February 14, 2013 – 7:00 p.m.
Approved March 14, 2013
Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt , Gary Nasser, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Tina Melott, Janet Gruis, Dacle Schmid Jr., and Deborah Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:02 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.
Goeden made a motion to approve the minutes of January 10, 2013. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Nasser made a motion to approve the Board of Audit minutes of February 7, 2013. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Goeden made a motion to approve the Public Hearing minutes of February 7, 2013. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried.
Treasurer Melott presented the treasurer’s report. Johnsrud made a motion to approve report as presented. Schmid seconded. Motion was called and carried.
Johnsrud made a motion to approve the bills. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Under New Business #11 was added regarding the frozen sewer at the town hall. Nasser made a motion to accept agenda with addition. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.
Ralph Sanquist gave the road report. Lots of salt/sand was used after the ice storm. He also put the ice cutter blades on motor grader. After the last large snow storm plows were out at 1:30 a.m. Monday and finished 5:30 pm Monday evening. Tuesday the cul-de-sacs and road intersections were finished. Thursday morning the town hall parking lot was plowed. Mailboxes were done on 219th Avenue prior to Ralph plowing.
Virgil Johnson asked information regarding the plowing of the road where the school bus turns around behind the town hall. Ralph will make a point of having this area plowed.
There was no other public comment.
The installation of a drop box located at the town hall was tabled to next meeting.
Henrietta Township Minutes of February 14, 2013 Page 2
Nasser reported that the new hot water heater should be installed tomorrow.
Larry Roberts was in attendance to the meeting. He has interest in serving on the planning commission. Johnsrud made a motion to accept Larry’s verbal application to the planning commission and appoint him the position. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud stated that the purchased gravel at Kotowski’s gravel pit should be used up by November 2013. If not, this issue will be addressed again at that time.
Melott will work with Brenda Carpenter one more month to post information to the web site. Clerk is to email all current information to be posted to Brenda. Melott will let the board know when she will be taking over maintenance of the web site.
Johnsrud stated that in the spring the Vineyard Church may request to rezone. Goeden voiced that there may not be an issue. This issue is tabled until further notice.
Johnsrud reported that no return telephone calls have been received regarding the land near the Heartland Trail, right off of County Road 4 at 204th Street.
The pulley on the top of the flag pole is broken. Johnsrud made a motion to have Schmid get repaired. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud made a motion to use the same numbers as last year regarding chloride. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried. Clerk will submit information to David Olsonawski.
The information received from Pam Heeren regarding how the 2013 gas tax payment was calculated was read to the board.
The 2013 Board Directory was updated to include current telephone numbers for Ralph and Todd Sanquist. The title of “road supervisor” to be inserted under Russell Johnsrud’s name.
Section of the article regarding “The Future of CTAS” was read from the Minnesota Township News/January-February 2013 edition.
MN Benefit Association Group Life Insurance extends coverage to employees of the township. Schmid made a motion not to offer this to deputies of the township. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Goeden made a motion to approve Resolution 2013-01, Resolution Adopting Assessment regarding Dogwood Road. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud made a motion to sign the contract with Tri-City Paving, Inc. regarding the pavement of Dogwood Road. Goeden seconded. Johnsrud will address the concerns that were voiced at the public hearing with Tri-City Paving, Inc. Motion called and carried.
Henrietta Township Minutes of February 14, 2013 Page 3
With Resolution 2013-01 being approved the landowner will have thirty days to submit payment to the clerk without interest charges. DeLaHunt made a motion that the clerk mail a letter to each landowner letting them know the resolution was adopted and the time frame that payment can be received. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud made a motion to accept the agenda as presented for the upcoming annual meeting. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.
Johnsrud, Goeden and Nasser attended the Township Association Meeting on January 28, 2013, held at Straight River Township. All were urged to attend the spring short courses. Next meeting will be held in March at the Farden Township.
The sewer is frozen at the town hall. Schmid will look into having it fixed as soon as possible.
Per Gary Korsgaden telephone conversation there were no permits issued this month, just routine telephone contacts.
There was no Planning Commission meeting in February, therefore no report.
Office Depot Adv x15 , Reliable Adv x16 , McAfee Adv x4, Mailed out donation forms to: Kinship, Living At Home, PR Library, and Bruce Johnson, Completed workmen comp audit and mail, Sue Wothe re: officer list, Office Depot catalogue x 2, certified receipts received 14 of the 15 mailed, phone from Husinga re: Dogwood Road info, calendars received from MN Association of Townships, special assessment search re: Duane Raze, GovDelivery Class info forwarded to supervisors, PR Enterprise affidavit re: Dogwood Road, signature card to CNB, phone from John Gibbs re: plowing (forward info to Ralph), Bob Hansen re: Township Officers, phone from Margaret Flarrity re: plowing (forward info to Ralph), phone from Cheryl D’Amico re: moving in new trailer home (forward to Gary K), Knife River Materials Adv, MN Township News, Pam Heeren re: Officer List and Officer Salary, Steve Green Legislative Update x 2(forward to supervisors), Herness Construction LLC Adv, and Paul Bunyan Communications re: permit (gave Gary K info to them).
Billings received from: Arvig, Hubbard County Highway, Kennedy & Graven, PR Enterprise, MN Benefit Association Group Life Ins, Itasca Mantrap, and MN Power x 2.
Spring Short Courses: Walker: April 3; See Calendar for more locations and dates
Local Board of Equalization scheduled by County on Monday, April 29 at 9:00 a.m.
Stoney Lake Beaver 4-H meeting at town hall the 2nd Monday of each month (contact person Kevin Bliss at 255-0231)
Summer Short Courses June 17-20, 2013
Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Anderson