St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School
(Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod)
110 Edgelawn Drive – Fox Lake, WI 53933
David A. Nottling, PastorJohn M. Schlavensky, Principal
Church: (920) 928-3250School: (920) 928-3296
Home: 928-2334Home: 928-2133
The Holy Trinity+ + +May 22 & 25, 2016
Prayer: “All blessing, honor, thanks and praise, To Father, Son, and Spirit, The God who saved us by His grace – All glory to His merit! O Triune God in heav’n above, You have revealed Your saving love; Your blessed name be hallowed!” Amen. (Hymn #390, v.6)
The Service of the Word
(The Hymnal, page 38.)
TheHymns: 195 – 278 – 171, v. 6 – 277 – 334.
Organist: Linda Nottling.
Instrumentalists: Cheyene Belter, Luke Schlavensky, Hunter Schultz.
The OldTestament Reading: Numbers 6:22-27 (sermon text)
Psalm150, page 122.
TheEpistleReading: Romans 5:1-5 – Paul reminds us of our relationship with the triune God. He has forgiven us for Jesus’ sake. We enjoy His peace. We have the hope of His heaven.
Special Music: In the early service a choir and in the late service a boys choir will sing “I Believe.”
TheGospelReading: John 16:12-15 – Jesus speaks to us of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. The Spirit guides us into the truth of God’s Word. God’s Word reveals that the triune God is the only real God – our Savior God.
TheSermon: Numbers 6: 22-27 –
We Are Blessed by Our Triune God!
I. Blessed with the Father’s blessing and protection.
II. Blessed with the Son’s grace
III. Blessed with the Spirit’s peace.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Graduation service (whole school sings)
FridayLast Day of School/School Carnival
Sunday 8:00 & 9:30 a.m.Worship
+ + +
Ourgreetersare Adam and Amanda Messer (late).
LastWeek: 276(108+146+22) gathered around God’s Word to grow in their faith and praise their Savior. 17 came to Sunday School. Offerings received:
Needed: $7,655$352,130
This includes $20 for our debt fund and $2,590 for tuition.
Meditation: As we focus on the truth that the only real God is the triune God please read through the Athanasian Creed on page 132 in the front of the hymnal. (There’s also an introductory note to it on that page.)
8thGrade graduation will be held in our Wednesday evening service. An order of service will be provided as an insert on Wednesday.
Baptism: After today’s late service, Jace Andrew Bath, child of John and Nicole Bath, will be reborn a child of God through Holy Baptism. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.”
Reception:Next Sunday between services our Ladies of St. John’s will host a light reception for Ruth Nottling. Ruth graduated from our Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, and last week was assigned a call to be a tutor at Luther Preparatory School in Watertown (serve as a dormitory supervisor, teach Spanish and do some coaching).
TimeChange: Next Sunday we will begin our summer schedule of Sunday services at 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.
“Meditations” are available in the entry-way. The new issue starts next Sunday. The cost is $3.00. Please remember to return your old ones so they can be used for prison ministries.
Junecalendarsare in your mailbox. Please take yours home today!
Ladies’ of St. John’s: Please note that in place of the regular June meeting we will meet on June2 at 9:00 a.m. to do the summer kitchen cleaning. Thanks for your time and help!
Can You Help? In the entry way is a sign-up sheet to help take care of the church flower beds (by the sign and the carport) – weeding, watering, as needed. You sign up for a two week period. Thanks for YOUR time and help!
Thank You! Our school recently received $272 from General Mills “Box Tops for Education.” The money is used for art supplies. Thank you for your help!
“Seniors on the Go”will meet todaybetween services. We are looking to start a group to go on short (1 afternoon) type trips, using our own people as drivers. We would stop for lunch and continue on to our destination. Each passenger would have to contribute a small amount for gas money. We would try to do this once a month. This is NOT for seniors only. If you would be interested in this, please talk to Carol Schmocker (928-3096) or Betty Belter (928-2451).
AdultInformationClass: Pastor would like to start an adult information class in the beginning of June after school is out. The class goes over the basic teachings of the Bible and is open to anyone interested in learning more about God’s Word or in joining St. John’s. It’s also a good refresher for those who are already members. If you or anyone you know is interested in attending please let Pastor know.
SummerScrip: Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Scrip program this year. We will be ordering and selling scrip on a bi-weekly basis over the summer. On-hand scrip sales will be available after church on the following Sundays: June 5 & 19, July 3, 17, & 31, and August 14 & 28. We will begin weekly sales again on September 11. This year’s scrip year ends on June 30. All sales July 1 and after will be attributed to the 2016-2017 academic year. Don’t forget that your Scrip earnings can be used for tuition for future students of St. John’s as well as Luther Prep. Or WLA. Any questions, please call Chris Edwards (296-7845) or Desirae Pausma (324-8858).
Greeters are needed for next Sunday and all of the services in June and July. Please write your name in where you can help on the sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall. Thank you for your time!
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Winnie Lu Fights for You
Hannah Putz is a member of Grace, Waupun and a graduate of St. John’s School. This year for her Viking Council senior project, Hannah is organizing a cancer walk to be held on the Winnebago Lutheran Academy campus Saturday, June 4th. Below are all the details from Hannah.
Iam organizing a Cancer Walk that will be held on Saturday, June 4th. It will be held at 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the WLA track field. My purpose for this walk is to bring attention to ALL different types of cancer, not just the most common. The cost will be $10 for adults and $7 for students and under. You pay the day of the walk. Proceeds for this event will be going to WLA to start a fund for future WLA students who, themselves or a family member, are going through expensive treatments and are having trouble paying for tuition. When you pay to get in you will be to enjoy the morning with various activities going on and the ability to walk around the track to show your support. I’m hoping to get everyone involved, especially WLA students!
- Please spread the word and invite your friends and family along!
-There is a container in the fellowship hall if you are wanting to make donations. (For checks, write them out to WLA)
-Any questions? Email Hannah at
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