Minutes of the Meeting held in The Village Hall, Cartmel on Thursday, 14th April 2011.

PRESENT: Cllrs Huggett, (Chairman), Allen, (Vice Chair), Anderson, Bird, Drinkall, Palmer, Pascall, Shepherd, Unsworth, M Wilson, M E Wilson, County Cllr Rod Wilson. 3 members of the public. Sergeant Ken Jewell (for beginning of meeting).

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Barker and Fearon.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AS CIRCULATED The Minutes of the Meeting held in The Village Hall, Cartmel on Thursday, 10th March 2011 as circulated were approved. Proposed by Cllr Pascall, seconded by Cllr Drinkall and signed as a true record.

3.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST in respect of items on Agenda. None.


Sergeant Ken Jewell addressed the meeting. He confirmed walking around Cartmel and Allithwaite with the Chairman and Vice Chairman had been the first time this had taken place and he considered it important to get an idea of issues and local concerns. He confirmed that Cumbria has the fewest dwelling burglaries in the Country and that residents had a low risk of being a victim. He considered it important to lock up as you leave your property as half of all incidents were walk-in on insecure properties. Anyone seeing anything suspicious should give the police a call, because of high price of heating fuel this is being stolen from tanks, copper is worth stealing for its scrap value as well as brass – anything suspicious – give police a call. Up to 7th February 2011 Cartmel and Allithwaite had 118 calls logged. 4 were emergency, 15 crimes and other minor crimes, 5 anti-social behaviour, 6 minor bumps and 3 people arrested as a result of injury to “pigs”. No specific concerns for the area and the police are engaging with the problems. Asked about parking on pavements Sergeant Jewell confirmed this would be rated as unnecessary or unreasonable obstruction – each case on its own merits. Generally it was considered cars should be parked one to one and a half cars away from a junction. Member of the public asked about car parked on corner of Haggs Lane. This was a disabled badge holder and it was considered this slows traffic down with no accidents reported. The Police would be happy to write an article for inclusion in the Newsletter.


i) Local Development Plans A draft response had been forwarded to all Councillors. Cllr Huggett asked if there was any other matters to include or any that Councillors wished to comment on. It was confirmed to members of the public that a request for Headless Cross to be included within the Parish boundary had been included. One of the sites suggested on the response was the stables on Bigland Road. The Chair was asked where these were to be relocated. Several sites had been suggested for this but nothing positive and it was hoped that the site chosen would be the best solution for the Village. In the Allithwaite response Cllr Bird considered that mention of an extension to the burial ground be included. Proposed by the Chair that the response for Allithwaite & Cartmel be accepted with the consideration of land for the burial ground included, that the map with a new Cartmel boundary be included and that the analysis from the Open Day by Allithwaite Steering Group be included. Carried by Majority, 1 against. The Chairman read a joint response from Grange Town Council/Lower Allithwaite Parish Council outlining the infrastructure problems etc and Proposed that this response with the inclusion of “narrow roads in Allithwaite” be sent also. Unanimously agreed. Cllr Allen mentioned that drawings had been sent to SLDC regarding sites RN15, ON26, R689 by Cartmel Steeplechases and a request was made to Cllr M E Wilson (District Councillor) that the Parish Council be allowed to see these drawings before the next round of consultations. Cllr M E Wilson agreed to this. At this point Cllr M E Wilson outlined her response which included comments on generalities rather than specific sites. She had expressed concern at size/scale of proposed developments and second homes etc and her recommendation that a flexible approach be taken driven by considerations about appropriate development for communities not the demands of developers. County Councillor Rod Wilson confirmed his response to the LDF had covered infrastructure – general issues and specific issues. He had stressed the need for a strategic overview to be developed to identify road improvements working at local level with Parishes. Cllr Huggett thanked everyone for all the work carried out on the Land Development Plans and hoped for success with the suggestions. Cllr Allen thanked Cllr Huggett for all his work also.

ii) Parish Plan Cllr Allen confirmed a meeting had taken place on 12th April. The group had decided the next step was to produce a newsletter with a general introduction about the plan, hopefully to encourage volunteers and support. The group had talked to Cartmel Village Society and they had agreed that a grant of £250 would be provided to help with the costs of the plan.

iii) Allotments – Parish Council The working party had met with Mr Naylor on site regarding the request for a shed. It was confirmed to him that at this point a shed would not receive approval. However, a letter from Mrs Naylor following this refusal questioned why it had been included on the tenancy agreement if permission was not being granted. Cllr Huggett suggested that the outhouse used by the original garden allotments could be investigated and that this may be suitable for storage of tools etc. The working party would look at this and arrange to meet again with the allotment holder. A further request had been made for a temporary plastic greenhouse and a ‘keter’ garden storage bench. This allotment holder would also be invited to meet with the working party.

iv) Parish Council Cottage Confirmation had been received from SLDC that a £10,000 Landlords Improvement Grant had been awarded. The Chair had informed Mr Wycherley and arrangements would be made for the start of the work when he arrived back from holiday.

v) Cartmel Village Toilets The Lease Agreement had arrived but Cllr Huggett needed to query a few points. He confirmed that the Cartmel Trust had obtained insurance for the toilets and they were now being well run by the Trust. The sub-let lease had not as yet arrived.

vi) Butterfly Conservation Report from Volunteers Day. Martin Wain, Butterfly Conservation Officer confirmed that considerable progress had been made in the Old Quarry. 10-20 years of bramble and scrub had been knocked back also small ash trees had been felled to open up views and encourage spring flowers. Timber had been removed, mush going to volunteers that helped on the volunteer day. Brash had been burned. There was a considerable amount of scrap on the site which the volunteers had collected up. Enquiries had been made as to what the Parish Council wished to do with the scrap and a local volunteer had offered to take to scrap dealer. Proposed by Cllr M E Wilson, seconded by Cllr M Wilson that they should get rid of it and any funding be invested on the site, if possible on a new gate or repairs to the existing gate. Unanimous.

