North Harris/Lone Star College System – Klein Oak High School
Dual Credit American Government 2301 – Fall, 2010
Instructor: Mr. Matt W. Plank, M.A. – Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Lone Star College
E-Mail: Phone: (832) 484-5085
Textbook: Ginsberg & Lowi – We The People – 7th Edition – TEXAS Edition
(U.S. & Texas Govt. Combo Book) ISBN: 13: 978-0-393-93239-3 (hardcover)
Course Info: Dual Credit Government (course #2301) is one of two courses designed to introduce students to the politics of government in America at the national, state, and local levels. This course fulfills not only the American Government graduation requirement for Klein ISD, but also fulfills one-half of the American Government requirement for a Bachelor’s Degree from a state university in Texas. This course is fully transferable to other colleges and universities. Because credit is given for both high school and college, students are expected to work harder than if they were to take a “regular” high school government class. Therefore, the expectations for students will be high; however the rewards will also be significant.
Grading: Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive both high school credit and college credit. Your semester grade will be a combination of major exams (approximately 2 each six weeks), three (3) internet research papers (one paper each six weeks), and a notebook/journal which will include all lecture notes, reflections, & daily assignments. Therefore, for each six weeks, you will have 2 exams, 1 internet research paper, & one major notebook check. Your final grade will be an average of all tests, papers & notebook checks. All grades will count equally.
Tests: Each major exam will be approximately 50 multiple choice questions, two given each six weeks. There will be other “pop” quizzes to check for understanding. These will be counted as part of your notebook grade. The final exam WILL NOT be comprehensive, however WILL have an essay component which will ask you to assess and analyze a variety of the topics we covered during the semester. Test reviews will be given for each major exam.
Learning Objectives: After completion of this course, students should be able to: identify key governmental players, understand basic political science concepts, possess an expanded “political” vocabulary, recall basic governmental structures, explain governmental policy outcomes, apply ideological labels when necessary, and, hopefully, more fully appreciate the concept of a representative democracy as it applies to the United States. I am available for help from 6:30am – 7:15am every morning and after school, by appointment.
Content Disclaimer: This is a college level course. Therefore, students will be expected to not only work hard, but to also conduct themselves in an adult manner. This course WILL talk and discuss controversial issues and topics in American politics. It is expected that students tolerate
Government 2301 – Dual Credit Syllabus, Page 2 - Plank
differing points of view, and while vigorous debate is encouraged, it is also expected that everyone be treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of their views.
Classroom Rules: All KO rules will be followed. For success in this class 3 will be essential.
1 Be to class on time and ready to learn with your textbook, laptop, and pen/pencil. Regular attendance is expected & required. Please use the restroom or get a drink before or after class as I will not give out passes.
2 ALL electronic devices need to be turned off and put away. If I see it, I will pick it up and turn it in to your principal. That includes cell phones, MP3 players, etc.
3 We treat EVERYONE in class with dignity and respect and EVERY decision regarding conduct will be evaluated based on RESPECT.
Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty is not only wrong and immoral, but it has also become illegal. In 1997, the Texas Legislature passed a law which effectively makes plagiarism, a common form of academic dishonesty, a criminal offense. North Harris/Lone Star College System has a very detailed policy regarding academic integrity. It is your responsibility to conduct yourself in such a way as not to place any suspicion on your academic integrity. I take this matter very seriously and reserve the right to deny credit for any student who either plagiarizes (copies someone else’s work without proper citation, essentially lifting passages and taking credit for it as your own), cheats on an exam, or in any other way violates the Lone Star Community College District’s academic integrity policy.
The penalty for any form of academic dishonesty is to receive a zero for the work and possible removal from the class and denial of credit. In order to minimize the occurrence of cheating or even the APPEARANCE of academic dishonesty, I as the instructor of record reserve the right to vigorously investigate all allegations of academic dishonesty.
Course Schedule:
First 6 Weeks – Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 19, & 25 (2 exams & 1 internet research paper)
Topics covered: Purpose of Government, Theories of Government, Types of Government, Political Thought/Theory, U.S. Constitution – Background & Principles, Civil Rights & Liberties, Federal Courts, Texas Constitution – Background & Principles, Constitutional Powers.
Second 6 Weeks – Chapters: 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21, 24, & 26 (2 exams & 1 internet research paper)
Topics covered: Political Parties, Minor Parties, Primaries, Delegate Selection/Conventions, Campaigns/Elections, Electoral Vote, Media, The Presidency, and The Bureaucracy.
Third 6 Weeks – Chapters: 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 27 (2 exams & 1 internet research paper)
Topics covered: Economic Systems, Public Opinion, Interest Groups, Political Action Committees, Voting Issues, Voting Participation, Congress, and Social Policy.
2301 – Dual Credit Government Syllabus, Page 3 – Plank
Internet Research Papers: At the beginning of each 6 weeks, guidelines for the internet research assignments will be handed out along with the due date for the assignment.
Notebook Checks: Students will be required to keep a notebook for the course which will include all notes taken in class, reflections, & “pop” quizzes. Your notebook will be checked at the end of each 6 weeks and the grade will be averaged equally with your tests and internet research assignments.
This is a college level course and you are classified as a college student. Therefore, all FERPA regulations will be followed to protect your privacy. My relationship is with you, the student. If you have issues, concerns, or problems, you need to address those to me as I will not be able to discuss them with parents.
**ALL content contained within this syllabus is subject to change at the sole discretion of the instructor.**
I have read and understand all the course requirements, classroom expectations, academic expectations, & academic integrity policy guidelines and agree to follow them.
Student name (print) ______
Student signature ______