Opening Worship
NEJ Leadership Event 2015
*Opening Hymn “We All Are One in Mission”
We all are one in mission, we all are one in call,
our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all.
A single, great commission compels us from above
to plan and work together that all may know Christ’s love.
We all are called for service to witness in God’s name.
Our ministries ae different, our purpose is the same:
To touch the lives of others by God’s surprising grace,
so ev’ry folk and nation may feel God’s warm embrace.
We all behold one vision, a stark reality,
the author of salvation was nailed upon a tree.
Yet resurrected Justice gives rise that we may share
free reconciliation and hope amid despair.
Now let us be united and let our song be heard.
Now let us be a vessel for God’s redeeming Word.
We all are one in mission, we all our one in call,
our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all.
*Call to Celebrate
The Lord of all has brought us here today from many places.
We come expectantly to be filled with God’s presence and power.
Free us, Holy One, to be united by your grace in Jesus, the Christ.
Free us, Holy Spirit, to embrace all those who are our sisters and brothers.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
Let us pray.
O God, you pour out your spirit of grace and love.
Deliver us from cold hearts and wandering thoughts;
that with burning zeal and steady minds
we may worship you in spirit and truth. Amen.
Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore-Washington
Bishop Jeremiah Park, Susquehanna
Ann Pearson, Great Event Coordinator
*A Time of Singing
“A Place at the Table”
For everyone born, a place at the table,
for everyone born, clean water and bread,
a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing,
for everyone born, a star overhead.
And God will delight
when we are creators of justice and joy,
Yes, God will delight
when we are creators of justice and joy, justice and joy.
For woman and man, a place at the table,
revising the roles, deciding the share,
with wisdom and grace, dividing the power,
for woman and man, a system that’s fair. Refrain
For young and for old, a place at the table,
a voice to be heard, a part in the song,
the hands of a child in hands that are wrinkled,
for young and for old, the right to belong. Refrain
For just and unjust, a place at the table,
abuser, abused, with need to forgive,
in anger, in hurt, a mindset of mercy,
for just and unjust, a new way to live. Refrain
For everyone born, a place at the table,
to live without fear, and simply to be,
to work, to speak out, to witness and worship,
for everyone born, the right to be free. Refrain
“Come, Build a Church”
Come build a church with soul and spirit,
come build a church of flesh and bone.
We need no tower rising skyward;
no house of wood, or glass, or stone.
Come build a church with human frailty.
Come build a church of flesh and blood.
Jesus shall be its sure foundation.
It shall be built by the hand of God.
Let us SEE the tongues of fire.
Let us hear the great wind roar.
Let us KNOW the awe and wonder,
that we’ve only glimpsed before.
Let us feel the strength of passion,
which can make us laugh and weep.
Let us KNOW this great awakening;
for so long we’ve been asleep. Refrain
Let us KNOW the love unceasing,
which alone can loose the bounds,
reaching out across the chasms,
bringing walls of hatred down.
Let us taste the sweet communion
where the circle never ends,
Hold us in the sweet connection
turning strangers into friends. Refrain
Prayer for the Illumination of Scripture++
Loving God, who speaks to us through your scriptures
and in the collective wisdom of your people throughout the ages:
Help us to hear anew what you would speak to us this day.
For your word is always fresh, a message of life and hope
in the world that needs to know and heed your will.
Through Christ the living Word and your Spirit of illumination
who with You is the truth that sets us free. Amen.
Reading from Colossians 3:15-17 NIV
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
*Hymn of Preparation “Lord, We Hear Your Word”
Lord, we hear your Word with gladness, you have spoken- we rejoice:
Words of love and life and freedom - help us make their truth our choice!
Now in holy celebration for your Word we worship you;
Spoken, written, known in Jesus, ours today to prove anew.
May we hear with understanding, by your Spirit taught and led;
may the springs of all our being by your Living Word be fed;
may our hearts accept with meekness all the grace your light makes known;
may obedience mark our footsteps till we make each word our own!
