Monday, 14 June 2010

Present: Rotarians David Hall, Paul Smith, Tony Roberts, Peter Pay, Denis Power-Neads (until 19:45) and David Shannon, who chaired the meeting

  1. Apologies: Rtn David Tranter
  1. Minutes of the mast C and V Committee were checked for any matters arising not agenda’d

3. Matters Arising

David S and Paul had visited WinthorpeSchool. David led session with years 5/6 about Enterprise, with a view to them working with the PTA on the “Summer Sizzler” Fayre.

Paul had chipped in and would go with President Ivor Walker to the Fayre to present a prize for the “Most original stall”.

David H had spoken with the teacher at Bowbridge Rd. Her plans for the playing field and its development would require careful planning and possibly formal planning consent.

DS would check with Peter Heard what other primary projects were still “on-going”. Some were being handled “in another place” with Aqua boxes and Shelter boxes.

This committee had been allocated responsibility for the EW apprentice award, but we assured each other that Club Council had agreed to suspend this for the present time.

Tony R took away the details of the CRB ruling by District Rotary and would return these to David S when he had absorbed their impact on policies and practice. Anyone checked for CRB by NottinghamshireCounty was able to carry that check with them to any NCC establishment.

  1. Activity since last meeting:

Peter P updated us on activity at Magnus since the presentation by Gerry Stroud at Rotary. He had arranged to go with Rtn John Gelsthorpe to see David Taylor (Magnus Coordinator of Special Ed Needs) to review the staffing of the “Friday Boys”. Meanwhile, since aims were not being achieved, the project was on hold.

Paul S had a meeting the following day (June 15th) with Michelle Atkinson, Deputy Head at MinsterSchool) to develop the idea of a joint Minster Magnus event at the Palace theatre on Tuesday November 23rd (the chair will have flown in from India the day before!). We will need perhaps £1200 to £1500 to underpin this project, but the “Showcase Event” should bring in a lot of that initial outlay. The Showcase will involve an afternoon dress rehearsal event with feeder primary schools attending at the expense of Rotary. Southwell Rotary might fund some of the Minster feeder schools to attend as well. We could run the afternoon as a Southwell/Newark joint “Kids Out”? Magnus would hopefully involve their

  • Lighting crew from theatre studies
  • Design department for Programme Design
  • Office staff in selling seats (as well as Palace Theatre)

Other possible involvement was the Finance Manger (sponsorship)? The Advertiser? Magnus Swing Band? Compere: Chris Grant or Dick Lyons or a sixth former?

Maximum time: two halves of one hour with an interval in between

  1. Activities for the Committee 2010-11

It was agreed to request from Club Council on Thursday 17th the following:

Activity / Cost
Showcase Event / £1200-£1500
Magnus RYLA event (two pupils) / £500
Youth Speaks (transport to district final) / £50 or £150 if triangular event held with Grove and Minster
Young Musicians / £200 (Treasurer to check the 2010 event costs)
Resource a Rotarian (this would be offered to Primary Schools for enterprise activities, mentoring, practice interviews, judges etc) / £50 for a leaflet to send to schools with “here we are, what would you like, how can we work together?)
Choir competition, like Young Musicians / £200

This gives a grand total of £2600 but the committee feels that much can be re-couped from the Magnus Showcase.

  1. Responsibilities

All the committee would help with all activities but the following would have excutive control of activities.

PP: Magnus

PS: Young Musician and Showcase

DS: RYLA; Youth Speaks; Resource a Rotarian

TR: Primary links (other)

DH: Bowbridge Rd

DT: anything he fancied

7Dates for meetings (to be shared with Malcolm Humphries)

23rd August 2010 / Mayfield House
18th October / ditto
20th December / A hostelry for a social gathering (with partners and loved ones)
21st February 2011 / Mayfield House
18th April / ditto
20th June Hand over meeting/new committee / ??

Meeting closed formally at 20.45

We then shared refreshments and fellowship and tall tales late into the night!

David Shannon

Tuesday, 15 June 2010