Teacher Name: Kristine Amentler Subject: Biology 1B Start Date(s): 2/6/17
Grade Level(s): 10
Building: HAHS End Dates(s): 2/10/17
DAILY PLANDay / Objective (s) / DOK Level / Activities / Teaching Strategies / Grouping / Materials / Resources / Assessment of Objective (s)
1 / Act 80 Day / Formative-
Student Self-Assessment-ticket out door
2 / Students will be able to analyze how water’s chemistry give it unique properties. / 4 / Teacher will give some notes on water as a molecule. Students will then be given a unique property of water and have to create a mini presentation on why the chemistry of water causes that property. / W,G / Powerpoint, laptop, charts / Formative-random response and creation of presentation
Student Self-Assessment-ticket out door
3 / Students will be able to compare the 4 groups of organic compounds. / 3 / Teacher will give some notes on organic compounds and show a video from Bozeman science. Students will then create a summary chart organizing all of the facts they have learned. / W, I / Laptop and paper / Formative-random response, writing
Student Self-Assessment-ticket out door
4 / Students will be able to apply knowledge of organic compounds to take a quiz on them. Students will then be able to explain how chemical reactions occur. / 3 / Students will take a quiz. Teacher will then use the white board to explain how chemical reactions take place. / W / Markers and paper / Formative-random response
Summative- (quiz)
Student Self-Assessment-ticket out door
5 / Students will apply knowledge of enzymes to create an analogy model using a lock and key. / 4 / Students will create a lock and key analogy with teacher assistance. / I / Paper and markers / Formative-writing
Student Self-Assessment-ticket out door
Teacher Name: Kristine Amentler Subject: AP BIO Start Date(s): 2/6/2017 Grade Level(s): 12
Building: HAHS End Dates(s): 2/10/2017
DAILY PLANDay / Objective (s) / DOK Level / Activities / Teaching Strategies / Grouping / Materials / Resources / Assessment of Objective (s)
1 / No School-PRESIDENT’S DAY / Formative-.
Student Self-Assessment-peer review
2 / Students will take a quiz on tonicity. Teacher will then review the major concepts to prepare for a test on cell membranes tomorrow. / 4 / Quiz on tonicity problems to ensure understanding. Teacher will then review for test. / I, W / Quiz / Formative—random response
Student Self-Assessment-peer review
3 / Students will apply concepts learned to take a test on cell membranes. / 1-4 / Students will take a formal test. / I / test / Formative-
Student Self-Assessment-peer review
4 / Students will be able to apply concepts learned about diffusion and osmosis to complete an online lab on it. / 4 / Student will use perform AP Biology Lab 1. / P / laptops / Formative-lab activity
Student Self-Assessment-peer review
5 / Students will be able to apply the laws of thermodynamics to organism metabolism by creating a foldable. / 2 / Teacher will use powerpoint and board to go over the key concepts of metabolism, thermodynamic, and entropy. Students will then create a foldable connecting these. / P / Powerpoint and board and paper / Formative-random response and foldables
Student Self-Assessment-peer review