Update – Tayside Forensic Voices
Rohallion Secure Care Clinic Perth
Medium Secure Rehab Ward (Vaara) now operational. Open Day for carers to see round Activities Centre (Scapa) held in April; attracted favourable comment on range of activities available to patients.
National Forensic Carers Conference
Conference will take place in Perth on Saturday 8th June 2013. Places available for psychiatrists, nurses etc interested in hearing carers’ views on Secure Care Services.
Adult Literacy/IT skills
Education Strategy to support Adult Learning in Rohallion underway.
Mental Health Strategy – 10 Year Review (Commitment 1)
Meeting of user/carer group expected to be arranged shortly – to look at “gaps” in service still existing 10 years on.
National Forensic Carers Forum
The Forum continues to meet on a regular basis (next meeting 17 April) – attended by forensic carers/ support staff from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Lanark, Fife, The State Hospital and the Ayr Clinic. Keen to encourage carer attendance from Forth Valley, Grampian and Highland Health Board areas.
Ivan Carnegie – TFV Chairman
April 2013
Update – Glasgow Carers Forum
We have for some time been promoting along with others, “The Triangle of Care” model be introduced into Glasgow Mental Health Services. The Health Board has now agreed its implementation after some testing processes and the concept will be gently rolled out over the coming year or so. We are in discussions about the implementation and how to monitor its impact. We think that this is good news. Family Behavioural Therapy is also being extended across the Board area through the “Esteem” structures which work with First Episode Psychosis. This is also good news.
The main topic on the Glasgow Carers Reference Group is Learning Disability Services Reform. Glasgow City Council has now formally agreed to close three of the seven Learning Disability Day Centres, probably over the coming year. The carers of the people using them are vehemently opposed to this policy. It is directly linked to the Council's policy of Personalisation in Social Services ( S.D.S.). The issue is moving out from committee and forum discussions into the wider political arena.
The City Council have proposed a “Public Service Partnership” (P.S.P.) as a future means of involving the Council,Providers,Service Users and Carers in Learning Disabilities. The families ,after a meeting of 350 carers and service users, are asking that the closures are included in the remit. The Glasgow Carers Champion, Dr. C.W. Mason, has been deeply involved and extremely supportive in these discussions.
As a way of escaping from consultations, reports, committee meetings and the slow dance of resource allocation the Forum is looking at involvement in interactive theatre. We had good fun last year producing our booklet and DVD of M.H. Carers stories. We think this will be similar. We are actively seeking some small funding to allow us to go ahead. Quite a bit of enthusiasm for this.
Alan Gow
Glasgow Carers Forum
Mental Health