December 7, 2015 9:00 AM
COMMISSIONERS: David Berry, President
Rick Woodall, Vice President
Donald Walton
AUDITOR: Lorie Hallett, Auditor
AUDIENCE: 8 individuals
The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on December 7, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. David Berry opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.
Terry Jones, West Central Economic Development, was present to speak to the Commissioners about joining a 6-county coalition in applying for an EPA grant.
Terry told the Commissioners that since 2009, $900,000.00 has been spent in 6 counties to clean up contaminated land. The project has been called the Brownfield Phase I and Phase II.
The process begins with identifying sites that need cleaned up and then the application process for the $900,000.00 is started.
Donald Walton made a motion for Putnam County to join the coalition and to begin the grant process. Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Heather Gilbert, Clerk, came to the Commissioners to speak about the Odyssey System vs. CSI.
Heather said that Odyssey claims to be a free program; however, whether a county uses the Odyssey or not, a portion of the court fees goes to them. The bookkeeping process is not good and counties have been written up by the State Board of Accounts.
Judges prefer Odyssey because they have a good package for tracking court cases.
Heather asked that if the Commissioners approve the Odyssey System, they make sure that the bookkeeping portion is not included in the contract.
Jim Ensley had previously reviewed the contract and approved it for the Commissioners to sign.
The contract will run from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017.
Donald Walton made a motion to approve the contract and Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Rick Woodall stated that HBG said that they could do the blanket bond for $1,500.00; however, Jim and Rick think that is a very low figure.
Jim and Rick will go back and check to see if that is correct.
Tom Sutherlin, Police Chief, was asking the Commissioners to see if the Police Department could acquire at a low cost or by donation some of the surplus equipment stored at the annex.
The need for the equipment is due to promotions within the police department.
David Berry made a motion to work with the Greencastle City Police Department to secure the needed equipment. Rick Woodall seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Chief Deputy, Phil Parker, requested approval to hire 2 full-time jail positions due to resignations and also 4 part-time positions.
Rick Woodall made a motion to approve the requests and Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Mike Ricketts asked the Commissioners to approve the Highway Department to place some unused equipment on the Public Surplus Auction website.
David Berry said he will speak with Jim Ensley to see if there are any restrictions.
Mike gave the Commissioners a breakdown by district what has been spent on rock.
District #1 $26,715.67
District #2 $12,380.00
District #3 $13,023.31
Mike updated the Commissioners on current projects:
County Road 125 North grading and graveling.
Brush crews out on Poland Road after done in Greencastle Township.
The employee Christmas luncheon will be held on December 23, 2015 at Putnam Inn. The Commissioners will cover the cost of lunch. The Courthouse will close at noon.
Rick Woodall will be meeting with insurance companies on the health insurance for 2016 in the coming weeks.
Darrell Thomas said that NACO has insurance and we are a member and our employees are eligible. Darrell will make some phone calls and get some more information.
PAYROLL 11-25-2015
Rick Woodall made a motion to approve the payroll from 11-25-2015 and Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 11-19-2015 were approved on a motion made by David Berry and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 11-25-2015 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 12-03-2015 were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
Claims paid on 12-07-2015 were approved on a motion made by Rick Woodall and seconded by Donald Walton. The motion carried.
Minutes from 11-16-2015 were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
Minutes from 11-16-2015 executive session were approved on a motion made by Donald Walton and seconded by Rick Woodall. The motion carried.
1. Thank you from Beyond Homeless.
2. Brochure from Total Patcher
3. IDEM Receipt of Air Permit Application from Chiyoda USA Corporation.
4. Office of the Prosecuting Attorney 64th Indiana Judicial, Circuit, Tim Bookwalter notice of Pre-Trial Conference on December 10, 2015 for the Ronald Brown case.
David Berry made a motion to adjourn and Donald Walton seconded the motion. The motion carried.
David Berry, President Rick Woodall, Vice President
Donald Walton Attest: Auditor’s Office