing assignments, any work that is not finished by the student within the given class time. Homework assignments are posted on Homework is not generally assigned in an AVID class. AVID is designed to support the student in his or her other academic courses.

Attendance is mandatory at our weekly AVID Club meeting. The meetings will be held every Tuesday at lunch in room 42. Our meetings will cover a range of topics, including but not limited to: test prep, binder buddies, field trip and fun Friday planning, team building exercises, etc. Participation in AVID field trips is contingent upon your attendance at the AVID Club meetings.

I am also using the REMIND app. Please download this from the app store (it’s free!) and write your class code here ______. This app will be used to text you important reminders, such as when to bring your textbook to class or when an important assignment is due. It can also be used to send messages to your teacher and ask questions about assignments.

It is important to be in class every day. If you are not in class, your absence will be considered unexcused and you will not be allowed to make up any work. If your absence is excused, it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed and personally turn the work in to me in a timely manner. All assignments will be posted on the assignment list and on Extra handouts will be filed in the Missing Work file by date. Please do not use class time to ask questions about make-up work or the material that you missed—I am available before school, nutrition, lunch, or after school to answer any questions. Five absences a semester are considered excessive and may result in removal from the AVID program.
It is important to be on time every day. If you are late coming from the period before, you must have a pass from that teacher. I understand that sometimes situations arise that cannot be avoided. As such, I will allow each student 2 unexcused tardies each semester. If you choose to be tardy more than twice this semester, you also choose to serve detention according to school protocol for each tardy.

I take cheating of any sort in this class very seriously and personally. If you cheat on any assignment, you will receive a zero for that assignment and will be referred to an administrator.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying someone else’s work or allowing your work to be copied (unless sharing data)
  • Plagiarism (copying from a book, magazine, or internet site)


It is your responsibility to use the restroom and to get a drink of water during breaks between classes, nutrition, or lunch. Only in an EMERGENCY will I give a pass. Hall passes will only be given if the student has their student ID.

CCHS AVID has its own Twitter account! Follow @AVID_CCHS for updates, reminders, pictures and video, and words of encouragement and wisdom!

Mrs. Snyder 2017-2018AVID SYLLABUS

Please read over the syllabus with your parent/guardian, sign it, and return this portion of the syllabus to me. Keep your syllabus in your AVID binder.

I have read and understood the rules and expectations outlined in this AVID course syllabus.

Student’s Name Student’s Signature

Parent/Guardian’s name Parent/Guardian Signature

Parents/Guardians- Please provide contact information here to make it easier for me to reach you.

Daytime phone # ______Email ______

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?