You have spoken-yours the fullness, ours the wealth of this your Word:
Debtors, then as living letters we must make your Gospel heard!
By your Spirit’s power transform us; shed your saving Light abroad
Till our lives by LOVE in action show our world the truth of God.
Message The Heart of the Matter Bishop Gary Mueller, Arkansas
*Affirmation of God’s Transforming Salvation+++
In defiance of corruption and falsehood, we commit to truth and integrity
and we pray for honesty and uprightness to increase in our world.
In defiance of apathy and hatred, we choose to be proactive in Love
and we pray for understanding and peace to increase in our world.
In defiance of skepticism and cynicism, we embrace the mystery of faith
and we pray for humility and wonder to increase in our world.
In defiance of self-interest and human arrogance,
we celebrate God’s salvation.
*Call to See, Know, Love in the Name of Jesus the Christ
We have gathered together from many places and settings
to prepare ourselves for the work of Jesus Christ in the years ahead.
We confess that we must seek greater strength, work more diligently,
and forge ahead into “still-to-be-discovered-and-explored”
arenas of life.
I ask you, as children of God, and sisters and brothers with Jesus Christ,
will you seek in this holy time together
“to SEE, to KNOW, to LOVE” more fully,
knowing that our God stands ready to “Prove Us?”
If so, please join in this sung mantra of petition and prayer.
See your people, Know their hearts, Love them for who they are.
See God’s people, Know their lives, Love them as Christ loves.
*Prayer for Empowerment++++
Holy God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer,
we give you ourselves, captive and free,
shaped by forces beyond our control.
yet open to the power of your Spirit.
Through us and our gifts, may others See, Know, and Love,
that when anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation,
and that the old way ends, and a new life begins for everyone. Amen.
O church of God, united, we have a mission:
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
O people of God, we have a vision;
To ignite and sustain a passionate spiritual relationship with Christ
among all people!
O sisters and brothers, we have one great value at the core of our being:
To Love! We shall love our God with all that we have
and Love our neighbors as ourselves.
Go in peace to serve the Lord.
Thanks, thanks, thanks be to God!!!
*Hymn and Song of Commitment
“Father, We Have Heard Your Calling”
Father, we have heard you calling to your church in every age;
for a sign of true devotion for a sacrifice of praise.
In this place where you have brought us, may we always seek to be
one in Love and one in worship-children of eternity.
Jesus Christ, our faith’s perfecter, priest and advocate above,
we would reach our broken nation with the truth of your great love.
So transform our feeble witness, may we always live to be
one in Love and one in worship-children of eternity.
Holy Spirit, fire of heaven, fall upon us here today.
Bring release, bring tears, bring passion,
then transform your church, we pray.
As you pour your grace upon us, may we always thirst to be
one in Love and one in worship-children of eternity.
“Draw the Circle Wide”
Draw the circle, draw the circle wide.
Draw the circle, draw the circle wide.
No one stands alone, we’ll stand side by side.
Draw the circle, draw the circle wide.
Draw the circle wide, draw it wider still.
Let this be our song: no one stands alone.
Standing side by side, draw the circle, draw the circle wide. Repeat
Worship Resources
+ An ancient collect from Worship & Song
++ Gary L. Lake Dillensnyder
+++ John van De Laar
++++ Brian Wren, edited
+++++ Robert Patrick Hernan
Hymn Words and Tunes
“We All Are One in Mission”
Words: Rusty Edwards
A Place at the Table”
Words: Shirley Erena Murray
“Come, Build a Church”
Words: Ken Medema
Music: Brier Patch Music
Lord, We Hear Your Word”
Words: Edith Margaret Clarkson
Words and Music: Walter Edmonds
Father, We Have Heard Your Calling”
Words: Gareth Hill
Music: HYFRYDOL Rowland H. Prichard
“Draw the Circle Wide”
Words: Gordon Light
Music: DRAW THE CIRCLE WIDE Mark A. Miller