Request to Organise a Parallel Session


15 (A/N), 16 and 17 FEBRUARY 2017

Full Name of Organization/Entity
Contact Peron’s name and Designation
Contact Details / Telephone / Fax / E-mail
(Organization/ Civil Society/ Private Sector)
Preferred dates
(Please indicate more than one option to help with the scheduling process) / Priority
15 (A/N) or 17 Feb.,2017 / Date / Time Slot
½ day or full day
First day (A/N)
Second day
Third day
Proposed activity
(Meetings, conferences, panels, workshops, projects presentation, etc…)
Central Theme
Potential Speakers, Moderators and Panelists
Which International Organization is collaborating in this Parallel Session?
How do your Parallel Session contribute to the main theme of “Global RE-INVEST 2017 India-ISA Partnership”?
(200 words max, inc space)
To what extent your Parallel Workshop/ Session will include an international component in its organization?
(100 words max inc space)
Anticipated Attendance / Required Space that can accommodate / (Number of participants likely to participate)
Additional Equipment and services including Catering Request[1] / [ ] Slide Projector [ ] Foldable Screen [ ] Overhead Projector
[ ] Laptop-to-Screen Projection Unit [ ] Video Projector
[ ] Sound ( in room microphones) [ ] (or TV Monitor)
[ ] Sound Recording [ ] Other ( Please specify)
The cost related to the use of the above equipment and services will be covered by:
(Name of the organization)
Signed by:______

(Please print name and title below signature line)

[1] Catering and some of the equipment request will subject to a standard charge by the India-ISA-RE-INVEST 2017 Secretariat.