vii) Cartmel Village Society Grant for new Notice Board and approval of order. The Clerk reported the order was ready to go and the cost of the new Notice Board would be £790 + £50 carriage + £168 VAT. The grant of £1,000 had been received. Cllr Pascall asked what would happen to the old board as one was needed at the allotments in Cartmel. Cllr Pascall and Cllr Barker had volunteered to install the new one.

viii) Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported that she had received several representations regarding the rise in the Parish Council part of the Council Tax. Most residents were happy with the explanation re the refurbishment to the Cottage, however, one gentleman confirmed he would take the matter further. New Planning Officer Fiona Clark confirmed that we would be having a new planning officer after 3rd May. Kate Belwood would be our new officer whose previous area had been Arnside and Kendal. New Employer the Parish Council had been registered as a new employer with HM Revenue and Customs. Election No election would take place for Lower Allithwaite, 12 nominations had been received for 15 places. A District Council election would take place nominations received from Mary Wilson and Ian Curwen. District Councillor Report Cllr M E Wilson confirmed that the environmental improvement planning scheme had not started due to getting volunteers organised to attend. The Lengthsman had been instructed to carry out soil tests and make ready for summer annuals with shrubs planted later in the year. A rota for watering would be arranged. County Councillor Cllr Rod Wilson reported the work ordered with funding from the members allowance had been completed. There had been grumbles about signs and keep clear signs. Closer working with the Highways Team would hopefully start when the back log of work had been carried out.


i) Parish Council Community a/c £3,336.98. Business Base Rate Tracker £9,446.67. Car Park Community Account £0 ii) Money Received CCC PPI Grant £1,000.00. HM Revenue & Customs VAT refund £1,405.11. Cartmel Village Society £1,000 Notice Board Grant. Barclays Bank Interest £2.23.

iii) Cheques for Approval Clerk March Salary £388.00 + £12.24 Expenses. Broadband £18.35. Barclays Bank Charge £2.74. Grange Post Office A4 Paper £19.99. Keys cut for Cartmel toilets £6.00. CALC Annual Subscription £254.50. Cartmel Village Hall £76.00 Meetings 13/1-5/2/11. P J Lambeth & Co Ltd £414.00 + £82.80 VAT Allotments work. Arien Signs Oak Notice Board £840.00 + £168.00 VAT. Proposed by Cllr Allen, seconded by Cllr M E Wilson that Finance be approved. Unanimous.

v) BDO Auditors Notification of Audit 15th July 2011 and intermediate audit questionnaire. The Clerk confirmed the Audit date and that Lower Allithwaite had been randomly selected by the auditor who is required to select a 5% sample of local councils to receive an intermediate audit questionnaire.


i) Consideration of relevant planning applications SL/2011/0128 Refused; 0140 Approved; 0215 Approved; 0210 Approved; 0252 Refused; 0254 Refused. CCC 9002 No Comments.

ii) Applications Approved by SLDC: Replacement Dwelling Tall Trees, Cartmel. Dwelling Hillside Farm, Allithwaite. Conversion of barn to dwelling & alterations to vehicular & pedestrian access Hillside Farm, Allithwaite. Anthemion Antiques Change of use to mixed use (Class A1 retail & Class A3 café). Internal Alterations Lane Head Farm, Cartmel.

iii) Applications Refused by SLDC None to Date.

iv) Applications Recommended for Approval by Parish Council None to Date.

v) Applications Recommended for Refusal by Parish Council None to Date.

vi) Planning Inspectorate Appeal Decision The Pastures to allow caravans to be used for fifty weeks of the year (permission granted subject to conditions which restrict the occupancy of the caravans to forty six weeks in a twelve months period) Appeal Dismissed.


i) North West Ambulance Service NHS Application to become a NHS Foundation Trust. Noted.

ii) IPC Infrastructure Planning Commission Proposed Heysham to M6 Link (Lancashire County Council). It was considered that this should be supported but no immediate comments to be made.


i) Cartmel Steeplechases Confirmation of road closures. Cllr Huggett had spoken to Johnathan Garret at Cartmel Steeplechases who had confirmed the arrangements were the same as last year. An order for one way from Longlands to Egg Pudding Stone and then to A590 had been made but would not be implemented. Cllr Huggett had confirmed the diversion route suggested following the Public Footpath closure was dangerous, Mr Garret confirmed that any genuine walker will be allowed to go through on the footpath. He confirmed all was in line with what had previously been agreed. To be monitored.

ii) CCC Boundary Review The Local Government Boundary Commission had consulted on the proposed council size for Cumbria councillors and is currently minded to recommend 84 elected members. Proposals for division arrangements should be based on this council size. Proposals were requests for a new pattern of divisions based on a council size of 84 members.


i) Review of Risk Assessment Document As part of the intermediate audit questionnaire a review of the risk assessment should take place. It was confirmed that due to the large amount of work carried out by the Parish Council for the last six months, it had not been possible to do this within the financial year. The Risk Assessment connected to the Car Park would now be deleted as there was now no Parish Council responsibility. The Self employed status had been challenged by HM Revenue and Customs and this would be changed to include administration of PAYE for employees. Toilet provision would be included. Proposed by the Chair and Unanimously agreed that this would conclude the review of the Risk Assessment.


Cllr Unsworth Asked for consideration of a bridge for pedestrians over the River at Cartmel. This to be included on next months Agenda and the request should be put in writing. Cllr Unsworth reported that a considerable amount of rubbish had been added to the Cemetery grey bin from an unknown source. The Clerk was not sure when the bin would be emptied but would contact the contractor.