CPS122 Team Project
Matt Felgate, Adam Vigneaux, Bradley Boutcher, Nathan Gray 1
Iteration 2 Test Cases
add-customer: Add a customer to the list of customers
Purpose: / To add a customer to the list of customersPrereqs: / System is turned on, store is open.
Test Data: / Name: P Sherman
Address: 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia
Phone: 978-779-6350
- Clerk clicks the “Customers” tab in the GUI
- Clerk clicks the “Add” button
- Clerk enters the customer’s name, address, phone number, and other relevant information
- Clerk clicks the “Okay” button
- System assigns the customer an ID and adds customer to the database
- System displays customer ID
- The GUI returns to “Customers” tab
add-title: Add a title to the list of titles
Purpose: / To add a title to the list of titlesPrereqs: / System is turned on, store is open.
Test Data: / Name: Argo
Rent Period: 4 days
Rent Charge: $5
- Manager clicks on the “Inventory” tab in the GUI
- Manager clicks the “Add Game” or “Add Movie” button
- Manager enters the name, rent period, and rent charge for the title
- Manager clicks the “Okay” button
- System adds the title to the database
- The GUI returns to the “Inventory” tab
add-copy: Add a copy to the list of copies
Purpose: / To add a copy to the list of copiesPrereqs: / System is turned on, store is open.
Test Data: / Number of Copies: 5
Number of Copies: -2
- Manager clicks on the “Inventory” tab in the GUI
- Manager selects a title from the list of titles
- Manager clicks the “Add Copies” button
- Manager enters number of copies in dialog box and clicks “OK”
- The system adds the number of copies to the database, each with a system-assigned ID number which is shown to the manager in a dialog box.
customer-report: Print a report of all customers
Purpose: / To print a customer report of all the customers in the customer listPrereqs: / System is turned on, store is open.
Test Data: / None
- Manager clicks on the “Management” tab in the GUI
- Manager clicks the “All Customer Report” or “Customers with Overdue Items Report” button
- The appropriate report is printed to the console.
title-report: Print a report of all the titles
Purpose: / To print a report of all the titles in the title listPrereqs: / System is turned on, store is open.
Test Data: / None
- Manager clicks on the “Management” tab in the GUI
- Manager clicks the “Title Report” button
- The system prints a title report to the console