- All teams will roster at least 12 players, according to the rules and standards in the tournament section for rosters in the Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken rulebook.
- It is preferred that each team participates with at least 12 players (See conditions below that defines options if teams arrive with less than 12 players). When both teams arrive with at least 12 players, each team will roster bat for the game. Teams may play with less than 12 players under the following conditions:
- If Team A arrives with and submits a lineup with 10 players, the manager of Team B has the option, prior to the start of the game, to submit a lineup of 10 players, with other arrived players listed on the lineup card as substitutions. These substitute players will enter the game under normal game substitution conditions approved by the rulebook. The manager of Team B also has the option to roster bat the entire arrived team, as defined in the beginning of Paragraph 2.
- If Team B arrives and submits a lineup with 11 players, the manager of Team B has the option, prior to the start of the game, to submit a lineup of 11 players, with other arrived players listed on the lineup card as substitutions. These substitute players will enter the game under normal game substitution conditions approved by the rulebook. The manager of Team B also has the option to roster bat the entire arrived team, as defined in the beginning of Paragraph 2.
- Three coaches may be placed on the roster and may be in the dugout. All coaches must be dressed in full baseball uniform.
- The machine to be used for any tournament trail in West Kentucky will be the Louisville Slugger slingshot machine.
- The batter will have five (5) pitches to hit a fair ball. Three swinging strikes prior to five (5) pitches will be an out. There will be no walks of any kind. Batters hit by the pitch will not be awarded a base. The batter CANNOT be out on a fifth pitch foul ball unless the ball is caught. Additional pitches may be required until the ball is put into play, there is a strikeout or the ball crosses the plate as a normal pitch.
- A team’s time at bat will end with the third (3rd) out or scoring the maximum number of runs per ½ inning. The maximum runs a team can score in its half inning at batis seven (7).
- No base runner may leave a base until the ball is hit. Refer to Cal Ripken rulebook for interpretation of “Special Base Running Rule (page 13 of rulebook)” prior to the ball being hit.
- Stealing is allowed. A base runner on first base or a base runner on second base can attempt to steal when the ball crosses the plate. The defense has the option of trying to throw the base runner out or throw the ball back to the pitcher. If the pitcher is inside the defensive circle and in control of the ball prior to the base runner(s) reaching the advancement line (placed at 40 feet), then the runner(s) will return to its starting base. If the base runner(s) pass the advancement line (placed at 40 feet) prior to the pitcher controlling the ball inside of the defensive circle, then the runner(s) will be awarded the base. There will be no stealing of home plate. If the defensive team makes an attempt on the runner trying to steal third and there is an overthrow, error or any other misplay, the base runner is only limited to the advancement of third and may not go home. The defense may make any attempt to pick the base runner off at third base without consequence, specifically, if the base runner rounds past third after stealing the base, the defense may attempt to get him out without consequence to the runner having ability of advancing third. The only way a runner may advance from third to home is on a fair, batted ball.
- The defensive team will have ten (10) position/players. They shall be distributed as follows: four (4) outfielders, four (4) infielders, one (1) pitcher (who will stand to either side of the pitching machine and can’t be moving forward during the release of the pitch) and one (1) catcher. The defensive team may not alter the position of the defensive players. In a traditional sense, infielders are positioned in spots “on the dirt” and outfielders mean players positioned “in the grass positioned beyond the dirt.”
- The length of the game will be 1 hour, 45 minutes or six (6) innings. If an inning begins before the expiration of time limit, that inning will be completed. The local tournament director, in conjunction with the State Commissioner, can change the format of the tournament in the event of unforeseen delays, such as weather, etc.
- If the game is mathematically out of reach, anytime after four (4) innings, the game will be declared over. The home team will not bat in the bottom of the inning when it’s already out of reach by either team.
- Example – Visiting team leading by 15 in top of the 5th inning – the game is over.
- Example – Home team is leading by 8 in the bottom of the 5th – the game is over.
- Free defensive substitutions will be allowed at the start of an inning or if an injury occurs in the field.
- The infield fly rule will not be in effect.
- Bunting is allowed. There is no “slash” bunting, as adopted in 2015 by Cal Ripken rules. (This new rule for 2015 is not in the rulebook as it was adopted after the publishing of the rules for 2015.) If a batter squares to bunt, the batter must either bunt the ball or take the pitch. Once the batter shows a bunt formation, any attempt of swinging at the pitch will be ruled an automatic out. This is strictly at the interpretation of the umpire. All other bunt rules for baseball are forceable.
- The pitching machine will be set at a distance of 46 feet and 42 mph.
- Two umpires will be used for each game. The field umpire will feed the pitching machine. Arguments with umpires will not be tolerated. Only the manager will speak with the Umpire In Chief.
- The defense has stopped the play of action by getting the ball into the defensive circle. The defensive circle is drawn with a radius of 10 feet. Once the ball is controlled in the circle and the umpire determines that the defense has stopped the play, then trailing base runners will be placed according to their position to the advancement line (placed at 40 feet). The umpire will place the left most runner first and then move to the right. Any defensive player can be in the defensive circle to stop play. If the defense elects to not to play on any forced runners and elects to put the ball in the circle for stoppage, than all of the forced runners will receive its appropriate advanced base.
- The pitcher will be positioned with one foot inside the circle and on a spot marked next to the machine. The pitcher may choose to start at either side of the machine. Once the ball is released by the machine, the pitcher may move forward for defensive purposes. If the pitcher moves forward prior to the pitch being released by the machine, then the umpire can issue a warning on the first violation and can rule obstruction on any subsequent violation.
- If a batted ball hits the machine, stops under the machine or in the umpire’s judgment stops near the machine that is dangerous to the player, time will be called. The batter will receive first base and each runner on the field will be FORCED one base.
- Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken rules will be used for all other situations except for the items listed on this Rules Page.