Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda
Thursday, September 10th, 2015
Call to Order: 6:36pm
- Roll Call:
Sigma Chi / x / Delta Chi / Phi Delta Theta / x / Lambda Chi Alpha / x
Sigma Nu / x / Phi Kappa Psi / x / Sigma Alpha Epsilon / x / Tau Kappa Epsilon / x
VP of Council Management / x / VP of Marketing and PR / x / VP of New member education development / x / VP of community service and philanthropy / x
VP of Conduct Review / x / VP of Risk Management / x / VP of Recruitment / x / IFC President / x
- Approval of Minutes:
- Approval of Agenda: Approved
- Officer Reports
Vice President of Community Service & Philanthropy, Mr. Zach Gunby; (952) 393 2969
- Have office on 10-2 Tuesday
- Blood drive September 30th
- Tabling on the 15th and 17th(IFC)
- Look out for a Facebook page
- Free haircut coupon
Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Connor Donohue; (651) 214 9697
- Sober monitoring training went well
Working on National Hazing Awareness Week
Presidents will hold a white board saying "We______don't haze because....."
Pictures will be taken when holding the white board
- Round table info coming soon
- Alcohol awareness week
Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Walker Johnson; (651)303 7029
- Will be updating the website soon.
- Going to be chapter information
Vice President of Member Education & Development, Mr. AkoredeTeriba; (612) 607 9871
- New member workshop September 15th Armstrong hall 101 9-10pm
- Scholarship round table tonight
- U-lead volunteers welcome
- Schedules of events, will remind of dates
- Homecoming will have a table for us during the week
Vice President of Recruitment, Mr. Chris Rife; (507) 317 6946
- Tentative Recruitment Roundtable date Sept. 25th
- Trying to come up with ideas for alumni involvement through formal recruitment, get me opinions
- Creating a survey about Formal Recruitment
Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations, Mr. Steven Clark; (612) 845 4248
- Like IFC Facebook page
- Input on "I am a fraternity man"
- YouTube page is done. Two videos on there now.
- Send me any videos you would like to be put on there (Email or Flash drive)
Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Colby Ackerman; (651) 352 7183
- Will have chapter invoices out soon
- File Lambda Chi Alpha back onto the GO mailbox
President, Mr. Na Chum: (507) 995 7098
- All-Greek in the Ballroom this month
Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock; (507) 389 6076
- Rake the Town Oct. 31st 9am-4pm chili lunch after.
- RSO recognition
- 9/18=RSO Recognition Deadline
- 9/20=RSO President Dinner
- 11/10=Election Day. No meetings or classes held 6-9 p.m.
- Please be sure New Members update OrgSync profiles and join your chapter’s OrgSync portal. They need to put phone numbers in!
Graduate Assistant, Ms. Marissa Hulshizer;
- Old Business:
- New Business:
- (Nikki) discussion of Community wide service event for Order of Omega
- Tabled until next week
- (Gunby) I want to have more time for Blood drive tabling
- (Lambda Chi) Would like to see this happening
- Unanimously voted yes, without discussion
- Announcements:
1. (Nikki-Order of Omega)
- Community Wide Service project
a. Talking to athletics for a teddy bear toss at hockey games or Big brother/Big Sister program taking them to Basketball games and having a pizza party during halftime.
b. Armed forces project with VRC
c. Pop tab fund raising
d. Proceeds would go to hospitals.
- (Lambda Chi) YMCA Big brother/Big sister program is really looking for people (phone number on Group me)
- (PHC) Gamma Sigma Alpha applications out
- (Rife) First acapello group started on campus
- (Sigma Chi) Derby days Chili cook off 5-7pm
- (Sigma Un) 25th October at noon, .1 K fun run and pancakes. Gillette's
- (Lambda Chi) Spagammie at 12-4pm
- (Nikki) Semester Calendar needs to be sent to me or Colby.
Meeting adjourned at: 7:06pm