2017 – 2018 Leestown School Wide Supply List
We recommend purchasing these items in July when school supplies go on sale. We strongly encourage you to purchase additional folders
while they are on sale. Due to normal wear and tear, folders are typically replaced 4 times a year (at the beginning of each nine weeks)
Please bring the following donations to your 1st period teacher:
- Last name A – F2 boxes of tissues
- Last name G – K1 bottle of hand sanitizer (i.e. germ-ex)
- Last name L – O1 container of disinfectant wipes (i.e Clorox wipes, Lysol wipes)
- Last name P – S2 packs of pencils
- Last name T – Z 2 rolls of paper towel
- 1 ½-2 inch binder of any color (for general use with school wide organization system)
- 2 additional 1 ½ “ binders (social studies, science) These will remain in the classroom
- 8 heavy-duty colored folders with holes (no prongs)
- Colors: 1 blue folder(LA),2 green folders(MA & MA Lab), 1 yellow folder(science), 1 red folder(SS), 1 orange(data),2 purple(electives) We recommend you purchase additional colored folders to replace these due to wear and tear
- 1 pack of tab dividers (8 tabs pack)
- 4 three-prong folders – any color (language arts, math, writing and data notebook)
- 2 composition books - any color (language arts and math)
- Pencil pouch to remain in binder
- Colored-pencils OR thin markers - 12 pack is acceptable (social studies)
- Three different-colored highlighters of any variety (language arts, social studies, general use)
- Wide-ruled notebook paper (4 packs minimum – language arts, writing, general use)
- 3 packs of pencils (If your child uses mechanical pencils, please purchase additional lead)
- Inexpensive ear buds (for use with school chromebooks)
- $5 locker rental/agenda book fee
- $10 science lab fee for hands on science experiments/activities
Leestown Personal Appearance/Dress Code
The goal of student dress at Leestown Middle School is to help create a healthy and safe atmosphere within the school. Often times, inappropriate clothing and accessories can be a source of classroom distractions. It should be recognized that one’s personal appearance is a manifestation of self-evaluation and we hope that students will think highly enough of themselves to dress for success.
Acceptable Clothing Includes:
- Pants, shorts, capris and skirts worn at the waist so no underwear or undershorts show
- Jerseys or tank tops worn with a sleeved undershirt
- Tennis shoes, boots or dress shoes, sandals with ankle strap
- Jogging suits
- Spandex or leggings covered w/ skirt or shorts that are no higher than the width of a dollar bill above the knee (2 ½ inches above the knee)
- Sweatshirts and tops without hood
- Form fitting outerwear (i.e. yoga pants, leggings, tights, etc.) that is covered by another article of apparel and meets the criteria of being no higher than 2 ½ inches above the knee
Unacceptable Clothing Includes:
- Clothing with obscenities, vulgarities, profane language, double meanings, drug, alcohol, gang related or ethnic or racially offensive stereotypical language or pictures
- Visible undergarments, pajamas or tank tops worn without an undershirt
- Hats, sunglasses (including novelty glasses) and bandanas
- Hair picks or combs worn in the hair
- House shoes, athletic slide shoes or flip flops
- Holes in garments in which skin (and/or undergarment) is exposed
- Sweatshirt with hood (hoodie)
*Outerwear (coats, scarfs, gloves), must be stored in lockers during the day. Students may wear sweatshirts (with no hood), sweaters or light jackets*
With major violations (holes in clothing exposing skin, revealing clothing, clothing with profanity, etc.), parents will have to bring a change of clothing.
Note: For personal appearance issues not addressed above, the administrative team reserves the final decision.